
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Peter Klevius wonders what Petra Kelly would have thought about Theresa May and Brexit militarism?

NATO now bombs Kurds with chemical weapons - much like the socialist muslim dictator Saddam Hussein used to do 1988. Time for history and thoughts?

Petra Kelly founded the world's first Green Party 1979 - sadly the party then left her and ended up with fascists.

In 1982, Petra Kelly was awarded the Right Livelihood Award for "forging and implementing a new vision uniting ecological concerns with disarmament, social justice and human rights."

Kelly wrote the book Fighting for Hope in 1984. The book is an urgent call for a world free from violence between North and South, men and women, ourselves and our environment. Same year Peter Klevius wrote The Green Dilemma in which he warned for it getting lost through political infiltration.

1983, Erich Honecker, the leader of GDR, met Petra Kelly. She demanded the release of all prisoners of the East German peace movement and asked him why he repressed something in the GDR which he supported in the West.

Two Communist leaders with strikingly different views. Which one is closer to yours?

An ecologist is a healthy guy in boots who lies behind a knoll and through binoculars
watches a squirrel eat nuts. We can manage quite well without these bums.
—Nikita S. Khrushchev

The people’s growing ecological environmental awareness is one of the manifestations
of the democratization of society and a key factor of perestroika.
We must welcome this in every way possible.
—Mikhail Gorbachev

Theresa May and Margaret Thatcher have in common a trigger happy attitude to nukes. Who mentioned women and peace!

Margaret Thatcher forced François Mitterrand to give her the codes to disable Argentina’s deadly French-made missiles during the Falklands war by threatening to launch a nuclear warhead against Buenos Aires, according to a book.

Margaret Thatcher suggested threatening Saddam with chemical weapons (from Porton Down in Salisbury) after the invasion of Kuwait.

Margaret Thatcher in the eyes of Mikhail Gorbachev

'I said to Margaret that I had no instructions from the Politburo to persuade her to join the Communist party of the Soviet Union.
—Mikhail Gorbachev

I then unfolded in front of Margaret a diagram divided into 1,000 squares. I said that if all nuclear weapons stockpiled primarily by the US and the Soviet Union were divided into 1,000 parts, then even one of them would be enough to cause irreparable damage to all life on Earth. The question was, why continue the race, what is the point of this insane competition? She replied that they had been forced to respond to the nuclear armament of the Soviet Union – a country that had not renounced the goals of world revolution. I countered that it was the US that had started it all – it invented the nuclear bomb and used it in Japan, when there was no military need for it, just the political calculus. I said that documents had already been published showing that just after the second world war there had been plans to strike the Soviet Union, at its vital centres, which would have devastated and virtually destroyed our country. The US led the race, I concluded.

On top of it, let us not forget Winston Churchill's speech at Fulton, which in effect, ushered in the cold war.

Margaret argued the western viewpoint – and she was fully committed to it. In fact, she was the ideologue for the view that nuclear weapons were a necessary deterrent to the USSR.

I have to say that even later, and even after my meeting with Reagan at Reykjavik and the signing of the treaty eliminating all INF missiles, she continued to uphold her view of nuclear weapons.

In one of our conversations, when we had already come to know each other well and were talking amicably, though as always, earnestly, I asked her why she felt so comfortable sitting on a nuclear powder keg.

Be that as it may, it was then, during that talk at Chequers, that the special relationship was born, one that we not only preserved but expanded, working to change relations between our countries and put an end to the deep freeze in which they had been kept.

I recall vividly her first visit to the USSR in spring 1987. She amazed me by her knowledge of our domestic developments, her understanding of the nature of changes then under way, her ability to evaluate them realistically and her readiness to share with us the experience of what she called "my own perestroika". Margaret was eager to talk to ordinary people – not only in Moscow, but in Krylatskoye district, where she was greeted by hundreds of people. She also she visited Zagorsk, the site of the Trinity-Sergius monastery, a sacred place for Orthodox believers, and then went on to Georgia. That the Soviet people welcomed her so warmly and with genuine interest, that they were so open to the "Iron Lady", was evidently an enjoyable experience to her. I felt that it also gave her a different view of our country and its citizens.

Notwithstanding our differences of opinion, which remain, we worked closely and fruitfully together to advance the important processes of that time – curbing the arms race, European developments, German unification and reversing Iraq's aggression in the Middle East.

She was genuinely interested in what was happening in our country. She closely, and with astonishing command of detail, followed perestroika and glasnost, and sincerely wished for our process of change to succeed – though, of course, she had her own expectations as to its ultimate end.

But in her book, Statecraft, Strategies for a Changing World, Margaret, for some reasons, would not give full credit to the role the Soviet Union's new policies played in the global transformation of the late 1980s.

