
Monday, April 29, 2019

Klevius wonders whther you suffer from Taophobia?

Why would you prefer intrusive islamism rather than Taoist kindness? Saudi islamist mosques or Chinese high tech - which one do you think causes more suffering on UK/EU streets etc.?

 Klevius existence-centrism may sound familiar to many a Taoist but not to Saudi influenced muslims. Read the words if you can't stand Klevius voice and his hobby DIY noise with different instrument he knows almost nothing.

Saudi islam is directly connected to the Saudi "state" (i.e. dictatorship). Did you hear that 5 Eyes!

Original islam: In 627, the Jews of Banu Qurayza in Medina were falsely accused by the muslims of conspiring with the Meccans. Qurayza didn't commit any hostile act, but on the contrary, had been overtly correct in their behaviour. Banu Qurayza were appointed Sa'd ibn Mua'dh, a leading man among the allied Aws, a tribe that had already converted to islam, but whom they wrongly believed would judge in their favour. However, Sa'd passed an execution sentence against the Qurayza and some 900 Qurayza men were beheaded, and all young women and children were enslaved, and their properties confiscated.

Why are Saudi mosques etc. muslim supremacism with already for long proven malign influence, blinked while Chinese not at all as malign proven 5G tech is called "a threat"?

Chances are practically zero that you would assaulted by a Chinese Taoist. However, you or your loved ones could at any time be targeted by Saudi inspired, funded and induced islamist hate rooted in a medieval pillaging, slaughtering, raping and enslaving supremacist gang culture. Although authorities now do their utmost to hide muslim hate crimes (committed in accordance with islam's original agenda) against non-muslims, the historical evidence is overwhelming and the threat continues. However, nothing comparable can be said about modern China. There is no similar religious Chinese hate tradition, so you can be at least equally safe meeting a Chinese as meeting a non jihadi non-Chinese. And the 5G "threat" noise all comes out from US' 5 Eyes fear mongering for the sake of protectionism and divisive racist agenda. Klevius asks you to consider 5 Eyes in the context of the islamofascist hate and terror spreading murderous war crimes committing muslim Saudi dictator family.

Can anyone be more muslim than the Saudi Fuhrer and custodian of islam?!

And can anyone be more bigoted and hypocritical than Saudi supporting politicians and BBC? I mean, shouting "islamophobia" in chorus against any criticism of islam or muslims, while keeping silent (or adding a 'but' after some necessary "islamophobic" criticism against Saudi muslims) when SSS (Saudi Sunni Salafism), i.e. the very stem and root of today's islam and islamism is at stake?

So what's the difference between Klevius "islamophobia" and the UK Government/Parliament's "islamophobia" - both condemn the islamofascist muslim "custodians" of "islam's holy places" and both say they are for Human Rights. None - except for the fact that Klevius doesn't sell weapons nor does he participate in Saudi war crimes and terror, nor does Klevius support Saudi based and steered OIC's (all muslims world Umma organization) world sharia which violates the most basic rights in the anti-fascist Universal Human Rights declaration of 1948, which UK is supposed to respect.

Theresa May in her ignorant and racist Sinophobia and unhealthy Saudi islamophilia, said no to China tech and yes to sharia. But when tech experts told her that London needed 5G and that China was the only country able to deliver - Theresa changed her mind.

Can anyone be more muslim than the Saudi Fuhrer and custodian of "islam's holy places" and OIC (Saudi based and steered all muslims world Umma organization)?
Klevius suggests closing Saudi bank accounts and placing the islamofascist muslim Saudi dictator family on trial and de-radicalization

Sri Lankan PM: "There has been money coming in from Saudi Arabia over the last 20, 30 years to muslim organisations."

Per capita total harmful emissions: 1 Canada 2 U.S. 3 Russia 4 Japan 5 EU 6 Indonesia 7 China
CO2 emissions per capita: China is ranked ranked 47th, while the US has the highest CO2 emissions.

Everything China is accused of by UK fits better UK's "close ally", the islamofascist Saudi muslim "custodians of islam".
The only threat China poses to the world is its Saudi inspired muslim jihadis (e.g. some 18,000 fought in Syria). But when China tries to address it - it's blamed for it!

Without US/UK Saudi support, militarism and war mongering the world would be a safer and more wealthy place.

Moreover, China's successful distribution of wealth thanks to high tech means that if China had a democratic election right now, nothing would actually change.

China is also contrary to fake media reports one of the best technologically advanced countries when it comes to emissions per capita - lower than e.g. EU.

This is impressive, keeping in mind how much of Chin's emissions are due to products that are sent abroad and therefore not visible in the receiving countries numbers.

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