
Monday, March 25, 2019

Klevius question to Jacinda Ardern: What's the dofference between Mali and New Zealand?

And why is BBC's muslim led, three hour long daily news program, completely silent about the slaughter of 134 muslims in Mali?!

BBC is the world's biggest provider of fake and deliberately blinked news. Same BBC is 100% uncritical to Sunni islam and Sunni muslims, while eagerly trying to get rid of any balancing competition.

Klevius wonders if it could have anything to do with islam and its custodians, the islamofascist Saudi dictator family?

Klevius suggestion: Get rid of islam in the voting boot!

Klevius wrote:

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Rokia Traore, the daughter of Mali slave masters, blames those who abolished slavery

Mali still suffers from more than thousand years of islamic Sharia slavery

In an interview today on BBC Rokia Traore blames the problem caused by islam  on the French "colonizers" who, in fact, liberated people enslaved by her own muslim Bambara community.

And islamofascism supporting BBC of course eagerly listened without questioning her rant which was distributed to compulsory license fee paying Brits and others.

And considering the fact that BBC is a deeply Arab capitalist company steered via its commercial Mideastern islamist BBC World section one shouldn't be surprised that the content of BBC's propaganda is heavily influenced by Arabic islam, the worst crime ever against humanity.

This is what Klevius wrote

Monday, July 23, 2012

When the West first visited Timbuktu it was an islamist slave disaster. Now Rokia Traore invites us again!

Rokia Traoré, singer from Timbuktu, commenting on pious Sharia muslims (what she calls "islamists") destroying non-islamic idols (just like the Saudis have done for long): 

“Mali is 90% muslim so this is clearly extremism. If the rest of the world let these islamists take this place as their place then it's the problem of the world

Klevius comment: Please read the islamic slavery history below, and contemplate the fact that islam sanctions slavery and that only slavery and jihad combined with rapetivism and apostasy ban can explain the origin of islam, and then seriously ask yourself: Why do I call myself a muslim?!

Rokia Traoré: Being woman doesn't mean you're in general less than men or you can do less than men. This is the wrong idea many women have, We are the source of power even if what we call power is in men. The question is: Who is the stronger, the source of strength or the strength itself?

Klevius comment: This must be one of the most pathetic excuses for sex aprtheid! No matter if she simply means procreation or if she means female heterosexual attraction in some confused psychoanalytical meaning.

Rokia Traoré: We can do more than Shakespeare could do because there was not so many things known about Africa centuries ago.
Klevius comment: Beg to differ completely! Just right now the understanding of Africa's history is at its lowest point ever mainly because of two reasons: The unwillingness to see islam's enormous destruction of Africa throughout 1400 years, and the sort of racist boosting of "Africans" and "African culture" due to an underlying assumption of African inferiority, when the only clearly visible reason for Africa's general historical backwardness is to be found in islam's Sharia slave finance that sucked out most of Africa's "libido". It's Koranic slave finance that made some of your ancestors rich and most of them poor/enslaved/murdered. And it's Western technology that made your welth that made you wealthy and successful Rokia, not islam!
When Shakespeare wrote about the Jewish slave trader and criticized the immoral of making money on human flesh, then this reflects Shakespeare's deep insight in the Jewish/Mahometan slave trade cooperation from his point of view of Italy and the Ottoman Caliphate. Today this knowledge is by all means suppressed and silenced, often by the help of the worst islamist dictatorships such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and their allies. .

Klevius history lesson for Rokia Traore about her Timbuktu

Timbuktu is a horrendous creation of Arabic islamic slave raiding/trading. Like Zanzibar along the East-African coast, Timbuktu functioned as a main slavery hub from West-Africa through Sahara. It's surrounded by desert and its only main income has been the Koran sanctioned slave trade. For someone who isn't completely ignorant about the history of islam Timbuktu's grotesque mosques screams out the sufferings of Millions of African slaves while simultaneously functioning as a "moral" cover up for this islamic Sharia finance by referring to the will of "Allah".