Both when we were in power and after each of us had stepped down from office, we met many times. Lady Thatcher was certainly a remarkable person and a major political leader. Even though our talks were sometimes quite dramatic and more than lively, I found them intellectually stimulating and admired her deliberate approach to all subjects, her thoughtfulness and her ability to stand her ground – stubbornly but persuasively. Indeed, she had a rare ability to delve deeply and thoroughly into the events of the past century, evaluate the scope and meaning of each of them, and analyse the unique features of different countries and regions.

Her experience as a state leader and her thoughts about the prospects of our changing world had to be appreciated whether one agreed with them or not. I valued my political and human relationship with Margaret, particularly during the most significant years of my time in politics. For me, she was "a person one can deal with". Our co-operation with Margaret Thatcher went beyond the routine of partnership.
—Mikhail Gorbachev

Monday, October 21, 2019

Who stole Peter Klevius "white privilieges"?

And who locked him up in a racist prison because of the color of his skin?

And why does his penis make him less worthy than white women, especially considering he has fought more for women's basic Human Rights than most women?

Peter Klevius suggests - as he has always done since his teens - criminalization of all racist/sexist separatism (incl. sex segregation/apartheid*) - in accordance with the most basic (negative) Human Rights. And for those who out of ignorance don't understand it, or out of willfullness deliberately "misunderstand" it - just think about allowing certain, e.g. religious groups, to drive against red, instead of a traffic system where the rules apply equally to all (no dude, it's not about what vehicle you drive or how you walk etc.). 

Why are "whites" banned from separating themselves from groups who separate themselves from "whites"? And as it stands now, "whites" are the only ones who in their entirety are called "racist". Who mentioned stereotyping!

...just asking...

Separatism locks out basic Human Rights and feeds racism and sexism. And the separation borders (sex and skin color) cut indiscriminately through the human landscape (Peter Klevius 1992).

Due to the fact that yellowa are the most successful in general IQ and that blacks are the least, whites feel jealousy against yellows* and feel piti about blacks. And because men are more successful than women, we end up with the pattern seen above.

* Especially when yellows are packed in a big package marked Chinese.

 Muslims are used as a weapon against yellows in China by utilizing the deliberately blurred line between islamofascist muslims and those "muslims" who don't separate themselves with racist/sexist sharia supremacism.

Islamic sharia is all about separatism and includes containg (segregating) girls and women while imposing 'duties' and 'responsbilities' tied to sex - exactly the opposite to the anti-fascist 1948 Universal Human Rights declaration, which islam has abandoned via its Saudi based and steered muslim world organization OIC.  


Wednesday, October 09, 2019

After having watched Portugal-England women's football Peter Klevius recommends Klopp as coach!

The secret of Liverpool FC's success is a German (Jurgen Klopp) and his extreme focusing on passing - exactly what Portugal's women should have needed.

England was lousy as well but got a self goal from Portugal's goalspoiler.

However, when Peter Klevius saw the senseless passing misses he realized that the Portugese players hadn't at all been coached and trained correctly about how to pass the ball.

With the Portugese women's coach Liverpool would no longer be in Premier league.

Btw, unlike many others, Peter Klevius has no problem with women being on average less physically strong than men - nor with men who are less fit or less strong than him. Nor has he a problem with the fact that women usually have less training time and often have to play on inferior pitches and therefore can't perform as well as their potential. However, teaching the theory behind passing strategies and how to calculate player movements before passing as well as how to position oneself as a receiver seems to be totally lacking in the Portugese (and many other) women's football team.

In summary Peter Klevius like to watch women playing footbal just as much as when men do. And he uses exactly the same measure when it comes to shortcomings which have nothing to do with the players sex. Moreover, Peter Klevius doesn't bother at all about the players sex life or lack of it. You shouldn't either! Lesbophobia is a deeply sexist problem that shouldn't be allowed anywhere near football. And for the stupid ones out there: The only reason there might be more s.c. "lesbians" in football is simply due to football not attracting cowards but strong girls and women who dare to shoot the ball straight in your face..  

Peter Klevius thinks Portugal's No 10 was the by far best player in the match.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Peter Klevius Brexit analysis about the Supreme Court's political decision in unconstitutional UK-land

UK-land's deliberately unconstitutional chickens are coming home to roost

The unanimousity of the unanimously Supreme Court, about an issue that divides the rest of the judiciary as well as legal experts, reveals its decision was political and therefore out of reach for the court. Moreover, the Supreme Court of UK-land isn't supreme precisely because it lacks a proper constitutional base and due handles to support its climbing towards a decision worthy of a real supreme court.

Tradition supports the view that the executive branch is generally bad. However, its constitutional value lies in its capability of acting in international relations. But the parliament of UK-land intervened with a hastily construed law directed against the executive power when it in fact tried to hinder such a move by progorating the parliament. Moreover, the executive power based its prorogation on 1) the Brexit referendum 2016, and 2) three years of Theresa May's "no deal's better than a bad deal", and 3) the parliament's repeated rejection of the only deal possible with EU. 

In its decision the Supreme Court avoided the political path by utilizing UK-land's lack of a real constitution and saying the parliament was historically the highest power. Obviously forgetting the people.

