
Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Instead of distinguishing between evil* muslims and civilized Human Rights "muslims"**, friendly fire seems to be the most populist solution.

* 'Evil' is here based on what historians tell us about early islam.

** If you prefer you can have the quotation marks on the former. However, Klevius departs from the origin of islam, which, according to history as well as muslims' own texts, was all about looting, enslaving, raping etc..

UK's speaker of the House pf Commons can't stand President Trump because "he's racist and sexist" - but has no problem with ultra-racist and ultra-sexist muslim supremacy.

The bigoted and hypocritical UK speaker of the House, John Bercow, who has had multple problems with tax payers money, and who has no problem whatsoever to invite some of the worst Human Rights violators the world of today knows about. 

 Article 2 of Kuwait's constitution identifies islamic sharia as a main source of legislation. So for example, before a family court the testimony of a woman is worth half of that of a man. Kuwait also blocks web content "prohibited by Sharia" - i.e. Kuwait blocks criticism against sharia when it violates Human Rights.

Why fight President Trump when the real enemy is basic Human Rights violating sharia islam?

Or is it precisely therefore? It's so much easier to spit on Trump, isn't it. A blond, "white", "right-wing" (although he isn't nearly as "right-wing" as his party) President who wants to tackle the biggest problem of our time - sharia islam.

Trump is the perfect target for those defending islamofascism while having run out of decent arguments for it.

 Is Trump against women's equal rights?

We don't know exactly where he stands (except for the stupid dress code of course, which he shares with possibly most men and women - but not with Klevius). However, he clearly isn't far away from ordinary male UK PMs - and miles better than the Saudi islamofascists.

 Is Trump a racist? No, there's nothing indicating this. His ban isn't against muslims but against fundamentalist muslims who hate America.

Klevius repeats his suggestion since 9/11: Only accept muslims who share a civilized and logical Human Rights equality as already stated in the 1948 Human Rights declaration against all kinds of fascisms and totalitarian ideologies - incl. islamofascism.

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