
Friday, June 21, 2019

Peter Klevius congratulates Shanice van de Sanden for her good performans in the World Cup 2019 and for her work encouraging girls to play football - quite the contrary to BBC.

God Midsommar Holland and all others!*

* This is both old and modern Swedish. However, in the strange Swedish/Nordic dialect called "English" (which has become a global lingua franca) this is spelled 'Good Midsummer'.

Peter Klevius linguistic tutorial: 'Land' is an old Gothic (Nordic) word with exactly the same meaning and form in modern Swedish. English is a close derivative to Swedish. For linguistically truly ignorant English speaking people, here are some pre-English Swedish words still in common use today. They may sound familiar to you: Hår, skinn, blod, svett, huvud, skalle, öra, öga, näsa, läpp, tunga, spott, nacke, skuldra, bröst, arm, vrist, hand, finger, tumme, nagel, ben, knä, ankel, fot, tå, etc.

According to the female physician behind the 1921 FA ban, "the jerky movements in football risk reproduction and therefore ought to be banned." However, we still lack evidence of this "diagnosis" (from Peter Klevius PhD thesis).

Van de Sanden is one of UEFA's official ambassadors for #WePlayStrong, a social media and vlogging campaign which was launched in 2018. The campaign's "...aim is to promote women’s football as much as we can and to make people aware of women’s football, really,” Evans, another participant explains. “The ultimate goal is to make football the most played sport by females by 2020. So it’s a UEFA initiative to get more women and girls playing football, whether they want to be professional or not.” The series, which also originally included professional footballers Sarah Zadrazil, Eunice Beckmann, Laura Feiersinger and Lisa Evans and now also includes Petronella Ekroth and Shanice van de Sanden, follows the daily lives of female professional footballers.

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