Klevius wrote:

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The trip to nowhere - ending in the Brexshit swamp of no Human Rights but plenty of sharia.

Although in many respect quite different, Peter Klevius and Jacob W.F. Sundberg - unlike the Swedish state - found a meeting point in Human Rights

In A Trip to Nowhere (1995) professor in jurisprudence Jacob W.F. Sundberg defends outdated views on marriage. However, his analyses of how the rights of the individual in Sweden had been politically eroded in favor of the state and state bureaucracy, inspired Peter Klevius to write Angels of Antichrist - social state vs. kinship, arguably the most important sociological paper from the last century - not the least because of how it for the first time weaved in sex segregation  in the analysis.

Social democracy and the rights of the individual (1994) was the last in Peter Klevius series )1991-1994) on the social state that also included Authority discration and the children, Daughters of the social state, Where the law ends tyranny begins, Parents helpless against false sex abuse accusations. 

Professor emeritus Jacob W.F. Sundberg (who was elected as the only Swedish law professor ever, in the American Academy of Sciences) contacted Peter Klevius in the 1990s because he had read my series of articles about the Swedish social state and Human Rights. Professor Sundberg has for long been a powerful critical voice against Sweden's neglect of Human Rights, especially when it came to family and property rights - to an extent that he forced Sweden to change its laws in accordance with that of the European Court of Human Rights. And the reason to the problem was a deliberately weak Swedish constitution. However, Sweden doesn't come even close to the constitutional confusion in UK-land, not to mention its enourmous Human Rights deficit due to Brexit. Jacob W.F. Sundberg is also to be honored as probably the deepest digging judicial expert when it comes to the state initiated famine in the 1930s Ukraine, the Holodomor.

Some hasty Brexit-related notes by Peter Klevius:

The deliberately unconstitutional creature one might call UK-land was made for colonialist and imperialist global meddling while avoiding global norms*.

* Today these incl. avoiding Human Rights and constitutional "handles" in negotiations with the civilized world.

In the absence of a proper written sovereign constitution for UK-land which would assert sovereignty of the people, the vacuum is filled by the doctrine of parliamentary supremacy. This is why the UK-land's parliament, instead of its government, can excecute power through hasty laws on political whims. This is also why the Supreme Court has to rule in favor of the government re. Brexit. After all, the parliament can't expect political support from the judiciary, nor can it expect judicial support for a hasty law that can't be classified as anything else than a meddling in the executive process - especially considering its own long record of decisions in line with what the government is actually trying to execute.

The legislative branch makes laws, but the executive branch may veto those laws, and the judicial branch can declare them unconstitutional.

The conception of the separation of powers has been applied to the United Kingdom and the nature of its executive (UK government, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and Northern Ireland Executive), judicial (England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) and legislative (UK Parliament, Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales and Northern Ireland Assembly) functions. Historically, the apparent merger of the executive and the legislature, with a powerful Prime Minister drawn from the largest party in parliament and usually with a safe majority, led theorists to contend that the separation of powers is not applicable to the United Kingdom. However, in recent years it does seem to have been adopted as a necessary part of the UK constitution.

The separation of powers requires that one of the three powers does not control the work of another.

However, the legislature and executive have a blurred relationship in UK-land due to its deliberate lack of a proper constitution.

The legislature can oust a government through a vote of no confidence.

Legal rules should be relatable to the Acts of Parliament on which they are based, but also necessary for the efficient working of government.

Is UK-land unitary or a union. Who knows - without a proper constitution?

The UK is not a unitary state because it depends on two contracts — the Acts of Union of 1707 and 1800. Therefore, UK Unionism is not like, for instance, French Jacobinism. The 1707 Acts are still in force. Although most of Ireland left the UK in 1921, the 1800 Act has profoundly affected UK politics. Northern Ireland is the relic of the 1800 Act.

Neither is the UK a federal state. Scotland and Northern Ireland do not have powers comparable to an American or an Australian state. Therefore, UK Unionism is not like Australian anti-federalism. When there have been subordinate parliaments (Northern Ireland 1921-72 and intermittently since 1999; Scotland and Wales since 1999), the supremacy of Westminster has been asserted by statute.

There is a severe tension between the Diceyan concept of parliamentary sovereignty. Northern Ireland is a ‘federacy’, i.e., a self-governing unit whose constitution must not be unilaterally altered by the UK government. As England - which ceased being a separate sovereign state 1707 - is the overwhelmingly dominant partner in the union state, it has been insensitive to these nuances - except when in need, as exemplified with Theresa May's disastrous DUP cooperation. England is the colonial oppressor of its three neighbours, getting by force the security or the economic advantage that it could not get by agreement.

