
Monday, October 21, 2019

Who stole Peter Klevius "white privilieges"?

And who locked him up in a racist prison because of the color of his skin?

And why does his penis make him less worthy than white women, especially considering he has fought more for women's basic Human Rights than most women?

Peter Klevius suggests - as he has always done since his teens - criminalization of all racist/sexist separatism (incl. sex segregation/apartheid*) - in accordance with the most basic (negative) Human Rights. And for those who out of ignorance don't understand it, or out of willfullness deliberately "misunderstand" it - just think about allowing certain, e.g. religious groups, to drive against red, instead of a traffic system where the rules apply equally to all (no dude, it's not about what vehicle you drive or how you walk etc.). 

Why are "whites" banned from separating themselves from groups who separate themselves from "whites"? And as it stands now, "whites" are the only ones who in their entirety are called "racist". Who mentioned stereotyping!

...just asking...

Separatism locks out basic Human Rights and feeds racism and sexism. And the separation borders (sex and skin color) cut indiscriminately through the human landscape (Peter Klevius 1992).

Due to the fact that yellowa are the most successful in general IQ and that blacks are the least, whites feel jealousy against yellows* and feel piti about blacks. And because men are more successful than women, we end up with the pattern seen above.

* Especially when yellows are packed in a big package marked Chinese.

 Muslims are used as a weapon against yellows in China by utilizing the deliberately blurred line between islamofascist muslims and those "muslims" who don't separate themselves with racist/sexist sharia supremacism.

Islamic sharia is all about separatism and includes containg (segregating) girls and women while imposing 'duties' and 'responsbilities' tied to sex - exactly the opposite to the anti-fascist 1948 Universal Human Rights declaration, which islam has abandoned via its Saudi based and steered muslim world organization OIC.  


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