
Monday, January 23, 2017

Fake history about islam - the worst and most extensive slavery ideology the world has ever experienced

The "politically correct" history of islam (i.e. untouched by "islamophobes") is the worst of all fake history narratives because its victims clearly surpasses those of any other evil ideology.

Klevius question: Do your children know about it?

Islamic slave raiding/raping/trading started earlier than the Koran, which was just a "justification" for what, even back then, seemed disgusting - unless of course "Allah" had approved of it. And that wasn't always explicitly mentioned in the Aramaic-Syriac Jewish/Christian texts that most of the Koran is copied from - albeit in a quite disordered and confused way. And the reason for the latter is not only practical, i.e. text errors and translation flaws, but much more importantly the problem of modelling an existing text into a pure slavery manual.

 So that's why Malik introduced Muhammad, half a century after his alleged death,  as the "messenger" who had got it from angel Gabriel, "Allah's" primary messenger.

Robert G. Hoyland: "Before Abd al-Malik (caliph 685-705) Muhammad (Klevius comment: allegedly dead 632 but see Pourshariati) is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever..."

An other British scholar on islam's early "conquests", Hugh Kennedy, clearly confirmed it by not commenting while hearing it in a debate about islam where he and Hoyland were the only experts on the topic.

The old Gambia was built on muslim slave trade wealth. I.e. the very Koranic slavery that devastated the African continent for some 1,400 years.

It was wealthy black muslim slave traders who captured and sold Kunta Kinte and others.

A muslim slavery king of early 20th century from Gambia with a visible British touch - and a more hidden but at least equally important Arab slave trade connection.

This is why islam isn't compatible with civilized Human Rights equality. And that's why islamic countries under Saudi based and steered OIC have decided to abandon basic Human Rights equality.

Klevius comment: The very formula of islam is enslvement of the "infidels" plus sharia sex slavery and reproduction of new muslims. This formula is the only one that explains islam's sudden appearance and fast growth. Also consider that islam is a branch of Judaism which in turn is a branch Zoroastrianism. And finally consider the Jewish Vagina channel and the islamic Penis channel - which explains why there are so many more muslims than Jews.

Klevius wrote:

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Rokia Traore, the daughter of Mali slave masters, blames those who abolished slavery

Mali still suffers from more than thousand years of islamic Sharia slavery

In an interview today on BBC Rokia Traore blames the problem caused by islam  on the French "colonizers" who, in fact, liberated people enslaved by her own muslim Bambara community.

And islamofascism supporting BBC of course eagerly listened without questioning her rant which was distributed to compulsory license fee paying Brits and others.

And considering the fact that BBC is a deeply Arab capitalist company steered via its commercial Mideastern islamist BBC World section one shouldn't be surprised that the content of BBC's propaganda is heavily influenced by Arabic islam, the worst crime ever against humanity.

This is what Klevius wrote

Monday, July 23, 2012

When the West first visited Timbuktu it was an islamist slave disaster. Now Rokia Traore invites us again!

Rokia Traoré, singer from Timbuktu, commenting on pious Sharia muslims (what she calls "islamists") destroying non-islamic idols (just like the Saudis have done for long): 

“Mali is 90% muslim so this is clearly extremism. If the rest of the world let these islamists take this place as their place then it's the problem of the world

Klevius comment: Please read the islamic slavery history below, and contemplate the fact that islam sanctions slavery and that only slavery and jihad combined with rapetivism and apostasy ban can explain the origin of islam, and then seriously ask yourself: Why do I call myself a muslim?!

Rokia Traoré: Being woman doesn't mean you're in general less than men or you can do less than men. This is the wrong idea many women have, We are the source of power even if what we call power is in men. The question is: Who is the stronger, the source of strength or the strength itself?

Klevius comment: This must be one of the most pathetic excuses for sex aprtheid! No matter if she simply means procreation or if she means female heterosexual attraction in some confused psychoanalytical meaning.

Rokia Traoré: We can do more than Shakespeare could do because there was not so many things known about Africa centuries ago.
Klevius comment: Beg to differ completely! Just right now the understanding of Africa's history is at its lowest point ever mainly because of two reasons: The unwillingness to see islam's enormous destruction of Africa throughout 1400 years, and the sort of racist boosting of "Africans" and "African culture" due to an underlying assumption of African inferiority, when the only clearly visible reason for Africa's general historical backwardness is to be found in islam's Sharia slave finance that sucked out most of Africa's "libido". It's Koranic slave finance that made some of your ancestors rich and most of them poor/enslaved/murdered. And it's Western technology that made your welth that made you wealthy and successful Rokia, not islam!
When Shakespeare wrote about the Jewish slave trader and criticized the immoral of making money on human flesh, then this reflects Shakespeare's deep insight in the Jewish/Mahometan slave trade cooperation from his point of view of Italy and the Ottoman Caliphate. Today this knowledge is by all means suppressed and silenced, often by the help of the worst islamist dictatorships such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and their allies. .