Jacob W.F. Sundberg: When Mr Yngve Möller was working on the biography of Mr Östen Undén, he put the
question to a number of Mr Undén’s former collaborators how they had experienced his
attitude towards the Soviet Union and the United States. Ambassador Ingemar Hägglöf who
was one of his briefing officers 1945-1953, reportedly said that Mr Undén’s view of the
Soviet Union “was blue-eyed, rosy red, ignorant of the ways of the world”. The Foreign
Minister displayed unability or unwillingness to deny to the Soviet Union the norms and the
behaviour of a normal rule-of-law state, and he was more willing to listen to reports of things
unsatisfactory in the United States than to stories about abuses and lawlessness in the Soviet
sphere of interest. Mr Hägglöf was of the belief that this reflected an old enthusiasm that had
been created among young radicals like Undén and Wigforss and which lasted long.

Peter Klevius comment: Compare islam today! And when China was poor (after a series of militarist meddling by US and UK- which then triggered the Japanese)  and suffering under Maoism, then Western youth applauded it - including Peter Klevius former friend Carl-Olof Selenius* (state fed by SIDA through most of his life). However, now China is criticized when it prospers both itself and the world.

* He even seems to have managed to hinder his brother from continuing having contact with Peter Klevius - presumably because of the latters "islamophobia". C-O Selenius also appeared to be a supporter of Pol Pot and Mugabe. Peter Klevius has a collection of his letters from Kampuchea and Zimbabwe. At the time Maoism was rampant in his home town Uppsala in Sweden - now equally rampant with islamism.

No wonder 'human rights' are missing when you search for Carl-Olof Selenius.

Peter Klevius Brexit tutorial: A country is an area of land, usually defined by its prefix, e.g. Eng-land.
UK-land* is an unconstitutional chameleon cheat with four national football teams (to optimize chances) but only one Olympics** team (to optimize medals).

* 'Land' is an Old Swedish/Nordic/Gothic word. Etymological evidence and Gothic use indicates the original sense was "a definite portion of the Earth's surface owned by an individual or home of a nation". The meaning was early extended to "solid surface of the Earth".

** The purely commercial so called "GB Team" actually consists of more than Great Britain and UK-land. Northern Ireland isn't Great Britain, and  the so called "British overseas territories" aren't part of UK-land.

The Cheat-land/Puppet-empire needs to take a decisive step into a modern world - as one, two, three or four independent countries. But not as all of them - play it fair, please!

The playing without a proper constitution is a shameful remnant of a shameful empire epoch.

No wonder UK-land has a Brexit problem.

Btw, where's the Bank of UK-land - only Bank of England exists?!

Eng-land (incl. Wales since 1535) actually ceased being a separate sovereign state 1707. Is it time to become one again?

Monday, September 09, 2019

Sweden divorces the Brits

Sweden's main media ridicules the Brits and their incapability to adapt to a modern world.

Lena Mellin, an awarded Swedish journalist, previous head of news and now policy commentator on Aftonbladet (biggest news paper in Scandinavia): "I used to be amused by the Brits excentricity, their charmful stubborness that "the metric system is a newfangled idea", that men can only have black shoes after 18:00 p.m., that roses are God's gift no matter how spiky they are, that a cup of tea at certain times ought to be consumed with a bisquit, etc. etc.

But now this excentricity has gone too far and lost its charm and become more like a death wish, self harming or some other term for destructivity.

Brexit was a stupid decision. However after three years without accepting a deal UK was still allowed to get an additional 7 months extension, which the Parliament again wants toextend. PM Boris Johnson's concept is now the only logical conclusion. End of talk."

UK-land's Parliament can only agree on one major issue, i.e. that criticism of the worst ideological crime history knows about ought to be called "islamophobia" - and almost agree that China is very bad and the islamofascist Saudi dictator family (the guardians of islam) with the Saudi steered and based anti-Human Rights organization OIC, isn't necessarily very good but an "important ally".

Peter Klevius warns EU about UK/Saudi and perhaps also US "security cooperation".

Peter Klevius Brexit tutorial: A country is an area of land, usually defined by its prefix, e.g. Eng-land. UK-land* is an unconstitutional chameleon cheat with four national football teams (to optimize chances) but only one Olympics** team (to optimize medals).

* 'Land' is an Old Swedish/Nordic/Gothic word. Etymological evidence and Gothic use indicates the original sense was "a definite portion of the Earth's surface owned by an individual or home of a nation". The meaning was early extended to "solid surface of the Earth".

** The purely commercial so called "GB Team" actually consists of more than Great Britain and UK-land. Northern Ireland isn't Great Britain, and  the so called "British overseas territories" aren't part of UK-land.

The Cheat-land/Puppet-empire needs to take a decisive step into a modern world - as one, two, three or four independent countries. But not as all of them - play it fair, please! The playing without a proper constitution is a shameful remnant of a shameful empire epoch.  No wonder UK-land has a Brexit problem.
Btw, where's the Bank of UK-land - only Bank of England exists?!
Eng-land (incl. Wales since 1535) actually ceased being a separate sovereign state 1707. Is it time to become one again?

UK-land is a cheat land and a puppet empire under US hegemony and meeting in the worst and most dangerous point the world has ever experienced, the islamofascist Saudi dictator family which keeps the dollar and the world's muslims as hostage for its demands.

