* Klevius has been told that BBC deliberately tries to boost cricket propaganda while suppressing football etc. As a result English compulsory license fee payers are force fed with cricket in every possible and impossible part of BBC's news and other broadcastings by BBC. The situation is already laughable - but for how long will it be tolerated by the people? And was the horrifying crossbow incident last week a lunatic's response to this strange media propaganda? We've heard about attacks on football matches but never when it comes to cricket before. Who sane person could possibly be excited by cricket anyway - a "sport" that compared to football is like ice compared to steam. Or like comparing islamist countries with Atheist countries like China and Japan.
Is Mrs May digging a miserable "British" sharia caliphate grave under the Brexit cliff?
England is now almost totally dependent on its service sector - a sector that is robotized faster than the manufacturing sector ever was.
Is the laundering of dirty sharia blood money what England will be relying on after Brexit?
However, China is now not only leading robotization but also has the fastest future growth safeguarded today.
Top (industrial)robot companies in the world – robot install base worldwide
Fanuc (Japan) – 400,000.
Yaskawa (Japan) – 300,000.
ABB (Sweden/Switzerland) – 300,000.
Kawasaki (Japan) – 110,000.
Nachi (Japan) – 100,000.
Kuka (China) – 80,000.
Denso (Japan) – 80,000.
Mitsubishi (Japan) – 70,000.
Epson (Japan) – 55,000
Stäubli (Switzerland) – 45,000
Foxconn (Taiwan) – 40,000
Comau (Italy) – 30,000
Omron/Adept (Japan) – 25,000
While Theresa May threatens to kill hundreds of thousands with nuke strikes China builds a better world for itself and others. Just as Japan did after WW2.
England could benefit a lot by cooperating with China. China also loves football - you know, the game England invented. However, Mrs May prefers Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and cricket. "Sharia is good for the Brits". But Klevius wonders: Who are the "Brits"? British National Party or Muslim Sharia Council of Britain? Or perhaps May, Fox and Davies?
Mrs May, Mr Fox and Mr Davies want to sell Saudi islamofascist hate mongering as "British security competence" to EU.
The Great Wall of China has opened its gates - while Mrs May bows before the islamofascist Saudi dictator family.And BBC continues to miss the open goal, i.e. that out of the two islamic theocracies Iran and Saudi Arabia, one is democratic and the other is a full blown dictatorship. Just as they have missed that Saudi supported Bahrain has a huge shia majority with no democratic say whatsoever. BBC seems to compete hard for being the world's most faked, bigoted and hypocritical media company.
Theresa May dislikes Human Rights because they are against sharia - except when she criticizes China of course.
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