Klevius history lesson for Rokia Traore about her Timbuktu

Timbuktu is a horrendous creation of Arabic islamic slave raiding/trading. Like Zanzibar along the East-African coast, Timbuktu functioned as a main slavery hub from West-Africa through Sahara. It's surrounded by desert and its only main income has been the Koran sanctioned slave trade. For someone who isn't completely ignorant about the history of islam Timbuktu's grotesque mosques screams out the sufferings of Millions of African slaves while simultaneously functioning as a "moral" cover up for this islamic Sharia finance by referring to the will of "Allah".

Btw, have you noticed how cruel and deeply immoral islamic slave taking often is translated to PC language, e.g. "through capture in conflict"! It's like when a muslim gang deliberaterly attacks a non-muslim boy who just happens to come in their way and it's described as a "conflict" or "quarrel" or "fight" by BBC!

An other false African voice

Essop Pahad, South Africa's Minister in the Presidency: "Africa has repeatedly been portrayed as culturally inferior but in Timbuktu, we are proving that the opposite is true." The background to this funny statement is that there are, not surprisingly at all, piles of Arabic/islamic Sharia etc writings in the Timbuktu mosques. So what?!

Quotes by René-Auguste Caillié (1830) who visited this islamic Eldorado and was deeply disappointed with what he saw:

"...a mass of ill-looking houses, built of earth. "
Describing his impressions on entering Timbuktu.

" The poor slaves work entirely naked, exposed to the heat of the burning sun. The presence of the master intimidates them, and the fear of punishment expedites the work; but they make themselves amends in his absence. "
A description of the conditions of African slaves working on a rice plantation at Cambaya, owned by a Muslim caravan leader, during his visit to Futa Jallon in 1820.

" The women, who had very little clothing, had their children tied to their backs. They were employed in collecting dry grass, which, being burnt, forms a kind of manure, indeed, the only kind they use. "
A description of the conditions of African slaves working on a rice plantation at Cambaya, owned by a Muslim caravan leader, during his visit to Futa Jallon in 1820.

 " [A peasant] who possesses a dozen slaves may live at his ease without travelling, merely by taking the trouble to superintend them. "
Describing the aspirations of African peasants in Futa Jallon.

" A single marabout superintends the slaves of his whole family, or several of his friends; and he assembles them all, sometimes to the number of forty or fifty under the same hut... The slaves work five days for their aster, and the sixth for the superintendent. "
Describing slave management in Futa Jallon.

Ever since Mansa Musa, the king of Mali, made his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1325, with 500 slaves and 100 camels (each carrying gold) the region had become synonymous with wealth. Slave trade from sub-Saharan Africa was controlled by the Islamic Empire which stretched along Africa's northern coast. Muslim slave trade routes across Sahara had existed for centuries, and involved salt, kola, textiles, fish, grain, but most importantly slaves.
Austrian geographer Hans Weis: The slave trade was especially lucrative. Guards carrying whips drove the slaves through the hot desert. "Only the youngest and strongest survived the two-month desert trek, and they were walking skeletons by the time they reached the Fezzan region, where they were fattened up".

Interested in Klevius' Roots Guide?

To get the full history about Timbuktu you need Klevius' Roots Guide which covers the world  history of islam's crimes. However, it won't be published before you start contributing to Klevius research although some minor details can already be found on Klevius sites and blogs! It's up to you dear reader. And please tell if you know anyone better equipped for the job! Extremely intelligent  and extremely informed while completely lacking any traces of religious or political etc fanaticism. No personal interest involved, just pure scientific curiosity and a strong belief in every individuals equal right, i.e. what we use to call the basic Human Rights not shared by islamic Sharia in any form.
And a conviction that telling the truth about islam will save many more lives and suffering than lying about it.

Klevius main problem however, is his happiness with life which distracts him a lot (see e.g. Inside Klevius mind). And as a non-religious (but see Klevius definition of religion) death for him is even happier due to its total lack of even minor irritants (honestly, wouldn't it risk  becoming a nuisance in the long run with 72 virgins hanging around. Even just a few over a limited period of time can be too many, especially if you also want to treat them as humans without sex apartheid). So what is needed is more motivation!

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