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Peter Klevius Brexit tutorial: UK-land* is an unconstitutional chameleon cheat with four national football teams (to optimize chances) but only one Olympics** team (to optimize medals).

* 'Land' is an Old Swedish/Nordic/Gothic word. Etymological evidence and Gothic use indicates the original sense was "a definite portion of the Earth's surface owned by an individual or home of a nation". The meaning was early extended to "solid surface of the Earth".

** The purely commercial so called "GB Team" actually consists of more than Great Britain and UK-land. Northern Ireland isn't Great Britain, and  the so called "British overseas territories" aren't part of UK-land.

The Cheat-land/Puppet-empire needs to take a decisive step into a modern world - as one, two, three or four independent countries. But not as all of them - play it fair, please!

The playing without a proper constitution is a shameful remnant of a shameful empire epoch. 

No wonder UK-land has a Brexit problem.

Btw, where's the Bank of UK-land - only Bank of England exists?!

Peter Klevius (the sacred* Aboriginal European and Anglo-Saxon - yDNA I, mtDNA Saami, and mother tongue very close to old Nordic) Brexit analysis: Eng-land* voted Brexit and UK-land's parliament approved it. A deal without a back stop is impossible because the open Irish border was created while UK (and Ireland) was EU-land. The only way UK-land could logically be removed from EU is by reinstating the border - or uniting Ireland. However, as Peter Klevius has said since 2016: UK-land deliberately lacks a proper constitution, so to utilize it as one or four countries/nations depending on what is most favorable.

* Peter Klevius doesn't really want to be "sacred" nor does he want to belong to any other group or "community" than the human one. That's why he for the whole of his life has really hated racist and sexist hate. And unlike many others he can prove it with records all the way from the 1970s.

** A country is an area of land, usually defined by its prefix, e.g. Eng-land.

Peter Klevius homelands and some of his genetic continental and overseas territories. Both his mother's and father's genetic trees are solidly rooted in the first Europeans. Is that why he in his book Demand for Resources (1992) attach himself to the "critical European tradition" in philosophy?

Four from Peter Klevius maternal lineage have just buried a fifth.
Peter Klevius father was a Goth born and buried in Gothenburg/Sweden.

Eng-land (incl. Wales since 1535) actually ceased being a separate sovereign state 1707. Is it time to become one again?

Friday, August 30, 2019

Peter Klevius warns EU not to support US space militarism monopoly*

* Why should the US be allowed to declare military ownership of the space surrounding our Earth?

 Super religious US could easily turn into a Saudi styled islamist theocracy under a future muslim leader.

Unlike EU, US lacks a defense against Human Rights violations - i.e. against islam.

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is a proposed but not approved amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex. It seeks to end the legal distinctions between men and women.

US sharia vulnerabilities:

1. US still lacks full Human Rights equality for women, which fact leaves an open gate for islamic sharia.

2. Unlike US, EU has its own Human Rights body, the European Court of Human Rights. And unlike the Saudi based and steered OIC's "islamic human rights" (sharia), EU's are copied from the original anti-fascist, anti-racist and anti-sexist 1948 Universal Human Rights declaration. Human Rights* standards do not become enforceable in the United States unless and until they are implemented through local, state, and/or federal law. International courts and monitoring bodies hence lack the ability to enforce Human Rights in the US.

* Human Rights, the most sacred thing we have as humans, ought to be spelled with capital. It's appalling to see an evil ideology such as islam which doens't accept the most basic of Human Rights, is spelled with capital while the latter is not.

3 US can't keep up with Chinese technology. The same happened with Japan but because of US bigger size and extensive license imperialism it forced Japan to adapt (computing, military cooperation, moving Japanes companies in US etc.). However, China's potential is more than ten times bigger than that of Japan. So if US chooses to see China as an enemy instead of a partner, then the road is open for a cultural conflict where religion is used as an excuse against China. And for that purpose the muslim religion is comes politically handy.

The US isn't necessarily the "defender of the free world" anymore.

The U.S. Supreme Court consists of three Jews, one Protestant-Catholic, and five Catholics. Not a single Atheist although there are equally many (and rapidly growing) Atheists (i.e. without religion) as there are Catholics, and only one (or a half?) Protestant although half of the US population call themselves Protestants (but most of them non-believing crypto-Atheists). However, the likelihood for an Atheist Supreme Court justice still seems slim. Why?

Greta should know about this halal feast but unfortunately the pic is too graphic for a child.

Peter Klevius wrote:

Peter Klevius wrote:

Saturday, July 6, 2019

In Women's 2019 Football World Cup the English Puppet Empire's coach turned out to be a lousy loser.

Peter Klevius congratulates Sweden's team for their superb win and bronze medal - with some extra credit to Jakobsson, Blackstenius and Fischer.

After the defeat the English coach Phil Neville considered it a "non sense match". Peter Klevius wonders whether he also considers the November 2018 friendly defeat against Sweden a "non sense match"?

