
Sunday, June 25, 2017

BBC: Should EU citizens have the right to stay? Klevius: Should muslims have the right to stay?

Goebbels could have learned a lot from BBC about how to spread divisive hate propaganda.

Sharia islamofascism supporting BBC has eagerly searched for racist English citizens who don't want EU citizens to stay in England. Klevius now wonders why they have never asked the same question about muslims? EU citizens moved within EU with a common value basis. And according to the "islamophobic" European Court of Human Rights, sharia islam doesn't comply with EU values.

 Unlike residents from Commonwealth who were allowed to vote about Brexit, EU citizens, whom it reallyconcerned, had no vote. With EU votes there would have been no Brexit at all. This means Brexit is illegal from a basic democratic point of view.

Moreover, Theresa May and her racist supporters try to rob EU residents from even more of their basic rights while calling it "a fair deal". However, the only fair deal is that the government takes full responsibility for Brexit consequences - not rolling it over innocent EU residents who moved to England in accordance with a law that gave them full rights. And if England continuous to give Commonwealth resident the vote, then the same should be given EU residents in England who no longer can democratically vote about England via EU.

Sharia loving Theresa May with her "best ally", Mohammad bin Salman, "the world's most dangerous man", the new leader of the iskamofascist Saudi dictator family who has managed to murder and starve thousands of innocent children and adults in his Mohammedanian campaign for power.

At which point of her life did Theresa May become a racist/sexist supporter of Saudi islamofascism and Human Rightsphobia? Was it her vicker dad who made her prefer religious fundamentalism (sharia etc) instead of Universal Human Rights equality and democratic values? Her "me" campaign and sharia support makes her democracy soul (if she ever had one) heavily tainted.

So how many of the non refugee muslims? BBC won't tell you.

 Is this woman an "islamophobe"? Klevius thinks not. But she's certainly a hateful muslim if she tried to burn an other muslim sect's mosque or if she tried to make it look "islamophobic". Theresa May, Hillary Clinton etc. politicians have certainly given her every reason to do the latter.

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