Btw, have you noticed how cruel and deeply immoral islamic slave taking often is translated to PC language, e.g. "through capture in conflict"! It's like when a muslim gang deliberaterly attacks a non-muslim boy who just happens to come in their way and it's described as a "conflict" or "quarrel" or "fight" by BBC!

An other false African voice

Essop Pahad, South Africa's Minister in the Presidency: "Africa has repeatedly been portrayed as culturally inferior but in Timbuktu, we are proving that the opposite is true." The background to this funny statement is that there are, not surprisingly at all, piles of Arabic/islamic Sharia etc writings in the Timbuktu mosques. So what?!

Quotes by René-Auguste Caillié (1830) who visited this islamic Eldorado and was deeply disappointed with what he saw:

"...a mass of ill-looking houses, built of earth. "
Describing his impressions on entering Timbuktu.

" The poor slaves work entirely naked, exposed to the heat of the burning sun. The presence of the master intimidates them, and the fear of punishment expedites the work; but they make themselves amends in his absence. "
A description of the conditions of African slaves working on a rice plantation at Cambaya, owned by a Muslim caravan leader, during his visit to Futa Jallon in 1820.

" The women, who had very little clothing, had their children tied to their backs. They were employed in collecting dry grass, which, being burnt, forms a kind of manure, indeed, the only kind they use. "
A description of the conditions of African slaves working on a rice plantation at Cambaya, owned by a Muslim caravan leader, during his visit to Futa Jallon in 1820.

 " [A peasant] who possesses a dozen slaves may live at his ease without travelling, merely by taking the trouble to superintend them. "
Describing the aspirations of African peasants in Futa Jallon.

" A single marabout superintends the slaves of his whole family, or several of his friends; and he assembles them all, sometimes to the number of forty or fifty under the same hut... The slaves work five days for their aster, and the sixth for the superintendent. "
Describing slave management in Futa Jallon.

Ever since Mansa Musa, the king of Mali, made his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1325, with 500 slaves and 100 camels (each carrying gold) the region had become synonymous with wealth. Slave trade from sub-Saharan Africa was controlled by the Islamic Empire which stretched along Africa's northern coast. Muslim slave trade routes across Sahara had existed for centuries, and involved salt, kola, textiles, fish, grain, but most importantly slaves.
Austrian geographer Hans Weis: The slave trade was especially lucrative. Guards carrying whips drove the slaves through the hot desert. "Only the youngest and strongest survived the two-month desert trek, and they were walking skeletons by the time they reached the Fezzan region, where they were fattened up".

Interested in Klevius' Roots Guide?

To get the full history about Timbuktu you need Klevius' Roots Guide which covers the world  history of islam's crimes. However, it won't be published before you start contributing to Klevius research although some minor details can already be found on Klevius sites and blogs! It's up to you dear reader. And please tell if you know anyone better equipped for the job! Extremely intelligent  and extremely informed while completely lacking any traces of religious or political etc fanaticism. No personal interest involved, just pure scientific curiosity and a strong belief in every individuals equal right, i.e. what we use to call the basic Human Rights not shared by islamic Sharia in any form.
And a conviction that telling the truth about islam will save many more lives and suffering than lying about it.

Klevius main problem however, is his happiness with life which distracts him a lot (see e.g. Inside Klevius mind). And as a non-religious (but see Klevius definition of religion) death for him is even happier due to its total lack of even minor irritants (honestly, wouldn't it risk  becoming a nuisance in the long run with 72 virgins hanging around. Even just a few over a limited period of time can be too many, especially if you also want to treat them as humans without sex apartheid). So what is needed is more motivation!

Klevius wrote:

Monday, September 04, 2017

How the islamofascist Saudi dictator family attacks Myanmar - and why the West supports it

The islamofascist Saudi dictator family is "the guardian of islam" (incl. "islam's holy places"* and all muslims' world sharia organization OIC). This extends the evil islamofascist Saudi dictator family's influence to some 1.5 Billion** muslims and "muslims".

* Ironically those places never existed in the first place (except the pagan Kaba) and therefore were covered by concrete and buildings by the islamofascist Saudi dictator family - so to hide theis non-existence.

