
Monday, January 30, 2017

Why are islamofascists considered more welcome than President Trump to the UK?

Klevius acknowledgement as a proud "islamophobe": I'm forced by islam to criticize Human Rights violating muslim sharia which is against my ethical conviction based on Human Rights equality in accordance with the 1948 Universal Human Rights Declaration. Everyone who's got a problem with that needs first to face a mirror before spitting.

Where were the demonstrators when EU citizens were attacked in UK after the Brexit vote?! 

Sharia is pure sexism - yet Trump gets the blame while sharia goes free.


BBC and an islamist supporting socialist MP and shadow PM in UK dictate US on how to behave.

BBC and some politicians encourage islamist terror attacks.

Klevius question: If we root out "islamophobia", will IS, al-Qaeda, OIC etc. sharia muslims really stop hating us? Promise!

Ed Milliband (MP for Labour): Trump's ban is "divisive, discriminatory and horrific. I don't believe a state visit can go ahead. It's an "insult to many muslims". After a week as President, see what it means for the world."

Klevius: Isn't it sharia islam that is the most "divisive", "horrific" and "discriminatory"? So why not to challenge this hateful ideology just as we used to challenge other hateful ideologies, instead of appeasing it?

In Klevius series disgusting Human Rights desecrating hypocritical politicians.

Klevius wrote:

Raed Salah (a friend of Jeremy Corbyn): Very soon, Muhammad will be the most popular name in Europe.

Klevius: And most of them are muslim violators of Human Rights! If we don't start educating muslims about Human Rights instead of lying to our children about islam, then these future Muhammads and Muslimas will never understand the very evil origin and nature of Human Rights violating sharia islam.

So what to do?

Simple. Most muslims have a brain and understand logic. So face them with Human Rights logic according to which their system is hateful, racist and sexist. Most of these young males will probably abandon sharia islam if seriously challenged at all societal levels with the illogic of this supremacist ideology. And those who don't, then clearly define themselves as hateful and racist supremacists.

UK's former Labour leader Ed Miliband wants to root out "islamophobia" as a hate crime. And according to Jeremy Corbyn "islamophobia" is disgusting and deeply offensive".

Social state socialists* have never defended the rights of the individual because they are rooted in a mass movement (French revolution, Soviet Union, National-socialism, Mao's China, Cuba, DDR, Pol Pot etc.). This is why basic individual Human Rights freedom (the so called negative Human Rights) isn't defended by state socialists. As a consequence, these socialists are wide open for totalitarian systems like sharia islam. 

* The self-evident idea that we need a fairer distribution of wealth shouldn't be allowed to be monopolized by socialists who, in the end, prioritize themselves via the state rather than individuals in general. This is why Klevius throughout his adult life has proposed so called "citizen salary" for everyone. Initially the Green parties seemed to follow the same line of thoughts. However, when they turned out to be supporters of state socialism Klevius had to abandon them (see Klevius paper The Green Dilemma, 1984).

Some voices about Ed Milliband's sharia association

Leo McKinstry: Ed Milliband is far more dangerous than his awkward image suggests. An unprincipled, ruthless, opportunistic left-wing ideologue, he represents a serious menace to Britain’s future. Backed by the ScotsNats and Labour’s trade union paymasters, his regime would be one of debts, bureaucracy, mass immigration and constitutional chaos.

But now an even more sinister aspect to his leadership has emerged, one that threatens our essential freedoms. Miliband says he will make Islamophobia a serious crime to be prosecuted by the full might of the state. Flushed with self-righteous zeal, Miliband wants to ensure that the offence “is marked on people’s records with the police to make sure they root out Islamophobia as a hate crime.”

Anyone who believes in liberty will be truly alarmed. Miliband’s proposal goes against the entire tradition of western democracy, which holds that people should be punished only for their deeds, not their opinions.

In the name of tolerance, Labour wants to impose a form of totalitarianism, making a mockery of the concept of free speech. Like so many socialist policies, Miliband’s plan conjures up the dark, Orwellian world of the Thought Police, where all citizens are required to obey the ruling orthodoxy. I n January Miliband echoed the global outrage at the Charlie Hebdo massacre by Muslim terrorists in Paris, even joining other political leaders in the French capital’s official protest march. But his call for a British law against Islamophobia exposes the hollowness of his indignation.

Under his proposal, most of the Charlie Hebdo staff would have been in prison over their satirical cartoons.

Islamofascist state visits to the UK:

30 October – 1 November 2007      Saudi Arabia     Monarchy     King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, RVC (2007)
Islam's homeland where the islamofascist Saudi dictator family function as "the custodians of islam" and together with Saudi based and steered OIC spreads hateful racist/sexist sharia islam against "the West" and Human Rights. Islam's homeland is considered the most intolerant country in the world (North Korea being an other top contender albeit quite limited in comparison when it comes to spreading hate propaganda).

25–28 October 2010      Qatar     Monarchy     Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, GCMG (1976) and Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

Salafi version of Sunni islam is the state sponsored in Qatar as in Saudi Arabia. The state of human rights in Qatar is a concern for several non-governmental organizations. Sharia law is the main source of Qatari legislation according to Qatar's constitution. Flogging and stoning are legal in Qatar due to Sharia law.

According to Human Rights Watch in June 2012, hundreds of thousands of mostly South Asian migrant workers in construction in Qatar risk serious exploitation and abuse, often amounting to slavery.

27–29 November 2012      Kuwait     Monarchy     the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah GCB (2012)

According to Human Rights Watch annual report 2016, Kuwaiti authorities have invoked several laws to prosecute people for criticizing the emir, government on fake, sorry, social media. Kuwait has also been found to be one of the worst offenders in human trafficking according to a report issued by the United States Department of State. Migrant workers are subjected to conditions of involuntary servitude (slavery) by employers in Kuwait. The workers were subject to physical and sexual abuse, non-payment of wages, threats, confinement to the home, and withholding of passports to restrict their freedom of movement.

30 April – 1 May 2013      United Arab Emirates     Monarchy     Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan

According to human rights organizations, the government of the United Arab Emirates violates a number of fundamental human rights. The UAE does not have democratically-elected institutions and citizens do not have the right to change their government or to form political parties. There are reports of forced disappearances in the UAE, many foreign nationals and Emirati citizens have been abducted by the UAE government and illegally detained in undisclosed locations. In numerous instances, the UAE government has tortured people in custody and has denied their citizens the right to a speedy trial and access to counsel during official investigations.

Flogging and stoning are legal forms of judicial punishment in the UAE due to Sharia courts. The government restricts freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and the local media is censored to avoid criticizing the government, government officials or royal families. Freedom of association and freedom of religion are also curtailed.

Despite being elected to the UN Council, the UAE has not signed most international human-rights and labor-rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, and the Convention against Torture. Journalists from overseas frequently record and document human rights abuses that occur within the UAE.

Klevius: But otherwise ok! Good enough for official visits to UK and the Queen. But democratically elected President Trump - no way. Moreover, these countries also use real medieval torture for getting confessions - not marin "waterboarding" training against fanatic muslim terrorists who are known for having committed gruesome terror acts and whose information might save lives. No dude, Klevius doesn't approve of "waterboarding" etc. in any cases, no matter how "mild". But you know, Klevius is a wimp in these matters - and Klevius would probably get more info by just using his IQ. There hasn't been a lie invented as yet that Klevius would have fallen for. To be honest, it feels quite awkward sometimes.

