
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The global mosque house of cards glued together with "islamphobia" smear against the most basic of Human Rights

Oil islam has frenetically been building a global mosque of glossy cards* hoping that quantity could win over quality.

* mosques, university faculties "studying" islamic mythology, bribing politicians, infiltrating media and other companies and organizations (e.g. OIC/UN), and spreading the hateful "islamophobia" smear campaign against anyone daring to question islam's lack of basic Universal Human Rights equality for all (incl. women).

 Due to the "islamophobia" smear campaign against Human Rights combined with neo-colonial "Britisharia" the UK Parliament has been acting quite the opposite to what concerned most Brexit voters, i.e. Merkel's love affair with Erdogan at the time of the referendum and due fear of an influx of muslim jihadi via Turkey and EU to UK.

Sadly, BBC (the world's biggest faked news provider) hasn't been very helpful in protecting women's Human Rights equality but instead deliberately tried to silence the topic of how the Saudi based and steered OIC's sharia declaration robs women of their Human Rights.

And when Klevius and others, e.g. Nawal El Saadawi point this out we are called "islamophobes" and considered "racist".

Klevius promised after 9/11 that he will puncture this medieval bubble by the help of the anti-racist, ant-sexist and anti-fascist ideology of Universal Human Rights as described in UN's 1948 Declaration (UDHR). And of course it could never be a fair match because Klevius and UDHR sat with all the aces. However, political and financial interests have delayed the prize ceremony - and caused an unnecessary continuation of the suffering of islam's victims, both muslims and non-muslims.

Klevius wonders why this pic is considered "islamophobic"? Is it because according to muslim sharia (in whatever form) women shouldn't have equality with (muslim) men when it comes to Human Rights?

Theresa May lost all her credibility when she said "sharia is good for the Brits", after already having tainted it badly with her racist "hostile environment" policy which was mainly targeting EU-citizens while simultaneously tapping the back of anything islamic or muslim, i.e. what Klevius was the first to call "Britisharia" because it went in the very opposite direction of the view of most Brexit voters who were terrified about Merkel's love affair with Erdogan and due promise to open up for visa free entry to EU of jihadi migrants from Mideast disguised as "refugees" or with easily falsified Turkish paper work.

No matter how "resilient" and "determined" (or just stiff-necked) she might have been in Brexit negotiations, that doesn't compensate for her political betrayal.

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