
Thursday, December 06, 2018

On Finland's National Day Klevius suggests some thoughts to the forgotten "Finland-Swedes"

Kurgan love/rape affairs with Sami girls created bilingual "Finland-Swedes - and the answer to a genetic puzzle.

To understand why some people feel it's a"puzzle" see e.g.

On the trail of the Proto-Uralic speakers

The Levänluhta burials in Finland may be connected to the Late Antique Little Ice Age which was a long-lasting Northern Hemisphere cooling period in the 6th and 7th century AD, during the period known as late antiquity. The evidence comes from a temperature reconstruction from the Euro-Med2k working group of the international PAGES (Past Global Changes) project, using new tree-ring measurements from the Altai Mountains, which closely matches the temperatures in the Alps in the last two centuries.

Its existence was proposed as a theory in 2015, and subsequently confirmed as the interval from 536 to about 660 AD. This period followed three immense volcanic eruptions in 536, 540 and 547. One of the suspected volcanic sites for those events is the Rabaul caldera, in the western Pacific, which erupted around 540. The extreme weather events of 535–536 were the early phenomena of the century-long global temperature decline.

The evidence comes from a temperature reconstruction from the Euro-Med2k working group of the international PAGES (Past Global Changes) project, using new tree-ring measurements from the Altai Mountains, which closely matches the temperatures in the Alps in the last two centuries.

The 536 event seems to have led to the deposition of hoards of gold by Scandinavian elites at the end of the Migration Period.

Large volcanic eruptions affect global temperature almost instantly. Combined with a solar minimum (as we're going into right now) and due ocean and sea-ice responses, this might trigger a sun reflecting snow/ice cover that is the very hallmark of an iceage introduction.

Btw, today Finland-Swedes are continuously targeted by racist Finns - much more so than e.g. muslims.

Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Congratulations Finland, the oldest 'land' on Earth turning 99 today as a nation.

As Klevius has pointed out for decades, in Finnish (as in most other non-IE and non-semitic languages) there is no sex segregation. A person is 'hän' regardless of sex, not the stupid he/she apartheid Europe has inherited from sexist Mideastern "monotheisms".

Is this why Finland became the most progressive country in Europe more than a century ago? And do note that full (i.e. also electable etc) voting rights for women in Finland was the result of non-socialists. Partly social-democratic Sweden had to wait 15 more years to achieve the same.

The bilingual Minna Canth street sign in Helsinki reflects not only 600 years as part of Sweden but, according to Klevius, perhaps even more so the time before, namely as Kvenland (Queenland) the home of the Goths and the Vikings.

Minna Canth, born Ulrika Wilhelmina Johnsson, 19 March 1844, Tampere/Finland - 12 May 1897, Kuopio/Finland) was a Finnish-Swedish writer (i.e. mother tongue Swedish*) and social activist who wrote her most important works against religion and the treatment of women in Finnish. She inspired the proposal 1997 in the Finnish Parliament (actually same year as she died).

 * in Finland both Swedish and Finnish are official languages since long ago (also see Kvenland/Kvinnoland/Queenland

Drawing (1979) and photo (2012) by Peter Klevius.

Finland-Swedes from Kvenland to Kaukalanda*

* 'Kauka-' is an old Finnish word stem meaning 'far away' and 'land' comes from Old Nordic/Gothic. To understand this connection continue reading.

Finland started as Finnland but later became Kvenland (before the Viking age - see below) and then Finland as part of the Swedish kingdom until it became an autonomous part of the Russian empire, and finally an independent nation 99 years ago.

Is Finland becoming a "grand dutchy" of the Saudi led (OIC) sharia Umma or will it keep its hard fought independence?

These guys are making sharia business in Finland.

From a Finnish high school book:

Islamissa ensin tulevat miehet, sitten tulevat hermafrodiitit ja vasta sitten tulevat naiset.
Nainen on epäpuhdas
Suura 5.6:

(Kulttuurit (Kulttuuriperintö ja identiteetti) Lukion elämänkatsomustieto 4 et 13 ET 4. Viimeksi muutettu 19.11.2012).

Klevius translation: First in islam are the men, then the hermaphrodites, and only then comes the women. The woman is unclean.

Klevius' Finland-Swedish Hobbit story

The Dragon of Evil, Tolkien, and Moomin Mum

 The Dragon of Evil in the Tolkien calendar by Finland-Swedish Tove Jansson (author of Moomin)

Everyone (except islamist muslims) seem to agree that islamism is evil. However, many, especially politicians and muslims, claim that islam is "a great and peaceful religion". From this we may conclude that islamism contains both islam and evil in an inseparable connection which poses the question how islam could possibly be without evil - and beyond criticism. Even more so when considering that the original spread of islam during more than hundred years (before it settled as sultanates simply sponging on slave business - the so called "golden age") was completely based on evil religiously "justified" robbery, slaughtering, raping and enslavement of the "infidels". Islam's problem is it foundation in evil medieval parasitism that it has now brought to the modern society.

