* If his non-muslim boss thinks "sharia is good for the Brits", then Sajid Javid as a Pakistani muslim, must be at least equally pro-sharia - and anti Human Rights, i.e. an Human Roghtsphobe.

Sajid Javid (far right on the pic) has ‘not sufficiently addressed’ flaws with EU citizens register, says Guy Verhofstadt.
The Pakistani government has made itself responsible for the Human Rights abuses committed by the Taliban by formalising its interpretation of sharia law. It is a moral imperative to challenge such law.
By registering as a "British" national (and paying an incredible fee and promising to respect an undemocratic monarch) while keeping your EU (or other) nationality you weaken your overall national status.
Dual citizens can be deported to "their country of origin" at the will of a hostile Home secretary on the basis of the dangerously vague "something that isn't conducive to British values". Klevius question to Sajid Javid: Is Human Rights violating sharia islam "British", and if so, does it mean that defenders of the most basic of Human Rights can be demonized as "islamophobes" and therefore - as in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia etc. - seen as "a security risk", i.e. being blamed for disturbing islamofascists in UK?
"Islamophobia" is our last hope for preserving full Human Rights
Sayeeda Warsi is an eager proponent for Human Rights violating sharia islam. That's why she's an equally eager hater of Human Rights defenders she name calls "islamophobes" - of course delcatly trying to hide it by pointing to less informed white "deplorables" and calling islam educated muslims "idiots".Countering those opposed to Sharia Law recognition, the Canadian government's Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage completed a draft of its Motion M-103 report, which recognizes "the need to...condemn Islamophobia" and "take action" against "religious discrimination including Islamophobia."
According to the Ontario Human Rights Commission, Islamophobia includes "acts of intolerance and racial profiling" towards Muslims as well as "viewing Muslims as a greater security threat on an institutional, systemic and societal level."
Klevius: This is why Klevius writes 'Human Rights violating sharia muslims'. I.e. to puncture the dangerously bigoted and hypocritical lumping of all "muslims" in one set that contains sub sets of both non-muslims (s.c. "cultural muslims") and sharia muslims who oppose the most basic of Human Rights. And when muslims turn out to be evil beyond doubt, then they are excused as being "no muslims" at all - despite the fact that they are closest to original islam and its tenets.
And to avoid confusion, do use the Saudi based and steered all muslims' world organization OIC's sharia declaration which clearly states that basic Human Rights (e.g. for women) constitute an offense against islamic sharia - perfectly in line with the islamofascist Saudi dictator family's "law" that criminalizes Human Rights.
Although every nation has the possibility to use the web outside its borders, they are still geographical nations unlike the muslim Umma nation which knows no borders and therefore may infiltrate anywhere with its Human Rights violating sharia.
The islamofascist Saudi dictator family is behind most of global sharia - for example in Nigeria
Even though the original muslim racism against blacks in general (just educate yourself on 1400 years of the Arab muslim slave trade in Africa where only those blacks who sold their own "race" were approved of) still seems to cause tension, Nigeria is all in the grip of Saudi spread sharia.
In Nigeria the Boko Haram lesson seems not enough. A sharia lobby group has called for the review of regulations governing "islamic banking", i.e. sharia, and sharia compliant products offered by conventional banks. The group, Bayt-ul-Maal Kenya, led by Sheikh Abdul Walid Ahmed, say they are currently collecting signatures from "faithful" to petition the muslim leadership in the country to support the idea. In a statement the group said “we estimate that by the end of the holy month of Ramadan they will have collected 18,000 signatures to petition the Kenya muslims to create the system that will enhance islamic financial sector in Kenya.” “The Constitution protects the rights of muslims under the Bill of Rights and also enables them to craft a financial system that allows them to practice their faith in respect of financial matters” explained Ahmed.
He said that Bayt-ul-Maal group has commenced gathering signatures to petition Kenyan muslim "scholars" to deliberate and craft "a modern day" (Western?) Bayt-ul-Maal (Islamic Treasury) catering for the "needs"* of muslims.

* Klevius wonders if BBC's muslim sharia reporter Mishal Husain also has a "need" for sharia?
Peter Klevius: Sharia finance is directly connected to muslim Human Rights violations. Sadly however, some people seem to blink the inevitable fact that Human Rights violating ideologies can't be protected by Human Rights.
And here's an other example of malign BBC info faking. Pakistan rooted Nazir Afzal dishonestly tries to cover up the disproportional amount of muslim child sex abusers by stating that there are more British perpetrators. And again, BBC's culturally perverted reporter (Edward Stourton) doesn't question this muslim stupidity at all.
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