
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Klevius question to Theresa May: Was it Russia or China who attacked England with terror last night? Klevius thinks not - but what about the islamofascist Saudi dictator family?

The real core problem is the islamofascist oil wealthy Saudi "guardians of islam":

If it was Russia or China it would mean a first ever attack against England by those nations (England, of course, has attacked China and Russia many times though and continues threatening and dismissing while having no problem whatsoever with the 'best ally' islamofascist islamic hate spreading and war crimes committing Saudi dictator family).

And of course, as usual, muslims and islam had nothing to do with a terrorist attack possibly induced by islamic tenets and produced by a muslim as a muslim. And the first to appear on BBC News was of course a muslim worried about muslims - and no mentioning about worries about non muslims.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday Iran was the vital force behind the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria and repeated Iran’s official stance that the United States and Saudi Arabia are funding “terrorism” in the Middle East.

“Who fought against the terrorists? It was Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Russia. But who funded the terrorists? Those who fund terrorists cannot claim they are fighting against them,” he said.

The islamofascist Saudi curse over US and England.

It's not that the West sees Iran (an islamic "democracy") as a bigger threat than the islamofascist Saudi dictator family, but that the latter has more (oil)money to lobby and invest because of more oil and much smaller population. The Saudi dictator family and their "beneficiaries" is less than 10,000 )
Moreover, the islamofascist Saudi dictator family is the "custodian of Sunni islam".

West's "justification", support and weaponizing of the islamofascist Sunni Saudi dictator family, is a direct invite to sectarian brutalities against Shia (the original muslims*) in not only the Arab world but around the world.

* Shia muslims are closer to the Zoroastrian origin of all Mideastern "monotheisms".

Pamela Geller (the Human Rights defending Jew whom Theresa May denied entry to England - anti-semitism?): Brace yourself for jihad attack part two in the information battle-space, as jihad spox groups such as CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc. take control of a sharia-compliant media and proselytize and lecture us on “fear of reprisals” and “backlashophobia” while clubbing us bloody with the mind-numbing manta that “Islam is peace.”

Strike terror into the hearts of the unbelievers (Quran 8:12)

Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them (Quran 8:12)

The Qur’an guarantees Paradise to those who “kill and are killed” for Allah (9:111)

Across dozens of pro-ISIS channels, we’re seeing celebration of this atrocity. They are hashtagging it #مانشستر which means #Manchester

    #ISIS account claiming responsibility for #Manchester already suspended by Twitter:

    — Megan Anderson ميغان (@PolicyLover) May 22, 2017

     “This is only the beginning.”

    Thanks to the feckless policies of the UK government and governments all over the West, that is undoubtedly true.

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