The twisted logic that evil islam should be blinked as "islamism" has led to a variety of incomprehensible stand points. For example and ironically, because of muslim terrorists muslims now ask for extra protection against "anti-muslim sentiments" - on top of the general protection already in place. Why? Does this mean that non-muslim right-wing politicians also should get extra protection because of right-wing extremists? However, the worst twist of all is by far the Saudi based and steered (by the Saudi dictator family) all muslim's world organization OIC and its sharia declaration via UN.

 Klevius has no knowledge about J R Tolkien's view on islam. However, Klevius is convinced that J R Tolkien would have shared Klevius definition of evil based on Human Rights equality.

J R Tolkien's main hero since he was a boy and throughout his entire life was Kullervo in the Finnish epic Kalevala. Many characteristics of Kullervo can also easily be traced in Beowulf and Hamlet both of whom were Scandinavians from a time when Fennoscandia was known as Kvenland (see further down). This period is called Vendel time after a small village near Uppsala in eastern Sweden which at that time was populated by Finns and some old Nordic speaking bi-lingual "Finland-Swedes" (see more about this further down).

Klevius is convinced that Tove Jansson would have full heartedly approved of Tolkien's choice of such an ambiguous hero as Kullervo.

The official Tolkien calendar of 2016 (left) is illustrated by Finland-Swedish Tove Jansson (aka Moomin Mum).

Tove Jansson has also illustrated Swedish and Finnish books by Tolkien (right). However, she is most famous for her Moomin books and illustrations.

Klevius wrote:

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Finland-Swedish Moomin Mum Tove Jansson 100 years

Back then Hitler (and Germans) cried for more cake - today islam (the muslims) do the same!

This brave caricature, 'more cake' was made by Tove Jansson in Finland during a time when Hitler (the Germans) were considered friend of Finland in its war against Stalin's communist Soviet-union.

Here Tove Jansson with her longtime partner Tuulikki Pietilä

Tove Marika Jansson (9 August 1914 – 27 June 2001) was a Swedish-speaking novelist, painter, illustrator and comic strip author from Finland. For her contribution as a children's writer she received the Hans Christian Andersen Medal in 1966.

Tove Jansson is best known as the author of the Moomin books for children and the astonishing The True Deceiver for adults. The first Moomin book, The Moomins and the Great Flood, appeared in 1945, i.e. the same year Astrid Lindgren, an other world famous Swedish speaking author, published her first book about the Tomboyish Pippi Longstocking.

Like Klevius, Tove Jansson belongs to the tiny bilingual Finland-Swedish minority. In fact, access to her summer house on the pic passes a nearby place where Klevius used to live, neighboring a carpenter who used to build Moomin furnitures for Moominland.

However, unlike Klevius, Tove Jansson never had kids. It's even alleged that she felt slightly uncomfortable with kids. So where Klevius has been a family man in practice, Tove Jansson created her family environment as a fiction.

For more on this topic do visit Klevius' Love Letter to Edith Södergran (an other world famous Finland-Swede).

The little bright Hobbit girl and the giant blonde warrior - and the bilingual raiders between Uralic and PIE.

 There seems to be no way of avoiding the fact that the first truly intelligent modern humans arose in northern central Eurasia. The art and genetic tracks (see below) are more than convincing albeit not yet visibly presented as such other than on Klevius book, blogs and sites so far (though the field is slowly but inevitably moving towards Klevius - compare for example Chris Stringer's slow repositioning of himself, yet still cautiously trying to keep one foot in NE Africa). 

 The people who got the new brain set up were short in stature as most Siberian people were until recently. However, when Seima-Turbino like phenomenons started (probably even long before Seima-Turbino and in reoccuring waves) big guys (compare Kurgan* burials) who, many of them, had become blond in the north, hunted for cute mongoloid looking girls (compare Kalevala). Some of those girls still possessed a great chunk of the original super brain (compare the Denisova cave etc) so some of the kids produced with the blond giants turned up really smart. Their smartness together with a strong physical constitution in a sparsely populated river way landscape with small villages/camps constituted an ideal environment for nomadic robbery. And after some time some of these guys had collected enough financial and man power to go further south. Klevius will in detail explain this development later. Suffice to say that this is also the explanationary basis for why the Goths from the north managed to conquer the whole of Europe.

* The average differance in height between native Greeks and the warriors from the Russian steppe was more than a foot - meaning e.g. that an Amazonian woman was mush taller than the typical Mediterrenean man.

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