Sofia Jakobsson's wonderful goal against England was perhaps the best we've seen in this World Cup. Why? Because it wasn't only perfectly aimed and curved, it was superbly timed on the right side of the defender who on the pic is on the right side of Jakobsson.

Peter Klevius recommends abandoning the Puppet Empire mentality and welcomes England as an ordinary country among others. Or are you a real country when you sometimes call yourselves a UK country and sometimes act as four countries?

Nila Fischer assisted as goalkeeper.

However, the 2019 Women's World Cup has mostly been mastered by senior players to a degree that makes one wonder where all the potential young female football geniuses are hiding?

Peter Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Peter Klevius congratulates Nilla Fischer for winning the 2018 Diamond Ball award in Sweden

Football (no dude, not American handball) is the Queen of all sports.

No, dear reader, this image isn't here to emphasize something so stupid as "sexual identity". What is it? Klevius doesn't have a clue about his "sexual identity" and certainly doesn't miss it. And why even care about it? According to the anti-sexist, anti-racist and anti-fascist Universal Human Rights declaration of 1948 sex shouldn't matter. And isn't it stupid to connect football with private life etc.? The only reason Klevius assembled this image was to emphasize that because football is the trickiest and most multifaceted sport there is, women's participation has been more questioned than in most other sports. 100 years ago in Sweden when women in Gothenburg wanted to start playing football they were "advised" to play handball instead. This aversion against female football has led to much prejudice bolstered by cultural sex segregation. For Klevius the image represents that deep love for football (or seduction as Klevius prefers it) doesn't exclude deep love for other humans. But perhaps most importantly, in Klevius research and interviews in depth it has become extremely clear that football provides precisely that liminal non-sex segregated space that is lacking elsewhere. And although Klevius might be described as extremely heterosexual, when watching females playing football it's precisely the de-sexed character of the sport that is most rewarding. In football women become humans.

Human Rights rather than sex segregated religion - drawing from 1979 by Peter Klevius.

Klevius also wants to remind you dear reader about these facts:

1 Women's football was (in practice) forbidden in 1921 in England by English FA because a female physician from Harley Street, London, witnessed as an expert that football wasn't appropriate for girls/women. This, btw, was the reason why Klevius bothered himself to write a PhD thesis about women's football history in England and Sweden. There's a deep connection - and you can read about it soon when it's out in book format.

2 In Sweden socialist women (Grupp 8) vehemently opposed female football in the 1960s and 70s.

Klevius wrote:

Monday, July 17, 2017

Women's Euro cup 2017 has started - but BBC's women ignore it and rather talk cricket(because cricket is Commonwealth - backwardness?!)

Football is the king/queen of all sports, and therefore officially banned for women in England 1921-1971 - and in practice unofficially still today.

Perpetua (died as a martyr 203 A.D.): "And I was stripped and became a man".

The focused women on these pics are - at least momentarily - freed from sex segregation, albeit not from a deep rooted sexism that renders their beautiful performance less worthy than that of men. However, Klevius can't stop watching these heroines, nor does he have any problem "comparing" them with Messi & Co. And Klevius still thinks Flo-Jo is (R.I.P. Flo) the best sprinter ever - no matter of sex.

Multitasking without hands.

How many girls in England are even aware of Euro Cup 2017? It has certainly not been given any space so far between BBC's huge amount of boring cricket, rugby, tennis, etc.

Russia's win today will probably not be celebrated by BBC.

Relying on the "expert" suggestion by a female physician from London's Harley street, FA in 1921 decided to ban women from playing football.

The ban was finally officially lifted in 1971. However, everything unofficially possible has been made since to divert girls/women from football to other sports. Why?

The answer has much to do with the simple fact that football (no dude, not American handball) is the most challenging of all sports. So how come? Well, just consider the fact that no other sport both lack any tools but also not even arms and hands are allowed to touch the ball while in play. This divine setup has therefore been seen among many as the most "masculine" of sports - not the least by many not football playing women.

Klevius old but revealing PhD thesis on the subject will soon be available in fresh book format. It shows how Sweden and England interacted in a way that was detrimental for early female football, yet in very different ways.

Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Klevius reports from Womens World Cup 2015 about heroic Japanese women and disgusting BBC

Japan has now won all their matches, only let in two goals, and has lifted up the technical level of womens football to never before seen heights. And England's women passed the knockout stage for the forst time ever. Yet BBC keeps silent and boosts cricket for girls instead.

Yes, in the previous posting Klevius asked for the blondest team to win in the face of black haters, but Klevius also said that he from the bottom of his heart wants the Japanese women to win because they are by far the best football players. And this is even more remarkable keeping in mind that football in Japan is a minority sport in the shadow of the American WW2 influences from baseball and American handball (aka American "football").

Mizuho Sakaguchi curled in a beautiful goal from outside the penalty area against Netherlands after an equally beautiful foreplay that was on level with Barcelona's male team.

