
Friday, May 05, 2017

Can these fakers sink any lower - and when and how should they eventually pay for their deliberate misleading and due prolonging of the suffering of victims of islamic hate, war mongering, war crimes etc.?

There seems really no end in politicians' and media's abuse of voters ignorance about islam - but huge efforts to demonize Russia whila protecting the worst islamofascist country in the world, Saudi Arabia.

Swedish Aftonbladet: Sweden roars against Russia because muslims in Chechnya persecute homosexuals.

And Huffington Post's analysis isn't quite Einsteinian either: Russia should stop muslims whose mosques are paid by the islamofascist Saudi dictator family, so that not to give the Saudis a reason to get away with it (sic).

Islamofascist sharia friendly BBC says UKIP lost voters because it was about to ban the burqa.

Klevius: Really? Brits are so keen on keeping the burqa? Islamofascist sharia countries like Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan require women to wear the burqa or niqab. Others still, like e.g. Pakistan, expect muslim women to cover their heads, but do not have strict requirements on how this is achieved. Also, do note that the list covers most of Theresa May's closest "allies".

An other fake news "report" by BBC: Marine le Pen was met with heckle when campaigning while Macron was loved.

Klevius: This is really how to make fake news. When some hundred  violent sharia muslim fascists and their supporters oppose her while thousands are listening to her, BBC chose this strange and partial way of "representing" it.

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