How come that muslims get so much more support than other groups?

First muslims attack WTC twice (1993 and 2001) and the continue with countless terrorist attacks sponsored from Mideast (especially the Saudi dictator family), and then trying to prevent it is said "to breed anti-American sentiments" among muslims. Catch 22. However, we never see anything similar against other ideological criminals who commit hate crimes. On the contrary, "right wings", Buddhists, etc. seem not to be affected by the "propaganda tool".

There's nothing (except islamofascist apostasy ban) hindering muslims from adopting Universal Human Rights equality.

Between a third and a half of the Germans were Nazis. However, no one, I assume, would believe they were all keen on exterminating disabled people (the T-4 Program for " a programme of involuntary euthanasia" established in 1939 was the start of the Holocaust long before the Jews became involved), Slavs, Romani people, Communists (incl. white Communists), homosexuals (incl. white homosexuals), Jews etc. So how would the above reasoning have worked in Nazi (National socialist) Germany?

Wouldn't it have been better forcing the German Nazis to either abandone their ideology or at least marking a distinct line between moderate and radical National socialists?

How dumb are those morons who defend muslim terrorists?  Are these guys representative - or are they below average of supporters of islamofascism?

These fake facts guys really run into history as double fools, don't they. Do they also believe that Apollo landed in a West American desert added by a back projection of Earth?!

It wasn't the planes but the heat of the fire that changed the beam structure to a point when it could no longer keep up the many floors above the impact point. And when the top of the building hit the impact floor the force was enough to start a downward chain reaction causing the lover beams to vibrate /bend, hence causing what some morons thought were "explosions" caused by the US government. Klevius said it immediately when seeing the collapse first time on TV.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Women! If you're not too busy chasing the US President for his "locker room talks" - do take a look at Saudi based and steered OIC and its Human Rights violating sharia - BBC and CNN won't.

Klevius: The islamofascist Saudi dictator family and its basic Human Rights violating worldwide sharia organization OIC have to go! That would stop more hate crimes than any other measure. 

* UN has given the spread of Saudi islamofascism legitimacy by harboring this evil organization, hence motivating a "jihadi reading" in accordance with taht very original islam that Saudi Wahhabism is all about.

When Peter Klevius back in 1984 wrote 'The Green Dilemma', he had Orwell in mind. Today the Green Party has become the green islamist party - when will they share the Saudi jihad flag?

Today 1984 is again a top seller - but quite often for the wrong reason.

The 1984 tyranny is overseen by Big Brother, who may not even exist. The Party "seeks power entirely for its own sake. Winston Smith, is a member of the Outer Party, who works for the Ministry of Newspeak, which is responsible for propaganda and historical revisionism, so that the historical record always supports the party line.

Klevius: The tyranny is now islam/sharia, and the weapon is making "islamophobia" first socially unacceptable (try get a job if you're known as a defender of basic Human Rights against islamofascist sharia) and ultimately a worldwide "blasphemy crime" - as it already is in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc. "Newspeak" may be exemplifdied by Mr. Obama's and Mrs, Clinton's previous efforts to not mention the words 'muslim', 'islam', 'jihad' etc. when muslim jihadists terrorize non-muslims and "wrong muslims" while shouting "Allahu akbar". An other Newspeak strategy being the use of words like 'diversity', 'multiculturalism', 'refugees', 'immigrants' etc. when in fact it's clearly about mainly muslims.

Muslim Mehmet Kaplan (Swedish Green Party, and Housing and IT Minister, who is said to belong to the muslim terrorist organization Muslim Brotherhood) allegedly said it was right that Fadime was honor murdered.Fadime Sahindal came as a 7 year old to Sweden and became "too Westernized".

Fadime Şahindal was opposed an arranged marriage, and selected her own boyfriend. Her father found out about it so she then left her family and moved to Sundsvall, where her brother found her and threatened her. She went to the police who advised her "to talk to her family". She then turned to the media after which she turned again to the police and was now offered a secret identity. She filed a lawsuit against her father and brother, accusing them of unlawful threats, and won. Fadime was scheduled to move in with her boyfriend, Patrik, the following month, in June 1998, when he died in a car accident. On 21 January 2002, Fadime secretly visited her mother and sisters in Uppsala. During the visit, her father arrived and shot her in the head in front of her mother and two sisters. Confronted by police, he confessed and said to his defense that he was ill. Despite the confession, one of her cousins later tried to convince the police that he had killed her.

The naive Western "islamophobia" rhetoric (i.e. sharia "blasphemy" law) and indulgence with the islamofascist Saudi dictator family/OIC may be contemplated while reading the following view from Africa (but don't forget that it's the original islam and the later Muhammad that's the real problem):

James M. Dorsey: Creating Frankenstein: Saudi Arabia`s ultra-conservative footprint in Africa

[ Masterweb Reports: Annotated remarks at Terrorism in Africa seminar By James M. Dorsey, Singapore 18 January, 2017. ] - There is much debate about what spurs political violence. The explanations are multi-fold. There is one aspect that I’d like to discuss tonight as it relates to Africa and that is the role of Saudi Arabia. Let me be clear: With the exception of a handful of countries, none of which are in Africa, Saudi Arabia, that is to say the government, the religious establishment and members of the ruling family and business community, does not fund violence.

It has however over the last half century launched the single largest public diplomacy campaign in history, pumping up to $100 billion dollars into ultra-conservative interpretations of Islam.[1] That campaign has succeeded in making ultra-conservatism a force in Muslim religious communities across the globe. It involves the promotion of an intolerant, supremacist, anti-pluralistic interpretation of Islam that even where it rejects involvement in politics creates an environment that in given circumstances serves as a breeding ground, but more often fosters a mindset in which militancy and violence against the other is not beyond the pale.

What that campaign has done, certainly in Muslim majority countries in Africa, is to ensure that representatives of Saudi-backed ultra-conservatism have influence in society as well as the highest circles of government. This is important because contrary to widespread beliefs, the Saudi campaign is not primarily about religion, it’s about geopolitics, it’s about a struggle with Iran for hegemony in the Muslim world. As a result, it’s about anti-Shiism and a ultra-conservative narrative that counters that of Shiism and what remains of Iran’s post-1979 revolutionary zeal.

The campaign also meant that at times resolving the question whether the kingdom maintains links to violent groups takes one into murky territory. Again, I want to be clear, certainly with the rise of the Islamic State (IS) and its affiliates in Africa and elsewhere, and even before with the emergence of Al Qaeda, Saudi Arabia has made countering jihadism a cornerstone of its policy. That is however easier said than done.

What is evident in Africa is that the kingdom or at least prominent members of its clergy appear to have maintained wittingly or unwittingly some degree of contact with jihadist groups, including IS affiliates. What I want to do in the time I have is anecdotally illustrate the impact of Saudi-backed ultra-conservatism on three African states – Nigeria, Niger and Mali – and how this at times relates to political violence in the region.