'' The very nature of islam as an enslaver of non-muslims and reproducer of itself via sex apartheid under sharia has resulted in that very misery that is blamed on non-muslims. Islam is the very reason why Africa, Mideast and South Asia have been so backward.

Hla Oo (April 2013): From almost zero in the 1960s to more than 30,000 in 2013 the Muslim population grew massively in the small town Meikhtilar, the famous lake city of Buddhist heartland in Middle Burma. And believe it or not they’ve built 14 massive mosques and madrassas with free flowing petrol-dollars from Wahabi Saudi Arabia.

Without counting the regularly-shifting military-population from the LID-99’s cantonment area and Shandae the second largest air-force base in Burma the total population of Meikhtilar is only about 100,000 and Muslims represent 30% of Meikhtilar residents. With financial support from the Islamic world outside Burma the Meikhtilar Muslims prosper enviably amidst the Buddhist majority who have been agitated deeply by the growing number of affluent foreign-looking Muslims in the town.

The Arakan race riots last year and the unrelenting pressure on Burma from the Saudi-funded OIC-led Islamic world to grant the millions of illegal Bengali-Muslims on the Bangladeshi border Burmese citizenship have made the Buddhists, not just in Meikhtilar but the whole Burma, slowly simmering with deep anger for a while now.

Burmese nationalist politicians almost exploded when the so-called UN Special Reporteur For Human Rights in Burma and that anti-Burmese-Buddhist Tomas Quintana openly called for the repeal of Burma’s 1982 Citizenship Law so that millions and millions of illegal Bengali-Muslims would be granted Burmese citizenship. The perceived or actual control of local NLD – Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy – offices by the Meikhtilar Muslims has also inflamed that resentment and anger more.
“The Muslims already have money and commercial control and now they also want political control over us. Why?” the Meikhtilar Buddhists asked themselves and they do not like it at all, naturally. The Nationalist Buddhist monks’ 969 campaign to patronize only the Buddhist businesses also has been raising general awareness of growing Muslim’s commercial power.

Rapid Islamization of Burmese towns by Illegal Bengali-Muslims.
Hundreds of Burmese-Buddhists arrested and charged by Thein Sein Government for the recent riots in Meikhtilar and other rural towns in Middle-Burmar are all poor Buddhist villagers seriously affected by the rapidly changing demographics of Islamization in Burma by the illegal Bengali-Muslims, initially from the Bangladeshi border, rapidly spreading all over Burma.

After India-Pakistan war in 1971 and the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Bangladesh and the subsequent turmoils in that country had forced millions of Bengali-Muslims into Burma. Even the Bangladeshi Ambassador in Burma admitted in 1975 that at least half a million illegal Bangladeshis were in Burma then.
These millions of illegal Bengali-Muslims then had dissipated into Burma proper and with their rampant over- breeding, that illegal Bengali population has grown into more than three million Bengali-Muslims claiming Burmese citizenship now without any loyalty to Burma and her native Burmese-Buddhist people.

And that is the root cause of the burning of Muslims and their mosques and madrassas in Middle Burma just last week.
Thein Sein’s Government and ASSK’s NLD can blame as much as they wanted on certain political interest groups and even on the nationalist monks and their 969 campaign for the recent race riots or even on the recalcitrant army. They can also arrest and charge and jail as many Burmese-Buddhist rioters as they wanted for the horrific murders and the arson and the destruction these poor Burmese-Buddhists willingly committed.

But the anti-Islamic and anti-Bengali-Muslim riots will definitely be coming back frequently from time to time to haunt them ruling class as long as the root cause of these so-called race riots the rapid Islamization of Burma by illegal Bengali-Muslims is not totally removed.
Especially while their Islamic brothers Bangladeshi Muslims are committing the horrible Buddhist-cleansings in their former homeland Bangladesh.
(To pacify the restless Buddhist masses all over Burma, Thein Sein Government yesterday announced that all the Mosques destroyed  in Meikhtilar and other towns are not allowed to rebuild unless the Muslims can show solid proof that their mosques were originally built with legal permission from the Ministry of Religious Affairs.)