Japan has tested three goalkeepers in this world cup and the only two goals scored against Japan so far has been when Ayumi Kaihori guarded the cage. She did so first in a 2-1 victory over Cameroon, and then again Tuesday when Kirsten van de Ven drove home a ball in added time.

Kaihori, was playing in place of injured Erina Yamane (dislocated shoulder).

 Unfortunately the Japanese women use to have the referees against them which fact encourages other team to add even more violence to what they already see as their only chance against technically superior Japanese women.

A disgrace for the beautiful game.

Klevius wrote:

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Japan women beat Germany in the world's hardest* sport

* The combination of no hands allowed, extreme individual freedom, 1.5-2 hours play on a 100 m long and 50 m wide pitch. This is also why the rest of the world can't stop laughing when Americans call their rugby "football"! Moreover, there's no difference in rules and gears (except for sport bras of course) whatsoever between women and men (although islam wants to change that of course). You can be a good football player no matter of your size or constitution. The world's best male player, Lionel Messi, is 170 cm (no 2 Christiano Ronaldo is 186 cm)  and the world's best female player, Marta da Silva, is 163 cm (no 2 Birgit Prinz is 179 cm)!

Karima Maruyama's World Cup goal was a real classic when it comes to football technique. Running at high speed towards the side of the goal and then, at the right microsecond,directing a kick just outside the opposite goalpost makes the forward inertia in the ball curving it enough to be out of reach for the goalkeeper while still making its way to the inside of the post.

Klevius question: Is this the real reason why football is by far the most controversial of sports when it comes to female participation? Check out: Did feminists kill the World's best female football team in 1921?

Sexist BBC

While some of the most exciting matches are played in Women's World Cup BBC decides to neglect it all together and instead offers EIGHT HOURS OF F1 RACING added by some golf etc!!! No wonder British girls/women in general don't have a clue about football and are among the most sex segregated in the world. This is then reflected in British men's due attitude towards women. According to many of my Finnish and Swedish female friends who have experienced Britain British men are the most sexist they have ever encountered in the West!

Of all sports a girl can use (many girls don't use any sport at all) to sculpture her future physicsfootball is by far the best.

An other moment of disgrace was when Mishal Husain's BBC news neglected the Japanese women completely and gave England's womens football team less than five seconds of air time (compare to some five minutes of womens cricket) when they won their knockout match to reach the quarter finals for the first time ever!

Mishal Husain's BBC news didn't mention Japan's victory at all but instead talked a long time about cricket as usual. Why? Simply because cricket is part of their muslim propaganda (compare e.g. cricket frenzy Pakistan, one of Michal Husain's muslim home countries.


Saturday, October 05, 2019

Human Rights Atheist Peter Klevius and Maoist Marxist Atheist Carl-Olof Selenius: A telling historical background to a divided world.

This completely unedited dialogue between Peter Klevius and his psychoanalysis defending friend (before Klevius turned "islamophobe") Carl-Olof Selenius, constituted the first step of Peter Klevius' (and the world's) first ever AI adapted theory on "consciousness", later presented in Demand for Resources (Resursbegär, Klevius 1992, ISBN 9173288411) and in a letter to Francis Crick 1994, and on the web 2004 (the s.c. EMAH theory However, the evolutionary basis was already published in Hufvudstadsbladet (Resursbegär, 1981 after encouragement from Georg Henrik von Wright (Wittgenstein’s own choice of successor at Cambridge). In the (Swedish) video above from 1990, Peter Klevius is critical of psychoanalysis although having no more insight in it at the time than average people. Later he went through all main Freud critics (incl. Ellenberger) but it didn’t change anything (see e.g. Peter Klevius thesis Pathological Symbiosis on the "web museum" - not touched upon since more than a decade).

The 1968 divide and its long and far lasting consequences: The right to be poor doesn't include the right to be a Marxist Maoist communist or a sharia islamofascist.

The cultural segregation (and genocides) caused by Maoist poverty communism is here exemplified by a Finland-Swedish (Selenius) and a Swedish (Myrdal) family history.

Peter Klevius, who has been close to the Selenius family, has got the clear impression that Carl-Olof Selenius after 1968 converted to anti-capitalist Maoism - and at odds with his father math professor Clas-Olof Selenius. In his book Demand for Resources (Resursbegär 1992) Peter Klevius thanks Carl-Olof Selenius for coming up with the sub title On the Right to be Poor - although the book per se didn't necessarily appeal to his Maoist views. Carl-Olof Selenius has worked mostly for the Swedish state sponsored SIDA and Afrikagrupperna aid organizations*.

* As a side note, when Peter Klevius made his second family he unsuccessfully asked Carl-Olof Selenius if he could possibly arrange for Peter Klevius (who couldn't get a mortgage) to buy a piece of land from the big estate Carl-Olof was to inherit from and which was neighboring the big estate that used to be Peter's foster home where he worked as almost a slave and was kicked out at age 17 alone to a foreign country without a penny or education. Yes, Peter has many good childhood memories - but only together with other children and adults outside the foster family.