Let’s start with Nigeria. One of the earliest instances in which Saudi Arabia flexed its expanding soft power in West Africa was in 1999 when Zamfara, a region where Islamic State affiliate Boko Haram has been active, became the first Nigerian state to adopt Sharia. A Saudi official stood next to Governor Ahmed Sani when he made the announcement. Freedom of religion scholar Paul Marshall recalls seeing some years later hundreds of Saudi-funded motorbikes in the courtyard of the governor’s residence. They had been purchased to enforce gender segregation in public transport. Sheikh Abdul-Aziz, the religious and cultural attaché at the Saudi embassy in Abuja declared in 2004 that the kingdom had been monitoring the application of Islamic law in Nigeria “with delight.”[2]

Like elsewhere in the Muslim world, local politicians in Zamfara were forging an opportunistic alliance with Saudi Arabia. If geopolitics was the Saudi driver, domestic politics was what motivated at least some of their local partners. Nonetheless, the lines between militant but peaceful politics and violence were often blurry. Political violence analyst Jacob Zenn asserts that Boko Haram even has some kind of representation in the kingdom.[3] A Boko Haram founder who was killed in 2009, Muhammad Yusuf, was granted refuge by the kingdom in 2004 to evade a Nigerian military crackdown. In Mecca, he forged links with like-minded Salafi clerics[4] that proved to be more decisive than his debates with Nigerian clerics who were critical of his interpretation of Islam.[5]

Once back in Maiduguri, the capital of Nigeria’s Borno state, Yusuf built with their assistance a state within a state centred around the Ibn Taymiyyah mosque and a compound in the city centre on land bought with the help of his father-in-law. Yusuf’s group had its own institutions, including a Shura or advisory council, a religious police force that enforced Islamic law, and a rudimentary welfare, microfinance and job creation system.[6]

It operated under a deal struck in talks in Mecca brokered by a prominent Salafi cleric between a dissident Boko Haram factional leader identified as Aby Muhammed and a close aide to former Nigerian President Jonathan Goodwill.[7] Under the agreement Yusuf pledged not to preach violence and to distance himself from separatist groups, an understanding he later violated. Boko Haram has further suggested that before joining IS, it had met with Al Qaeda operatives in Saudi Arabia.[8] Moreover, a Boko Haram operative responsible for attacking a church in Nigeria reportedly spent months in Saudi Arabia prior to the attack.[9]

Yusuf’s religious teacher, Sheikh Ja’afar Adam, a graduate of the Islamic University of Medina, presided over a popular mosque in the Nigerian city of Kano that helped him build a mass audience. Adam’s popularity allowed him to promote colleagues, many of whom were also graduates of the same university in Medina, who became influential preachers and government officials. Adam was liberally funded by Al-Muntada al-Islami Trust, a London-based charity with ties to Saudi Arabia[10] that has repeatedly been accused by Nigerian intelligence a British peer, Lord Alton of Liverpool, of having links to Boko Haram and serving as a platform for militant Islamic scholars.[11] Al Muntada, which operates a mosque and a primary school in London, has denied the allegations while a UK Charity Commission investigation failed to substantiate the allegations. Kenyan and Somali intelligence nonetheless suspected Al-Muntada of also funding Al Qaeda’s Somali affiliate, Al Shabab.[12]

Among scholars hosted by Al Muntada are Mohammad Al Arifi, a Saudi preacher who argues that “the desire to shed blood, to smash skulls and to sever limbs for the sake of Allah and in defense of His religion, is, undoubtedly, an honour for the believer.” He also reasons that the Muslim world would not have suffered humiliation had it followed “the Quranic verses that deal with fighting the infidels and conquering their countries say that they should convert to Islam, pay the jizya poll tax, or be killed.”[13]

Abd al-Aziz Fawzan al-Fawzan, a Saudi academic, is another Al Muntada favourite. Al-Fawzan advises the faithful that “if (a) person is an infidel, even if this person is my mother or father, God forbid, or my son or daughter; I must hate him, his heresy, and his defiance of Allah and His prophet. I must hate his abominable deeds.”[14] Organizationally, the charity also maintained close ties to major Saudi funding organizations, including the Muslim World League (MWL), the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), and Al Haramain Islamic Foundation,[15] a Saudi governmental non-nongovernmental organization that was shut down in the wake of 9/11 because of its jihadist ties.

Adam publicly condemned Yusuf after he took over Boko Haram. In response Yusuf in 2007 order the assassination of Adam, a protégé of the Saudi-funded Izala Society (formally known as the Society for the Removal of Innovation and Re-establishment of the Sunnah), which sprang up in northern Nigeria in the late 1970s to campaign against Sufi practices and has since gained ground in several West African states. Much like Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism’s relationship to jihadism, Izala after spawning Boko Haram became one of its main targets. The group has since the killing of Adam gunned down several other prominent Saudi-backed clerics.

Nigerian journalists and activists see a direct link between the influx of Saudi funds into Yusuf’s stomping ground in northern Nigeria and greater intolerance that rolled back the influence of Sufis that had dominated the region for centuries and sought to marginalize Shiites. “They built their own mosques with Saudi funds so that they will not follow ‘Kafirs’ in prayers& they erected their own madrasa schools where they indoctrinate people on the deviant teachings of Wahhabism. With Saudi petro-dollars, these Wahhabis quickly spread across towns & villages of Northern Nigeria… This resulted in countless senseless inter-religious conflicts that resulted in the death of thousands of innocent Nigerians on both sides.” said Shiite activist Hairun Elbinawi.[16]

Adam started his career as a young preacher in Izala, a Salafist movement founded in the late 1970s by prominent judge and charismatic orator Abubakr Gumi who was the prime facilitator of Saudi influence and the rise of Salafism in northern Nigeria. A close associate, Gumi represented northern Nigeria at gatherings of the Muslim World League starting in the 1960s, was a member of the consultative council of the Islamic University of Medina in the 1970s and was awarded for his efforts with the King Faisal Prize in 1987. All along, Gumi and Izala benefitted from generous Saudi financial support for its anti-Sufi and anti-Shiite campaigns.[17]

Adam and Gumi’s close ties to the kingdom did not mean that they uncritically adopted Saudi views. Their ultra-conservative views did not prevent them from at times adopting positions that took local circumstances in northern Nigeria into account at the expense of ultra-conservative rigidity. Adam’s questioning of the legitimacy of democracy, for example, did not stop him becoming for a period of time a government official in the state of Kano. In another example, Gumi at one point urged Muslim women to vote because “politics is more important than prayer,” a position that at the time would have been anathema to Saudi-backed ultra-conservative scholars. Similarly, Adam suggested that Salafists and Kano’s two major Sufi orders, viewed by Saudi puritans as heretics, should have equal shares of an annual, public Ramadan service.[18]

Peregrino Brimah, a trained medical doctor who teaches biology, anatomy and physiology at colleges in New York never gave much thought while growing up in Nigeria to the fact that clerics increasingly were developing links to Saudi Arabia. “You could see the money, the big ones were leading the good life, they ran scholarship programs. In fact, I was offered a scholarship to study at King Fahd University in Riyadh. I never thought about it until December 2015 when up to a 1,000 Shiites were killed by the military in northern Nigeria,” Brimah said.[19] “Since I started looking at it, I’ve realized how successful, how extraordinarily successful the Wahhabis have been.”

