
Thursday, March 07, 2019

While sharia muslim Sayeeda Warsi warns about "islamophobia", sharia muslim Mona Siddiqui made an "indipendent" review of sharia courts in England for Theresa May.

Klevius question: How many hate crimes against Jews and non-muslims are induced by islam?

The task seems tricky considering the fact that the police lack the concept "muslim hate crime" all together.

Sharia muslim Mona Siddiqui is not only Theresa May's "independent" reviewer of sharia courts in England, she is also a frequent, meaningless empty high-sounding set phrases babbling sharia muslim on BBC News. Today she told BBC's compulsory fee payers (re. knife crimes) that islam is against murdering young people.

But the fact is that it is precisely islam that stands for most of anti-Semitic, and anti-non-muslim hate crimes.

Just as with Holocaust, it's not only Jews that are targeted. Islam induced hate crimes target Shia muslims and non-muslims as well, albeit with almost no media or police cover whatsoever.

No one knows the number of victims of muslim hate.

The islamofascist Saudi dictator family has been the by far most important spreader of islamic hate and terror. However, less visible but equally insidious is also Saudi based and steered OIC's spread of anti Human Rights in the form of islamic world sharia. Sayeeda Warsi has since long been an eager supporter of this evil - while simultaneously managing both to attack other sharia muslims as 'idiots' when they defend muslim customs, and defense of Human Rights against islam's attacks as "islamophobia".

Woman with 10-inch knife screamed 'I want to kill all you Jews' as she chased children outside synagogue
Forty-seven-year-old held over alleged hate crime in Europe's largest Hasidic Jewish community.

The Metropolitan Police said “a woman in possession of a knife behaved erratically” in Craven Park Road just after 9pm on Sunday.

A spokesman added: “This incident is not terror-related.”

Community Security Trust, a charity which looks to protect British Jews from hate, recorded 1,382 antisemitic incidents last year, the highest it has recorded. It said three-quarters of those were in London.

No one knows why the knife crime curve followed the activity rise of IS and its demand to attack Jews and non-muslims on the streets, in accordance with original islam "under attack".



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