
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Klevius nominates UK's new £50 note

UK cheat on a note that is doomed to extinction

The Bank of England is seeking nominations from the public for figures to feature on the £50 note. BBC suggests an upper class French-English Indian muslim. Why? However, Klevius nominates England's football cheater Harry Maguire. It's more in line with the new Brexit UK trying to cheat about keeping UK borders while skipping EU borders.

US puppet empire UK's Jeremy Hunt wants to double spending on militaristic meddling for US

 UK PM Theresa May shares with the world's most dangerous man the dislike of Human Rights and love for sharia.

Klevius wrote:

Thursday, July 05, 2018

English cheating in the World Cup - and in security. Watch up EU! UK's "close ally", the islamofascist Saudi dictator family, is allied with muslim terrorists and considers basic Human Rights a "terrorist crime".

From Samba football to flesh football - and from disarmament to a PM that wouldn't hesitate to nuke civilians and whose cabinet is unsure about what's going on in UK chemical weapons plants.

100 kg of England's No. 6 Harry Maguire throws himself pathetically down BEFORE what he thought could have become a touch - but never did!

Football ("soccer" for you handball suckers) is called the beautiful game precisely because it's the most difficult of sports and because it fits every size and form - just like Human Rights equality.

The tendency to use bigger players for the purpose of pushing down technical "samba football" is paired with extreme lenience against "divers". It's destroying football and the cure lies in the hands of the referees and those who educate/program them.

Is Porton Down the center of chemical weapons production in the world? According to UK Government's* own website it possesses more than 1,000 chemical weapons munitions at every single time.

* Do note how the UK Government tries to downplay it by telling "the truth about Porton Down" and that "there are  no aliens at Porton Down".

Porton Down near Salisbury where Novichok has been found among civilians on several locations, occupies 2,800 ha identified as a "Danger Area" .

Humans have died inside Portom Down after experiments with nerve agents. Huge areas of Southern England has been repeatedly showered with dangerous bacteria without people been told. Etc. etc. Look it up!

Animal experiments are generally kept secret. Media reports have suggested they include exposing monkeys to anthrax, draining the blood of pigs and injecting them with E. coli bacteria, and exposing animals to a variety of lethal, toxic nerve agents.

Bruce George, Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Defence Select Committee, told BBC News on 20 August 1999 that:

    "I would not say that the Defence Committee is micro-managing either DERA or Porton Down. We visit it, but, with eleven members of Parliament and five staff covering a labyrinthine department like the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces, it would be quite erroneous of me and misleading for me to say that we know everything that’s going on in Porton Down. It’s too big for us to know, and secondly, there are many things happening there that I’m not even certain Ministers are fully aware of, let alone Parliamentarians."

Today with jihad islamic hatred spread by the islamofascist Saudi dictator family, the risks are manyfold and growing.

There are thousands and thousands of hateful muslims in England. However, simultaneously there's an alarmingly expanding Human Rightsphobia (because of sharia finance) among politicians which paves the way for even mor muslim extremism.

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