Brimah decided to stand up for Shiite rights after the incident in which the military arrested prominent Shiite cleric Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky following a clash with members of Shiites in Kaduna state.[20] The Nigerian military confirmed that it had attacked sites in the ancient university town Zaria after hundreds of Shia demonstrators had blocked a convoy of Nigeria's army chief General Tukur Buratai in an alleged effort to kill him. Military police said Shiites had crawled through tall grass towards Buratai's vehicle "with the intent to attack the vehicle with [a] petrol bomb" while others "suddenly resorted to firing gunshots from the direction of the mosque.” Scores were killed in the incident.[21] A phone call to Nigerian President Mohammed Buhari in which King Salman expressed his support for the government’s fight against terrorist groups was widely seen as Saudi endorsement of the military’s crackdown on the country’s Shiite minority. The state-owned Saudi Press Agency quoted Salman as saying that Islam condemned such “criminal acts” and that the kingdom in a reference to Iran opposed foreign interference in Nigeria.[22]

Brimah’s defense of the Shiites has cost him dearly and further illustrated the degree to which Saudi-funded Wahhabism and Salafism had altered the nature of Nigerian society. “I lost everything I had built on social media the minute I stood up for the Shiites. I had thousands of fans. Suddenly, I was losing 2-300 followers a day. My brother hasn’t spoken to me since. The last thing he said to me is: ‘how can you adopt Shiite ideology?’ I raised the issue in a Sunni chat forum. It became quickly clear that these attitudes were not accidental. They are the product of Saudi-sponsored teachings of serious hatred. People don’t understand what they are being taught. They rejoice when thousand Shiites are killed. Even worse is the fact that they hate people like me who stand up for the Shiites even more than they hate the Shiite themselves.”

In response to Brimah’s writing about the clash, Buratai, the Nigerian army chief, invited him to for a chat. Brimah politely declined. After again, accusing the military of having massacred Shiites, Buratai’s spokesman, Col. SK Usman, adopting the Saudi line of Shiites being Iranian stooges, accused Brimah of being on the Islamic republic’s payroll. “Several of us hold you in high esteem based on perceived honesty, intellectual prowess and ability to speak your mind. That was before, but the recent incident of attempted assassination of the Chief of Army Staff by the Islamic Movement of Nigeria and subsequent events and actions by some groups and individuals such as you made one to have a rethink. I was quite aware of your concerted effort to smear the good name and reputation of the Chief of Army Staff to the extent of calling for his resignation. He went out of his way to write to you and even invited you for constructive engagement. But because you have dubious intents, you cleverly refused…. God indeed is very merciful for exposing you. Let me make it abundantly clear to you that your acts are not directed to the person of the Chief of Army Staff, they have far reaching implication on our national security. Please think about it and mend your ways and refund whatever funds you coveted for the campaign of calumny,” Usman wrote in the mail.[23] Brimah’s inbox has since then been inundated with anti-Shiite, anti-Iranian writings in what he believes is a military-inspired campaign.

Brimah was not the only one to voice opposition to Saudi-backed ultra-conservatism. Murtada Muhammad Gusau, Chief Imam of Nagazi-Uvete Jumu’at Mosque and Alhaji Abdurrahman Okene’ s Mosque in Nigeria’s Okene Kogi State took exception to the kingdom’s global effort to criminalize blasphemy, legitimize in the process curbs on free speech, and reinforce growing Muslim intolerance towards any unfettered discussion of the faith.  In a lengthy article in a Nigerian newspaper, Gusau debunked the Saudi-inspired crackdown on alleged blasphemists citing multiple verses from the Qur’an that advocate patience and tolerance and reject the killing of those that curse or berate the Prophet Mohammed.[24]

Brimah and Gusau were among the relatively few willing to invoke the wrath of spreading ultra-conservative, sectarian forms of Islam across a swath of Africa at an often dizzying pace. In the process, African politicians and ultraconservatives in cooperation with Saudi Arabia have let a genie of intolerance, discrimination, supremacy and bigotry out of the bottle.  In the Sahel state of Niger, Issoufou Yahaya recalls his student days in the 1980s when there wasn’t a single mosque on his campus. “Today, we have more mosques here than we have lecture rooms. So much has changed in such a short time,” he said.[25]

One cannot avoid noticing Saudi Arabia’s role in this development. The flags of Niger and Saudi Arabia feature on a monument close to the office tower from which Yahaya administers the history of department of Université Abdou Moumouni in the Niger capital of Niamey. Sheikh Boureima Abdou Daouda, an Internet-savvy graduate of the Islamic University of Medina and the Niamey university’s medical faculty as well as an author and translator of numerous books, attracts tens of thousands of worshippers to the Grand Mosque where he insists that “We must adopt Islam, we cannot adapt it.”[26] Daouda serves as an advisor to Niger president Mahamadou Issoufou and chairs the League of Islamic Scholars and Preachers of the Countries of the Sahel. “Before, people here turned to religion when they reached middle age, and particularly after they retired. But now, it is above all the young ones. What we see is a flourishing of Islam.” Daouda said.[27]

What Daouda did not mention was that with Africa, the battleground where Iran put up its toughest cultural and religious resistance to Saudi-backed ultra-conservatism, was witnessing the world’s highest rates of conversion to Shi’a Islam since many Sunni tribes in southern Iraq adopted Shiism in the 19th century. Shiites were until recently virtually non-existent in Africa with the exception of migrants from Lebanon and the Indian subcontinent. A Pew Research survey suggests that that has changed dramatically. The number of Shiites has jumped from 0 in 1980 to 12 percent of Nigeria’s 90-million strong Shia community in 2012. Shiites account today for 21 percent of Chad’s Muslims, 20 percent in Tanzania and eight percent in Gaza, according to the survey.[28]

Ironically, Mali a nation where Shiism has not made inroads and where only two percent of the populations identifies itself as Ahmadis, an Islamic sect widely viewed by conservative Muslims as heretics, is the only country outside of Pakistan that Aalmi Majlis Tahaffuz Khatm-e-Nubuwwat (AMTKN), a militant anti-Ahmadi, Pakistan-based group with a history of Saudi backing, identifies by name as a place where it operates overseas.[29] The fact that AMTKN, which says that it operates in 12 countries, identified Mali is indicative of the sway of often Saud-educated imams and religious  leaders that reaches from the presidential palace in the capital Bamako into the country’s poorest villages. The government at times relies on Salafis rather than its own officials to mediate with jihadists in the north or enlist badly needed European support in the struggle against them. Moreover, cash-rich Salafi leaders and organizations provide social services in parts of Mali where the government is absent. In 2009, the Saudi-backed High Islamic Council of Mali (HICM) proved powerful enough to prevent the president from signing into law a parliamentary bill that would have enhanced women’s rights. Malian president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita reportedly phones HICM chief Mahmoud Dicko twice a week. Malians no longer simply identify each other as Muslims and instead employ terms such as Wahhabi, Sufi and Shia that carry with them either derogatory meanings or assertions of foreign associations.[30]

