
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

When islam plows into Christmas celebrating Germans we are told it had nothing to do with islam. Klevius wonders what else could motivate such deeds? Germanphobia, Christmasphobia, Europhobia, whitephobia, redphobia?!

Atheist Peter Klevius hasn't given a shit to Christianity since he as a 14 year old realized that most of humans could do better without religion (Klevius also considered Communism a religion). In other words, that religion was a means for making immorality look "moral" and stupidity look "progressive".

However, Klevius has always loved to celebrate Yule ('Jul' in Swedish).

How can one be a racist against racism? 

Klevius answer: One can't. With the rhetoric of today Klevius would have been called a "Naziphobe" in Goebbel's Nationalsocialist German Workers Party of the 1930s.

The real racists vs media made "racists"

Muslim suspect of Berlin mass murder and the crippling of more than 50 Christmas shoppers etc.

Klevius doesn't approve of many things in the Sweden Democrats manifesto, mainly because it's almost impossible to distinguish from the social democratic dito. However, the very fact that SD also has the courage to stand up against sharia islam* (the worst** ideological crime history knows about) should be enough to give them your vote. Between one third to one fourth of Swedes have already done so in poll after poll. This is why their leader has to be demonized while many of his supporters blame him for being too compliant with the existing double standard in politics etc.

* aka "political islam", although it's all about one islam. Without its evilness and Human Rights violations islam would die in no time.

** Some 1,400 years of continuous racist/sexist enslavement, slaughtering, raping, genocides and suppression of people in Koranic backwardness - starting with the murdering of every Jew in Medina.

The intellectual standard and performance of the Modus series is below acceptable in the world of today. It's full of mistakes, poor presearch, tendentious to max etc. etc. (apart from its politicized PC messaging. Pathetic is a too kind a word. The whole setup seems to be like the car scene where a slow cranking very old car (not the only Columbo inspired thing in Modus) used by the former FBI professor (wouldn't she as the heroine have thought about safety at least for her children?!) is tried to be fixed by connecting the wires at the lock - something that anyone with the slightest understanding of cars would not have suggested, not even an experience old fashioned car thieve.

West has made it a crime (on the order of the Saudi dictator family via OIC and UN) a criminal offense to call sharia muslims (or political muslims) refugees muslims.

So when talking about muslim refugees they have to be lumped together with non sharia "muslims" and other non-muslims, just for to protect evil islam.

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