
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Klevius to muslims: Show some courage and take a stance against Human Rights violating sharia! Be a proud apostate like Obama.

Can you trace "shariaphobia hate" and Human Rightsphobia in this image?

Klevius defends Greece's muslims' right to get rid of sharia.

From Wikipedia:

While the law permits a muslim man to marry a non-muslim woman, it does not allow a muslim woman to marry a non-muslim man without proof of his conversion to islam. Almost all muslim nations prohibit it.

Under muslim sharia, if a non-muslim woman is married to a non-muslim, and she converts to islam, the marriage is suspended until her husband converts to islam. She could, in theory, leave the non-muslim husband and marry a muslim one. If the non-muslim husband does convert a new marriage is not needed.

Modern practice

In practice, many Arab countries allowed interfaith marriage to Christian or Jewish women but not to non-muslim men. In Lebanon for example there is no civil personal status law and marriages are performed according to the religion of the spouses. There, Muslim women cannot marry non-muslim men, whereas this is possible vice versa, at least if the spouse is a Christian or Jewish woman. Turkey allows marriages to non-muslim men through secular laws. In Tunisia since 16 September 2017, muslim women can lawfully marry any man of any faith, or of none. In Malaysia (which by Western media/politicians was described as a "moderate" benchmark) a non-muslim must convert to islam in order to marry a muslim. The offspring of such unions are automatically muslims and all Malaysian muslims are legally prohibited from leaving islam (Riddah).

Interfaith marriage especially between Hindus and muslims often have been the bone of contention and have resulted in communal riots in India. Love Jihad, also called Romeo Jihad,  is an alleged activity under which young muslim boys and men target young girls belonging to non-muslim communities for conversion to islam by feigning love.

However, there's something peculiar with monotheisms. Canaanites, Jews in Medina, Catholic inquisition etc. And when will non-muslims get the same right to not be offended as muslims have?


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