Not surprisingly, Muslim Brotherhood-linked George Soros has his filthy hands all over the Islamization of Myanmar.
The alarming trend among pro-democracy activists and popular Burmese politicians like NLD’s Win Htein and the 8888 Group’s Min Ko Naing is that they all are quickly becoming so-called Social Democrats – just a progressive-sounding name for left-wing Socialists and hardcore Communists in the Europe and the United States.
At this moment one of the self-proclaimed leaders of that left-leaning Socialists George Soros the American multi-billionaire and the founder of Open Society is in Rangoon and he has been secretly meeting the leaders of his pet group the 8-8-88 Students-turned-wannabe-politicians.
Billionaire George Soros is back in Burma again, asking human rights activists and ethnic leaders how he can channel his aid to better help the country transition smoothly from decades of military rule.

Billionaire George Soros is back in Burma again, asking human rights activists and ethnic leaders how he can channel his aid to better help the country transition smoothly from decades of military rule.

The European Socialists have been courting the NLD for a while now since ASSK was under house arrest and NLD has been sending its wannabe-politicians overseas to attend various meet-and-greet conferences of the Socialist parties in Europe. A group of NLD youths had just visited Poland for their Socialist lessons.
In my humble opinion the seriously left-leaning politicians in Burma are on the verge of copying the same multicultural policies from the European Socialists. And thus repeating the same serious mistakes by European Socialists of letting the Muslims and the Islamists take over their European nations and destroy their own cultures and societies for no good reason other than progressive inclusiveness widely known as the mulculturalism.

These stupid Socialists whether they are from Europe or USA or Asia didn’t realise soon enough that Muslims and their Islamic culture do not want to coexist with other cultures and religions but only to dominate or completely destroy other cultures and religions and our Buddhism is number one in their target list.

And while the European Socialists are now paying a very dear price for their mistakes our stupid Socialist politicians in Burma are now trying hard to copy their bad policies of Inclusion and Multiculturalism.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Rohingya Terrorists Want Islamic State In Arakan-North

The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) has rallied illegal Bengali Muslims the so-called Rohingya in Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships to establish a “Rohingya-only area” in Maungdaw District, northern Rakhine State, claimed Myanmar Army spokesperson Maj-Gen Aung Ye Win.

“Their [ARSA] main objective is to rally through fear, build strongholds, and declare the whole region as their liberated area,” Maj-Gen Aung Ye Win said at a Myanmar Army press briefing in Naypyitaw on Tuesday for military attaches of foreign countries and the media on attacks in northern Rakhine State.

“They managed to rally some 50 percent of Bengalis in Buthidaung and Maungdaw. They mobilized in different places for each household to send a person to participate in the attacks,” he added, referring to the stateless Rohingya population, which the Myanmar government and many in the country refer to as Bengali to infer that they are interlopers from Bangladesh.

According to the briefing, ARSA, which claimed responsibility for attacks last week on 30 police outposts and an army base in Rakhine State, sent a letter to the government on March 29 listing 20 demands. Recently declared a terrorist organization by the government, ARSA had been plotting jihad for some time, according to military leaders.

On Tuesday, home affairs minister Lt-Gen Kyaw Swe claimed that the recent attacks were a move on the part of ARSA to establish an “Islamic State” in Rakhine.

“Bengalis want their own territory. So, they drove Arakanese people out of the country and this resulted in conflict. They made political and military movements to demand their own territory,” said Maj-Gen Aung Ye Win, who is also the vice-chairman of the Myanmar Army True News Information Team.

Muslims account for 34 percent of the total population in Rakhine State, and there are 1,272 mosques in Buthidaung and Maungdaw, and no restriction of religion, he said. He claimed that the attacks were not religiously motivated, but due to the Rohingya being unwilling to undergo the citizenship verification process and wanting to gain territorial control.

The treatment of the region’s 1.1 million stateless Rohingya has been one of State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s biggest challenges. For years, they have been denied citizenship, endured apartheid-like conditions and faced severe travel restrictions.

Tensions had been running high recently between the ethnic Arakanese and Rohingya Muslim populations, who remained largely separated since inter-communal violence in 2012 and 2013 displaced around 140,000 people, the vast majority of them Rohingya. The worst violence that the area has seen in years has sent thousands to flee the area once again.

