
Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Why is defending Human Rights called "islamophobia"? Peter Klevius: It's because sharia islam violates Human Rights, dude!

The oxymoron* "islamophobia" has become the most effective smear and blacklisting method when it comes to an individual's career.

When Boris Johnson ridiculed burqas but stopped short of banning a Human Rights violating islamic symbol, it was just a standard political trick to eat the cake (getting anti-muslim votes) while keeping the cake (most muslim votes).

However, when it comes to Lord Pickles "islamophobia" cry paired with his statement (via BBC's eager sharia microphone) that "niqabs and burqas are part of being muslim - there are interpretations and muslim scholars who say niqabs and burqas are necessary", then it's islamofascism from a Human Rights perspective (compare UN's 1948 Universal Human Rights declaration against fascism).

Sheikh is chairman of Macmillan Sheikh plc, Iqra Ethical plc and two property companies. As well as an honorary Executive board member of The Islamic Finance Council UK

Peter Klevius has  since 2001 on radio etc. and since 2003 on the web, pointed to the disgusting fact that islamofascist muslims are grouped together with "cultural muslims" in one "the muslim world" package and in a way that only benefits Human Rights violating islamofascism. And do note that muslim terrorism actually comes handy for those defending the much bigger problem, i.e. islam's inbuilt Human Rights violations. Absence of physical violence doesn't mean absence of islamofascism.

The main point of demonizing and smearing Human Rights defenders isn't to desecrate individuals but to protect islam.

So why does islam need protection?

Because sharia islam (i.e. true non-reformed islam) violates the most basic of Human Rights. And it does it officially through the muslim's biggest organization, the Saudi based and steered OIC and its worldwide sharia declaration. The most basic of Human Rights are actually forbidden in sharia islam. It's no coincidence then that Human Rights are considered criminal acts of terrorism in Saudi Arabia. Ask Canada if you don't believe Klevius.

This evil side of sharia islam makes it in strong need of defense against Human Rights. That's the main reason behind "islamophobia" cries.

And this is why representatives of the islamofascist Saudi dictator family is pressuring EU and others to criminalize "islamophobia" as it is already in Saudi Arabia and true sharia islam.

Peter Klevius doesn't suggest criminalizing of certain clothing - only what that clothing stands for if it offends and annoys people who believe in universal Human Rights equality.


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