A Google search on 'human rights carl-olof selenius' doens't produce anything. Does it reflect a socialist (or Maxist) aversion against the rights of the individual?

Sweden was a hotspot for Maoism and Uppsala its very center. The Selenius family moved from Finland to Uppsala 1968 when Carl-Olof turned 18.

Finland-Swedish Carl-Olof Selenius has spent most of his life with state supported aid organizations such as SIDA and Afrikagrupperna. This brought him to Pol Pot's Kampuchea, Mugabe's Zimbabve etc. Marxist hot spots. His Finland-Swedish dad Clas-Olof Selenius, who belonged to the same generation as Sweden's top Maoist Jan Myrdal, was a professor in mathematics at Uppsala University and an eager proponent of Finland-Swedish culture etc. - and very far from Maoism. When Peter Klevius was a child Clas-Olof Selenius thought he was intelligent and encouraged him to check out Albert Einstein - which he certainly did.

The social democratic Myrdal family parents shaped the Swedish social state and their son hated them and turned Maoist.

Jan Myrdal's father Gunnar Myrdal is best known in the United States for his study of race relations, which culminated in his some 2,500 pages 1944 book An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy. The study was influential in the 1954 landmark U.S. Supreme Court Decision Brown v. Board of Education. In Sweden his work and political influence were important to the establishment of the Folkhemmet and the welfare state.

Both in its Stalinist and in its Maoist variety, Jan Myrdal's radical Communism added to the already severe tension within the Myrdal family, as both his parents were leading figures within Sweden's ruling Social Democrat party. His ties with Alva and Gunnar would eventually be severed completely, dividing and scandalizing what had long been perceived as a "model family" in social-democratic Sweden. Myrdal went on to pen unflattering portraits of his parents in several autobiographical books, while acknowledging their importance as intellectuals.

Carl-Olof Selenius dad Clas-Olof Selenius was the first professor to encourage Peter Klevius intellectual life as a child 

 - followed by an other Finland-Swede, Georgh Henrik von Wright (Wittgenstein's preferred successor at Cambridge), and the Finnish professor in neuro science Jyrki Juurmaa, who gave the most flattering review of Peter Klevius thinking skills (based on a discussion re. how the visual cortex works in people who are blind from birth - see Peter Klevius EMAH theory on AI and "consciousness").

Since Peter Klevius started defending Human Rights from attacks by islam Carl-Olof Selenius seems to have terminated their relation. Much like Peter Klevius terminated his relation with associate professor Max Scharnberg when he supported muslim suicide bombers and said he would do it himself if he wasn't such a coward. Btw, Peter Klevius connection with Max Scharnberg was due to the latter's Freud criticism and contacts with other famous critics of Freud and psychoanalysis. This happened a decade after Peter Klevius had the above discussion with Carl-Olof Selenius about psychoanalysis, i.e. in 1990 Peter Klevius knew practically nothing about it but strongly felt it was suspiciously used against parents in child  custody cases. As Peter Klevius saw it, children were abused by social authorities precisely because they were the only humans accessible against their (and their parents) will. When a child reaches 18 he is out of reach forcompulsory psychodynamics/psychoanalysis (educate yourself by reading the thesis Pathological Symbiosis - especially the attached email correspondence.

On September 10, 1991, the Swedish mathematician and historian of mathematics Clas-Olof Selenius passed away in Uppsala in Sweden. The memorial service was held on his birthday, September 28, in Snappertuna church, on the southwest coast of Finland. Two years earlier a hymn entitled “Snappertuna,” written and composed by Selenius himself, was performed for the first time at Raseborg castle* in Snappertuna. In this song he praised in a subdued tone the solemn beauty of the countryside between the fen and the Baltic sea, which was his second home.

His parents and nearly all of his ancestors had come from Snappertuna or its environs, although the village is now incorporated in the small town of Ekenäs. C.-O. Selenius was a remarkable personality, endowed with many talents. He loved poetry, music, and theater (in 1971, he won First Prize in the FRIS [Finlandssvenskarnas Riksförbund I Sverige] National Poetry Competition).

He made himself known internationally as both a mathematician and a historian of mathematics. He was fond of the history of his nation and its great personalities. He took an active part in public life and politics, especially as a member of the Swedish People’s Party in Finland (acting as Vice President and President of its section in Nyland province in 1958-1959 and 1959-1961, respectively). He also held the position of town councillor (1957-1960) in Ekenäs, which is situated about 100 km west of Helsinki in Southern Finland, with a Swedish speaking majority. In 1975 the town rewarded him with a medal for his services.

* The Castle of Raseborg is located in Ekenäs, or formerly in the municipality of Snappertuna. Historically the name of the county was also Raseborg in the 14th century. The same named town is bilingual, the majority of the town being Swedish-speakers, taking up two-thirds of the population and Finnish-speakers being the minority, which approximately takes up the remaining one-third of the population.