Deputy Chief of Military Affairs Security Maj-Gen Than Htut Thein said Parliament had rejected Myanmar Army proposals calling for necessary responses. The administration in Maungdaw had collapsed and hatred between the two communities had reached its peak, he added.

He said the Myanmar Army would ensure that a National Defense and Security Council (NDSC) meeting was summoned if necessary, adding that the army was striving for stability but that continued attacks could threaten national security.

Maj-Gen Aung Ye Win said the Myanmar Army was fully cooperating with the government and had offered suggestions, but the decision to summon an NDSC meeting was ultimately in the hands of President U Htin Kyaw.

(But after the emergency meeting between the Arakan Nationalist Parties and Burma Army top brass the whole elite division of LID-99 was airlifted to Arakan just this week and now being deployed along the Burma-Bangladesh border while other elite division LID-33 has been waging brutal clearing campaign on the remote May-yu Range in Northern Arakan.

ASSK's NLD government wasn't even consulted on that massive troop deployment. So far more than 20,000 army and military police troops are actively involving in uprooting the latest Muslim insurgency in Northern Arakan.)

On Monday, the President’s Office sent a letter to the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, instructing the Myanmar Army to continue cooperating with the Myanmar Police Force in operations in Rakhine State.

Maj-Gen Than Htut Thein said the Myanmar Army had to join the operations as the situation was beyond the defensive capacity of the police force.

The president, state counselor and Myanmar Army deputy commander-in-chief had discussions over the phone, in which they agreed to deploy additional military troops to the area and employ helicopters in the operations.

Urgent Airlift of 5,000-strong elite Light Infantry Division (LID) 99 To Arakan State.
(Carrying just one company a trip two heavy transporters from Burma Air Force took two days to complete the job.)
Tatmadaw Press Briefing On Bengali Muslim Terrorist Attacks

A Tatmadaw press conference on attacks by extremist Bengali terrorists in northern part of Rakhine State in August 2017 was held at Bayintnaung parlour in Nay Pyi Taw this afternoon.

Present at the press conference were Maj-Gen Than Htut Thein of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army), Tatmadaw True News Information Committee Chairman Maj-Gen Soe Naing Oo, Director of the Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare Maj-Gen Aung Ye Win, senior military officers of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army), officials of the Ministry of Defence.

Invited and attended were the foreign military attachés to Myanmar, members of Myanmar Media Council, Myanmar Journalists Association and Myanmar Journalist Network and reporters from local news agencies and locally-based foreign news agencies.

First, Maj-Gen Aung Ye Win clarified the background history of Bengalis such as the entry of Bengalis from Bangalore and Chittagong in the British colonial era, conflicts between Bengalis and ethnic Rakhines, Rakhine-Bengali confl ict in 2012, Bengalis’ terrorist attacks in 2016, solving problems, and the Bengalis’ focus on series of terrorist attacks from October 2016 to August 2017.

Maj-Gen Soe Naing Oo elaborated on terrorist attacks of extremist Bengali terrorists since August 25, 2017 and details of attacks so far, and Tatmadaw’s cooperation with police in repulsing the mass attacks of extremist Bengalis after attacks reached a level beyond the defensive capacity of police and Maj-Gen Than Htut Thein explained Tatmadaw’s actions in response to terrorist attacks of extremist Bengalis.

Military Attaché of Australia Col. Paul Andrew Bruce asked about the proportional size of security forces in search and raid operations; military attaché of Bangladesh Brig. General Rashedul Mannan proposed cooperation in counter-terrorism operations; military attaché of United States Col. Craig J. Tippins called for caution in search and raid operations, highlighting the possibility of some villagers shifting to the side of terrorists.

Member of Myanmar Media Council U Tin Maung Aye asked question about National Security and Defence Council meeting, U Hla Swe of Bullet Journal about Geneva Convention, and U Maung Maung Tun of News Watch Journal about the involvement of local and international non-governmental organizations in the attacks. Officials replied to the questions.

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