Dicko condemned the November 2015 jihadist attack on the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bamako in which 20 people were killed but argued that world powers cannot enjoy peace by fighting God through promotion of homosexuality. Dicko said the perpetrators were not Muslims but mostly rappers with drug-related charge sheets. “They rebel and take arms against their society. This is a message from God that the masters of the world, the major powers, which are trying to promote homosexuality, must understand. These powers are trying to force the world to move towards homosexuality. These world powers have attacked the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) into his grave... These masters of this world, who think that the world belongs to them, must understand that we will not attack God and escape safely. They cannot provoke God and get his clemency, his mercy. They cannot have peace and peace with such provocations towards the Creator of the world down here. They will not have peace. God will not leave them alone.”[31]

Like elsewhere, ultra-conservatism as a cornerstone of Saudi soft power has proven in Mali to be a double-edged sword for the kingdom and its beneficiaries. Iyad Ag Ghaly nicknamed The Strategist, a Malian Tuareg militant who led tribal protests in the 1990s and emerged in 2012 at the head of Ansar Eddine, one of the jihadist groups that overran the north of Mali, found ultra-conservative religion while serving as a Malian diplomat in Jeddah. A Sufi and a singer who occasionally worked with Tinariwen, the Grammy Award winning band formed by veterans of Tuareg armed resistance in the 1980s and 1990s, co-organized an internationally acclaimed annual music festival outside of Timbuktu that attracted the likes of Robert Plant, Bono and Jimmy Buffett, and hedonistically enjoyed parties, booze and tobacco, Ag Ghaly grew a beard while in Saudi Arabia. His meetings with Saudi-based jihadists persuaded the Malian government to cut short his stint in the kingdom and call him home.[32] Pakistani missionaries of Tablighi Ja’amat, an ultra-conservative global movement that has at times enjoyed Saudi backing despite theological differences with Wahhabism and Salafism, helped convince Ag Ghaly to abandon his music and hedonistic lifestyle. He opted for an austere interpretation of Islam and ultimately jihadism.[33]

This pattern is not uniquely African even if Africa is the continent where Iranian responses to Saudi promotion of Sunni ultra-conservatism have primarily been cultural and religious in nature rather than through the use of militant and armed proxies as in the Middle East. It is nonetheless a battle that fundamentally alters the fabric of those African societies in which it is fought; a battle that potentially threatens the carefully constructed post-colonial cohesion of those societies. The potential threat is significantly enhanced by poor governance and the rise of jihadist groups like Boko Haram, Al Qaeda in the Maghreb and Al Shabab in Somalia, whose ideological roots can be traced back to ultra-conservatism but whose political philosophy views Saudi Arabia as an equally legitimate target because its rulers have deviated from the true path. At the bottom line, both Africans and Saudis are struggling to come to grips with a phenomenon they opportunistically harnessed to further their political interests; one that they no longer control and that has become as much a liability as it was an asset.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Fake history about islam - the worst and most extensive slavery ideology the world has ever experienced

The "politically correct" history of islam (i.e. untouched by "islamophobes") is the worst of all fake history narratives because its victims clearly surpasses those of any other evil ideology.

Klevius question: Do your children know about it?

Islamic slave raiding/raping/trading started earlier than the Koran, which was just a "justification" for what, even back then, seemed disgusting - unless of course "Allah" had approved of it. And that wasn't always explicitly mentioned in the Aramaic-Syriac Jewish/Christian texts that most of the Koran is copied from - albeit in a quite disordered and confused way. And the reason for the latter is not only practical, i.e. text errors and translation flaws, but much more importantly the problem of modelling an existing text into a pure slavery manual.

 So that's why Malik introduced Muhammad, half a century after his alleged death,  as the "messenger" who had got it from angel Gabriel, "Allah's" primary messenger.

Robert G. Hoyland: "Before Abd al-Malik (caliph 685-705) Muhammad (Klevius comment: allegedly dead 632 but see Pourshariati) is never mentioned on any official document whatsoever..."

An other British scholar on islam's early "conquests", Hugh Kennedy, clearly confirmed it by not commenting while hearing it in a debate about islam where he and Hoyland were the only experts on the topic.

The old Gambia was built on muslim slave trade wealth. I.e. the very Koranic slavery that devastated the African continent for some 1,400 years.

It was wealthy black muslim slave traders who captured and sold Kunta Kinte and others.

A muslim slavery king of early 20th century from Gambia with a visible British touch - and a more hidden but at least equally important Arab slave trade connection.

This is why islam isn't compatible with civilized Human Rights equality. And that's why islamic countries under Saudi based and steered OIC have decided to abandon basic Human Rights equality.

Klevius comment: The very formula of islam is enslvement of the "infidels" plus sharia sex slavery and reproduction of new muslims. This formula is the only one that explains islam's sudden appearance and fast growth. Also consider that islam is a branch of Judaism which in turn is a branch Zoroastrianism. And finally consider the Jewish Vagina channel and the islamic Penis channel - which explains why there are so many more muslims than Jews.

Klevius wrote:

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Rokia Traore, the daughter of Mali slave masters, blames those who abolished slavery

Mali still suffers from more than thousand years of islamic Sharia slavery

In an interview today on BBC Rokia Traore blames the problem caused by islam  on the French "colonizers" who, in fact, liberated people enslaved by her own muslim Bambara community.

And islamofascism supporting BBC of course eagerly listened without questioning her rant which was distributed to compulsory license fee paying Brits and others.

And considering the fact that BBC is a deeply Arab capitalist company steered via its commercial Mideastern islamist BBC World section one shouldn't be surprised that the content of BBC's propaganda is heavily influenced by Arabic islam, the worst crime ever against humanity.

This is what Klevius wrote

Monday, July 23, 2012

When the West first visited Timbuktu it was an islamist slave disaster. Now Rokia Traore invites us again!

Rokia Traoré, singer from Timbuktu, commenting on pious Sharia muslims (what she calls "islamists") destroying non-islamic idols (just like the Saudis have done for long): 

“Mali is 90% muslim so this is clearly extremism. If the rest of the world let these islamists take this place as their place then it's the problem of the world

Klevius comment: Please read the islamic slavery history below, and contemplate the fact that islam sanctions slavery and that only slavery and jihad combined with rapetivism and apostasy ban can explain the origin of islam, and then seriously ask yourself: Why do I call myself a muslim?!

Rokia Traoré: Being woman doesn't mean you're in general less than men or you can do less than men. This is the wrong idea many women have, We are the source of power even if what we call power is in men. The question is: Who is the stronger, the source of strength or the strength itself?

Klevius comment: This must be one of the most pathetic excuses for sex aprtheid! No matter if she simply means procreation or if she means female heterosexual attraction in some confused psychoanalytical meaning.

Rokia Traoré: We can do more than Shakespeare could do because there was not so many things known about Africa centuries ago.
Klevius comment: Beg to differ completely! Just right now the understanding of Africa's history is at its lowest point ever mainly because of two reasons: The unwillingness to see islam's enormous destruction of Africa throughout 1400 years, and the sort of racist boosting of "Africans" and "African culture" due to an underlying assumption of African inferiority, when the only clearly visible reason for Africa's general historical backwardness is to be found in islam's Sharia slave finance that sucked out most of Africa's "libido". It's Koranic slave finance that made some of your ancestors rich and most of them poor/enslaved/murdered. And it's Western technology that made your welth that made you wealthy and successful Rokia, not islam!
When Shakespeare wrote about the Jewish slave trader and criticized the immoral of making money on human flesh, then this reflects Shakespeare's deep insight in the Jewish/Mahometan slave trade cooperation from his point of view of Italy and the Ottoman Caliphate. Today this knowledge is by all means suppressed and silenced, often by the help of the worst islamist dictatorships such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and their allies. .

