
Thursday, January 07, 2021

Peter Klevius: Lock him up - before he starts a war! And prosecute the police for excessive brutality that caused deaths among occupants.

 Donald Trump's friendship with the murderous Saudi dictator, and his hate speech against Chinese render him at least the same penalty that Assange, Snowden etc. are facing for just telling the truth about US wrongs the world needs to know about.

The Hong Kong police faced extremely violent riots during several years but didn't kill anyone - yet the US police managed to cause several deaths among Capitol occupants in just a couple of hours. Mayor Muriel Bowser: "The behaviour of the Trump supporters was shameful, unpatriotic and above all is unlawful. There will be law and order and this behaviour will not be tolerated.” Peter Klevius: As in Hong Kong, right.

Peter Klevius to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: You don't wanna be on this pic, do you?

Btw, how come that the media narrative of riots in US is so black and white (no pun intended)?!

US' and its puppets' Sinophobia campaign rooted in UK's appalling opium wars against Chinese people

Why do Sinophobic US government, BBC and UK parliament call it "deradicalization" in US, UK and Saudi Arabia, but "genocide" in China?! And why wasn't one-child policy against Atheist Han Chinese called "genocide" while Uighur muslims were allowed to have many children?! Btw, e.g. Sweden abducts proportionally many more children than China does in Xinjiang - and for extremely questionable reasons (read Peter Klevius' thesis Pathological Symbiosis and ask yourself why Sweden gets away with its Human Rights violations by hiding under the "margin of appreciation"). Answer: It's all about U.S. being a lousy loser and therefore behaving appalingly badly by spreading insidious conspiracy theories, smear, threats, illegal sanctions, militaristic aggression etc! Btw, China is already number one in economy and most technology - and accelerating compared to US. So you stupid US puppets - take note!

Peter Klevius fact/fake check: Why does Google (and BBC) lie and fake straight up your face about China?! When searching for 'world's biggest per capita polluters' China comes up with extra big letters despite being one of the least polluting of major economies (47th on a reliable polluters list). Moreover, China is not only the world leader for alternative technologies, but its pollution number also includes the biggest production of products exported and consumed all over the world outside China. Source: EDGAR and incl. all human activities leading to climate relevant emissions, except biomass/biofuel combustion (short-cycle carbon). 


Shame on everyone who blinks Saudi based and steered OIC's anti-human rights sharia for all the world's muslims while spitting on China!

Should BBC and some US/UK politicians be put on a Nurenberg trial after this dangerous, relentless and demonizing Sinophobia campaign and deliberate lies?

US is rottening fast now and should therefore go for peace and cooperation instead of confrontation! Despite using $-freeloading, sanctions, breaking treaties, murdering officials and politicians in other countries during state visits etc., hindering the use of tech previously used to monopolize US companies globally etc., US now wants to destroy Huawei and other Chinese companies, not for security but because US is inevitably losing the tech race. And no, it isn't the Chinese state support any more than US uses state support for force-feeding Apple, Google etc. and backed up by US state militaristic interventions, spying, interference, threats etc. globally. And China was the first to recognize the danger of Covid-19 - not "delaying" anything" but quite the contrary.

BBC News' deliberately misleading and dangerous anti-China rant 20200706: "China ought to be our enemy! We can't do any business with China because of Hong Kong, and the sterilization of Uyghur muslims which some people (BBC and its cherry picked guests?!) think amounts to genocide". Peter Kleius: That Chinese muslims should follow the same laws as other Chinese, and that China uses similar deradicalization programmes proposed in the West, BBC thinks is "suppression". And volontary sterilization in the West BBC calls "genocide" in China. And Hong Kong's security law is similar to those in the West - and not as bad as US - and are definitely neccessary to keep "one nation" together under the immense pressure from US and its puppet regimes.

2020 4th of July: Peter Klevius wondered when US women will get the same rights as Chinese women - ERA is still lacking from US constitution? Article 2, Chinese constitution: Women shall enjoy equal rights with men in all aspects of political, economic, cultural, social and family life. Peter Klevius also wonders why aggressive and assertive US attacks peaceful China (every schism has US fingerprints) while siding with the war crimes committing murdeous islamofascist Saudi dictator family whose OIC sharia clearly denies eqaulity for women?! China is doing more good to more people than any other country today. Is this the reason?!

20200701: BBC News asks for war against China but complains "we have only two aircraft carriers". Peter Klevius wonders how sick BBC has become?!
20200618: Why is the most cemtral witness, Inge Morelius (later aka Mårelius) in the Swedish PM Palme's murder case, deleted by Google's search engine from Peter Klevius revealing murder analysis?!

20200616: When China discovers Covid-19 with a European DNA profile on a cutting board for Norwegian salmon, the BBC thinks it's the communist party.

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