
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

BBC has now reached as far to the bottom it gets from the highest principles of journalism and ethical values, in its appalling defense of the worst evil on Earth.

When the islamofascist Saudi dictator family finally is forced to let women drive, BBC praises the medieval theocratic dictatorship while blaming "conservative clerics" - and ends with a visit to a Mussolini museum in Italy! 

How convenient... No matter how much evidence is presented about the Saudis - crimes against humanity, it's all blinked. And blaiming the clerics is complete nonsense because islam is the only power the Saudis have - and they do know that being "custodians of islam" is their palace fence - i.e. keeping all the world's muslims hostage for the sake of a greedy war crime committing family living on Western oil aid.

The Saudis use islam exactly as it was used from its origin, namely to get power for free by stealing and enslaving and then use the ideology against its critics.

BBC insidiously tried to make its ignorant listeners to see the evil Saudi islamofascists in a positive light while simultaneously "reminding" its listeners that fascism started in Italy - and therefore has nothing to do with islam.

Well, nothing could be more faked and misleading. Islamofascism IS the fascism of today and the Saudi dictator family is its main custodian.

The Saudis hide their terrorist links precisely by being the last medieval theocratic dictator "monarchy" and BBC happily repeats the lie: "The official (sic) Saudi state doesn't support terrorism".

Moreover, and possibly even more importantly, except for Saudi sponsored Sunni terrorism around the world, the Saudi based and steered OIC is an evil "peaceful" tool for violating basic Human Rights by replacing them with sharia. In other words, trampling Human Rights by referring to islam as a religion.

Most people on these pics weren't evil - however, evil resided in the ideology targeting the evil ones, with the power of the mass of "moderates".

BBC also tries to give its compulsory fee paying listeners the impression that it's the demented Saudi dictator's (called "king" instead of dictator by BBC) son who should be credited, when, in fact, he is if possibly even more conservative - albeit under hard pressure from Klevius and others, and therefore throws this bone away to keep the wolves busy for a while while he is continuing his genocides in the region and islamic hate mongering and intolerance all over the world.

[Ironically] Montfermeil will soon begin the construction of a mosque with a minaret 12 meters high. According to Lemoine, he yielded to the pressure and granted the building permit in order to combat the shortage of "muslim places of worship" (why do muslims need to pray so much). He hopes that the prayers and cultural activities offered will calm the spirits; but he has no illusions. “It’s a struggle between two cultures,” he sighs. “It’s a war between islam and Western culture (no, it's a war between islamofascism and Human Rights). France and all of Europe are in danger. If we refuse to see the extent of the Muslim threat, we are gravely at risk.

Will the Saudi hate mongering against Shia muslims and others get even worse after Mrs. Theresa May's Britisharia Brexit?

Islam is the most hateful, racist, sexist and divisive faith? So being an "important ally" with the worst Sunni bully (the islamofascist* Saudi dictator family) while spitting on Shia Iran, is as bigoted, hypocritical and dangerously divisive as it possibly gets.

* No matter how much oil money the Saudis spend on bribing the world, the only asset they have is their use of being "the guaridian of islam" and therefore also relying on the use of original islam, i.e. Wahhabism/Salafism. Without this they would fall immediate pray to "moderate islam" and vanishing into a "moderate modern" monarchy.

Human Rights Watch found that the incitement, along with anti-Shia bias in the criminal justice system and the Education Ministry’s religion curriculum, is instrumental in enforcing discrimination against Saudi Shia citizens. Human Rights Watch recently documented derogatory references to other religious affiliations, including Judaism, Christianity, and Sufi Islam in the country’s religious education curriculum.


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