Klevius history lesson for Rokia Traore about her Timbuktu

Timbuktu is a horrendous creation of Arabic islamic slave raiding/trading. Like Zanzibar along the East-African coast, Timbuktu functioned as a main slavery hub from West-Africa through Sahara. It's surrounded by desert and its only main income has been the Koran sanctioned slave trade. For someone who isn't completely ignorant about the history of islam Timbuktu's grotesque mosques screams out the sufferings of Millions of African slaves while simultaneously functioning as a "moral" cover up for this islamic Sharia finance by referring to the will of "Allah".

Btw, have you noticed how cruel and deeply immoral islamic slave taking often is translated to PC language, e.g. "through capture in conflict"! It's like when a muslim gang deliberaterly attacks a non-muslim boy who just happens to come in their way and it's described as a "conflict" or "quarrel" or "fight" by BBC!

An other false African voice

Essop Pahad, South Africa's Minister in the Presidency: "Africa has repeatedly been portrayed as culturally inferior but in Timbuktu, we are proving that the opposite is true." The background to this funny statement is that there are, not surprisingly at all, piles of Arabic/islamic Sharia etc writings in the Timbuktu mosques. So what?!

Quotes by René-Auguste Caillié (1830) who visited this islamic Eldorado and was deeply disappointed with what he saw:

"...a mass of ill-looking houses, built of earth. "
Describing his impressions on entering Timbuktu.

" The poor slaves work entirely naked, exposed to the heat of the burning sun. The presence of the master intimidates them, and the fear of punishment expedites the work; but they make themselves amends in his absence. "
A description of the conditions of African slaves working on a rice plantation at Cambaya, owned by a Muslim caravan leader, during his visit to Futa Jallon in 1820.

" The women, who had very little clothing, had their children tied to their backs. They were employed in collecting dry grass, which, being burnt, forms a kind of manure, indeed, the only kind they use. "
A description of the conditions of African slaves working on a rice plantation at Cambaya, owned by a Muslim caravan leader, during his visit to Futa Jallon in 1820.

 " [A peasant] who possesses a dozen slaves may live at his ease without travelling, merely by taking the trouble to superintend them. "
Describing the aspirations of African peasants in Futa Jallon.

" A single marabout superintends the slaves of his whole family, or several of his friends; and he assembles them all, sometimes to the number of forty or fifty under the same hut... The slaves work five days for their aster, and the sixth for the superintendent. "
Describing slave management in Futa Jallon.

Ever since Mansa Musa, the king of Mali, made his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1325, with 500 slaves and 100 camels (each carrying gold) the region had become synonymous with wealth. Slave trade from sub-Saharan Africa was controlled by the Islamic Empire which stretched along Africa's northern coast. Muslim slave trade routes across Sahara had existed for centuries, and involved salt, kola, textiles, fish, grain, but most importantly slaves.
Austrian geographer Hans Weis: The slave trade was especially lucrative. Guards carrying whips drove the slaves through the hot desert. "Only the youngest and strongest survived the two-month desert trek, and they were walking skeletons by the time they reached the Fezzan region, where they were fattened up".

Interested in Klevius' Roots Guide?

To get the full history about Timbuktu you need Klevius' Roots Guide which covers the world  history of islam's crimes. However, it won't be published before you start contributing to Klevius research although some minor details can already be found on Klevius sites and blogs! It's up to you dear reader. And please tell if you know anyone better equipped for the job! Extremely intelligent  and extremely informed while completely lacking any traces of religious or political etc fanaticism. No personal interest involved, just pure scientific curiosity and a strong belief in every individuals equal right, i.e. what we use to call the basic Human Rights not shared by islamic Sharia in any form.
And a conviction that telling the truth about islam will save many more lives and suffering than lying about it.

Klevius main problem however, is his happiness with life which distracts him a lot (see e.g. Inside Klevius mind). And as a non-religious (but see Klevius definition of religion) death for him is even happier due to its total lack of even minor irritants (honestly, wouldn't it risk  becoming a nuisance in the long run with 72 virgins hanging around. Even just a few over a limited period of time can be too many, especially if you also want to treat them as humans without sex apartheid). So what is needed is more motivation!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Is protecting sharia islam really the most important thing for US women? President Donald J. Trump has a a problem with women - however, not even close to the sharia problem of Hillary Clinton and the Democrats (+ Ryan, McCain etc.)..

BBC's bigoted and hypocritical muslim sharia presenter (raised in Saudi Arabia) Mishal Husain may miss to inform about this particular aspect.

US sharia and anti sharia women

These women are protesting the man who now is their best protection against sharia inequality, honor crimes etc. But tehy seem to think the same "locker room talks" that their own husbands, fathers, brothers, male friends etc have frequetly used, is more important that basic Human Rights equality.

No dude, Phyllis Schlafly isn't on Klevius list of women he admirers.

Confused American women with signs with slogans like “Dump Trump,” “Tiny hands, huge asshole,” (right, women can be sexist too) and “I can’t believe I’m still protesting this sh-t.”  and “This is what democracy looks like,” and “Women’s rights are human rights.”

But none against islamofascist sharia that is the worst threat against women's most basic Human Rights.

This seems to be completely forgotten by the protesting women of today.

And here's the funder of their divisive "protest" against everything and nothing:

Well, he should know, shouldn't he.

Soros Lost $1 Bil Betting Against Trump and America.

Georges Soros (aka Schwartz, aka "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England" because of his short sale of US$10 billion worth of Pound sterling, making him a profit of $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday UK currency crisis): Theresa May will not last long as prime minister.

Klevius: Who knows. Even a blind chicken can sometimes hit a seed.

Klevius: Wonder how much islamofascist hate propaganda spreading and rape accused Saudi Alwaleed bin Talal lost?

From the campaign:

Hillary Clinton: I’m running for Goldman Sachs, Saudi Arabia, Soros, Rothschild & Monsanto

Ian Shilling:

A vote for Hillary is a vote for Goldman Sachs and the top 0.1%.
A vote for Hillary is a vote AGAINST the 99%.
A vote for Hillary is a vote to destroy the middle class and make the poor even poorer.
It is a vote for breadline wages and much higher unemployment – it’s a vote for penury & poverty.
It is a vote to recruit more terrorists and to instigate more conflict and war.
It is a vote to waste even more money on the military and to increase Corporate Welfare.
It is a vote to destroy civil liberties and to militarize and brutalize the Police.
It is a vote to destroy America. America as we know it, will not survive her Presidency.

Hillary’s biggest donors – the big banks

Friday, January 20, 2017

President Trump is the best hope for "Westernized" "muslims"* - and away from Mr. Obama's pro sharia policy.

* i.e. not basic Human Rights violating evil sharia muhammadans - so called "islamists" who follow similar or worse teachings than the Saudi based and steered OIC's sharia in UN.

Questioning Mr. Obama's import of islamofascism was President Trump's winning ticket.

No dude, economy was only second in this presidential election - the top spot went to the islamofascist Saudi dictator family aka "guardians of islam" and its spread of evil islamofascist hate.

How do you know a muslim will serve you without religious ideology, instead of destroying you out of religious ideology? This is the background to the idea of vetting muslims for Human Rights violating fanaticism.

US crimes:
San Francisco", which used to be Klevius favorite, city is turning awful under Democratic rule.

This is the disgusting Democrat whom BBC used to "characterize" Trump. Can you see why!

And the "liberal" Dems. fighting for sharia oppression and sex apartheid have a long tradition of supporting evil. Many hundred slaves owning Jackson started the party for the very purpose of becoming president. Slavery, Vietnam war, etc. were all products of the Democratic party.

Democrats have had (?) many KKK members. E.g. Robert Byrd voted against the Civil Rights Act. Most (86%) Republicans supported the Act. However, a majority of Democrats opposed it. Blacks got citizenship rights when Republicans - not Democrats - passed the 14th Amendment.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, like many other much earlier measures made that later have been "colored" black, was in fact not "colored" at all but included whites and excluded privilieged blacks who already had those rights - just like privilieged whites.

The efforts to impeach Trump even before he became President was followed up with CNN's assassination speculations:

And here's the main News outlet of the Democrats.

Why is Muhammadanism (aka islam) such an evil* ideology?

* Meaning an ideology that violates the most basic of Human Rights. The trick islamophiles are using is to a) say Muhammadanism (aka islam) covers all muslim, and b) evil deeds that are based on the ideology by its followers are "wrong interpretations" - in other words a sub-group of Muhammadanism (aka islam) they call "islamism".

The short answer: Because Muhammadanism (aka islam) is still connented to its evil origin via the evil deeds of Muhammad whose example Muhammadans are supposed to respect more than anything else.

The short answer slightly elaborated:

Unlike Nationalsocialism (aka Nazism), Communism, etc., Muhammadanism (aka islam), is protected from scrutinity by Western application of so called "blasphemy" laws (i.e. sharia). This is made possible by the islamofascist Saudi dictator family's grip on O.I.C., all Sunni muslims world organization in UN. OIC is based Saudi Arabia and its Fuhrer is Iyad Madani, a member of the islamfascist Saudi dictator family. OIC created the oxymoron "islamophobia" (compare e.g. "Naziphobia" or "Communistphobia").

 However, until the 1948 Human Rights Declaration that was agreed on for the very purpose of avoiding totalitarian and fascist ideologies, is also forbidden as "offensive to muslims" one may still use it as a stndard for measuring evil.

What is sharia?

First hit on Google: Islamic canonical law based on the teachings of the Koran and the traditions of the Prophet (Hadith and Sunna), prescribing both religious and secular duties and sometimes retributive penalties for lawbreaking. It has generally been supplemented by legislation adapted to the conditions of the day, though the manner in which it should be applied in modern states is a subject of dispute between Islamic fundamentalists and modernists.

Wikipedia: Sharia is the religious law governing the members of the Islamic faith.

Klevius: Islam's two fronts of evil and racist contempt  - packed in "religious" sharia.

Islam is a longitudinal evil totalitarian racist/sexist ideology powered by hate  - subtle or open.

Islam isn't only inherited - unlike other ideologies - but also made a one way system that sucks in more children than average due to the apostasy and male centered custody rules. Moreover, islam has abused uneducated low skilled girls/women to produce more than average amount of children.

Klevius wrote:

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Klevius Sharia tutorial for Mediamatters, Mr X " president" and others ignorant (?) about islam!

That it was refugees from an English church establishment who planted the flag of freedom on US soil should be enough to discourage the establishment of a Saudi Sharia establishment, shouldn't it! Stop the rape and defamation of the Statue of Liberty!

The main purpose of all Sharia variants is to limit freedom for girls/women!

It's extremely simple. The very fact that islamic nations (OIC) cannot accept Human Rights reveals the true nature of islam and muslims (i.e. those muslims who understand islam - not the masses of ignorant muslims). And the main clashing point is the freedom HUman Rights give girls/women. In fact, Human Rights according to the 1948 Declaration, makes no difference between the sexes whatsoever, while the whole idea of islam (in addition to its built in racist conquest parasitims) is sex segregation. And precisely because girls/women (and on national level as well) in the West haven't as yet fully taken care of their freedom from sex segregation given through the Human Rights, islam has utilized this vanishing echo from the past to sneak in their totalitarian Sharia.

To understand Sharia there's no need discussing cruel penalties etc typically muslim atrocities. What is needed is the essence of Sharia itself. This starts with the racist notion of the infidel wihch will be discussed in a later posting. However, the majority of Sharia regulations are about girls, women and sex. Sharia (in OIC* terminology now called the 1990 Cairo declaration on islamic "human rights") is the very opposite to Human Rights based on freedom (i.e. the Negatiev Human Rights embedded as the foundation of the 1948 HR Declaration). Sharia, which mainly is about confining girls/women, is not only based on sex segregation, but also on sex slavery! Sharia submits girls/women to domestic whoredom in a double sense. Apart from compulsory sex services on demand, women in muslim households also have to reproduce muslimhood in their husband's children. So in conclusion, a muslim penis can muslimify whomever female reproducer (the reproducer herself doesn't even need to be or become a muslim, she's just a reproductive robot in the scheme) whereas a muslim (or non-muslim) woman or a non-muslim man cannot de-muslimify anyone.

If you like to be sex segregated although you don't have to, according to Human Rights, you're completely free to do so. However, according to Sharia you have no choice, this is the whole idea with Sharia! And coupled with apostasy ban and some more utterly evil decrets.

According to Sharia a muslim woman may marry only a muslim man whereas a muslim man can marry whomever. This is the simple and extremely chauvinist formula. Rapetivism is a rape (marital sex slavery) combined with the capture of the newborn into a Sharia muslimhood rhat neither the poor kid notr the mother can escape without considerable problems.

* OIC consists of 57 islamofascist nations whose foreign ministers/leadership have agreed to dismiss Human Rights and replace them with Sharia - high above the heads and understandings of many of their subjects).

An example of misleading and twisted "logic" from islam sponsored Mediamatters

Mediamatters: Hannity (Fox) rattled off his definition of Sharia: “Where women get stoned to death for adultery, where women who are raped need four male eyewitnesses, where women are forced to wear clothing that they may not necessarily want to wear, where women can't drive, where women can't get an education." The implication was that Rauf agrees with such Draconian treatment. Except, of course, that Rauf doesn’t. Hannity selectively quoted from a Huffington Post column by Rauf, omitting that Rauf criticized such punishments -- and, more importantly, ignoring that Rauf drew a line between Sharia and various penal codes. Rauf wrote that "we cringe" at interpretations of Sharia law that lead to "women being stoned and forced into hiding behind burkas and denied educations" and "beheadings and amputations." (Klevius: Isn't this exactly what Mediamatters does here?!). He also made a distinction between Sharia and the "penal code," adding that Muslim countries must "revise the penal code so that it is responsive to modern realities." (Klevius: However, no matter how you modernize or interpret Sharia its basic evil, as explained above, won't change and isn't even mentioned here!)
Hannity has no intention of trying to understand.

Klevius comment: And Mediamatters has no intention of trying to explain Sharia, only to use the islamist retorics of avoidance paired with demonizing. If you don't know what Sharia is then how do you know what it's not, especially considering the abundance of horrifying Sharia examples in praxis, historically and contemporary?!

The problem with islam and its supporters/accomplices is that islam is the worst crime ever committed against humanity! I know, truth hurts. An evil ideology of parasitism with 1400 years of genocides, enslavement and rapetivism.

After the Jewish civil war(s) one branch became islam. But whereas Judaism went via the Vagina, muslimhood was/is spread by the Penis (this is why Mr X "president" is a muslim). This explains why we now have less than 10 Million Jews but more than one Billion "muslims"! Mohammed's tribe was Jewish* as is Ramadan (Yom Kippur). And his wife Khadija was wealthy long before she met Mohammed and he allegedly introduced islam!

* All "monotheisms" are variants of the "original" Jewish patriarchal rapetivism, even Christianity if we don't count its brief sex opposing beginning, which, in fact, was a protest against classic Judaic rapetivism and racism (circumcision, Caananite enslavement, sex slavery and the "chosen people", you know)! Original Christianity was triggered by the much more liberal standards of the Romans, and expanded by the help of Roman tax excemptions etc while it simultaneously became taken over by so called "church fathers". Remember, Jews wee taxed because of their lucrative slavery business, And, yes, Mohammed means Christ, and was used by Arab Jews believing in Jesus until it was realized that there was a problematic discrepancy between the Christ of the Gospels and booty/sex jihadism.

Islam/Koran sanctions and is based on the enslavement of non-muslims

The main lineage in Jewish/islamic ideology has been parasitism finance with the main currency consisting of slaves. Wealthy Jews ruled most of the pre-islamic slave trade routes through which evil islam later came to spread by the help of Jewish collaborators. The Arabs would never have been able to conquer anything bigger than a caravan or power empty spaces where they could slaughter/rape defensless civilians. Every serious historian knows that the Arabs were really lousy, cowardice and technically backward soldiers. This is also why islam never has achieved anything in science and technology. Islam's primary interest has always been parasitism. Whereas Jews occupied the financial/commercial interface between power blocks, hense also slipping into science and technology, islam due to its totalitarian parasitic mass movement/conversions/genocides never reached that far. Every scientist etc you may find in the history books named muslim is in fact a converted scientist etc!

Islam has by far been the worst slave raider/trader in history. The role of slavery in monotheist "religions" (although in Christianity to a much lesser extent**) goes hand in hand with sex segregated rapetivism (i.e. ideological rape). In fact, it may be argued that the slaves was the main currency and basis for finance until Capitalism*** freed most of them. Also consider that Columbus was a Jew who was imprisoned when he tried to bring slaves from America to Europe! And that most so called "European" slave traders were in fact deported Jews! Deported because of their involvement in slavery, i.e. the same reason why Shakespeare via his Renaissance informants created the disgusting (Jewish) merchant in Venice!

** Christianity emerged as an anti-sex movement before the "Church fathers" disciplined it.

*** Capitalism is based on and feeds from technology, not slaves (No dude, cheating with assets isn't Capitalism!). Consequently, it's no surprise that Capitalism followed by Abolitionism (anti-slavery) both emerged in England.

The Indian caste system was a product of islam

Helen E. Hagan, anthropologist: "It is known that the caste system existing in that area is not so much directly related to the caravan trade as it is to the importation on an ideology – Islam.

I would like to recapitulate briefly some of the important facts of this historical development. - The first policy of Arabs, as clearly established by historical documentation, was to tax the inhabitants of these regions with such heavy war taxes that the sale of women and children was included in their treaties"

Understanding islam's ongoing genocide in Darfur

By reading Klevius/KLEVUX you expand your knowledge exponentially in no time!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

British Nationalist Party (BNP) must be very proud of Theresa May's hate speeches that has let loose nationwide British racism against EU citizens.

When will UK apply same hate crime and "diversity" policies to protect EU citizens as are already in place for muslims? And what about cowardice British racists who gladly verbally, institutionally or sometimes even physically attack EU citizens but who wouldn't dare to do the same against muslims?

Scandinavia's biggest news paper Aftonbladet: Racism against Swedes in London after Brexit.

Swedish EU Minister: "I'm chocked."

Klevius (who is born in Saltsjöbaden/Sweden but has a Finnish passport): I'm not!

 Theresa May's hate campaign and support of hateful* sharia muslims is furthermore boosted by BBC's hate propaganda against EU citizens for the purpose of defending muslim sharia racism/sexism.

* Basic Human Rights violating sharia is for muhammadans who believe in the evil deeds of Muhammad, the most important part of their "religion" and aim for full implementation asap.

This is how Sun looked like in January 2014 - plus some editing by Klevius.

Actually, the years leading up to Brexit were filled with hateful rhetoric purposefully directed against EU citizens while most of the people where fed up with hateful sharia muslim immigrants.

Klevius - whose default state of color and sex blindness paired with his basic Human Rights commitment protects him - was all for Brexit - without basic Human Rights violating sharia Muhammadism (aka islam). Theresa May seems to be the very opposite.

Racist, useless and "fake" British passports

Moreover, Theresa May isn't only a racist and a lousy deal maker (miles after Trump whom she used to spit on) but she is also surrounded by intellectually less gifted and fanatically more gifted "advisors".

She also seems to be quite good (already as Home Secretary) at removing rights from "foreigners" in a deliberately stealthy and deceptive manner. So for example, is it a well known fact that British passports are of no value whatsoever for most people not born in UK (also note how many muslim terrorists are born in UK) simply because the slightest legal mistake makes them useless for Brits not born in UK and therefore vulnerable to be deported to their country of birth.

And this is made much more insidious by the fact that an application for a UK passport (if you're stupid enough to make the huge effort and humiliation of the process - which UK born muslim terrorists and sharia supporters etc. don't have to - plus paying the high fees) is made by the Devil's attorney.

The information needed to be signed ought to cover everything and should be detailed to an extent that is completely impossible for most people to cover. So they either make something up or blank it. And in doing so they are, if Theresa May or someone else wants to use it, an easy target for deportation already on the grounds of having given "false" information - no matter how exemplary they otherwise are.

And that's not all. Unlike British born citizens, "foreign born" UK citizens can be deported on the insidious "not being conducive to British interests". "British interest" varies with time and who happens to be in power and should not be used as a tool for institutional racism in a modern democracy based on basic Human Rights.

Theresa May used the very ideology she so eagerly defends as an excuse to rob Brits from the most basic Human Rights. She could easily have deported muslim hate preachers without leaving the European Court of Human Rights. How? Simply by utilizing that very same court's decision to declare sharia islam incompatible with Human Rights values. But she chose not to. Why? Klevius guess is that that would have revealed the true nature of that Muhammadanism (aka sharia islam) that so many muslims adhere to.

 Theresa May is rather a friend with hateful (see asterisk above) sharia muslims and their catastrophic countries of origins than with non-muslim people and countries.

And she seems especially interested in the world's worst spreader of islamic hate and suffering, i.e. the islamofascist Saudi dictator family.

How much do the British Brexit racists really benefit from May's cooperation with the islamofascist war crime and Human Rights crimes committing Saudi dictator family and London's financial manipulations?
