
Sunday, December 04, 2016

Declare sharia islam a hate crime against basic Human Rights equality!

Human Rights against Human Rights violators - and how BBC demonizes Human Rights defenders and boosts already existing hateful racism and sexism residing in islamic scriptures and traditions.

Immigrants and refugees are welcome (in accordance of course with what is possible) - muslim sharia supporters (i.e. against basic Human Rights equality) are not.

BBC and other supporters of sharia islamofascism are the real spreaders of divisive and hateful rhetoric. Stopping this appalling spreading of fake and misleading "news" (incl. the deliberate blinking of news that doesn't fit the Saudi/Sunni sharia agenda) would be the best step the UK Parliament could do. Peter Klervius is sure the Parliament would have the Brits backing in such an important move. Next step being prosecuting the worst within BBC. They often have the blood on their own hands that they blame others for.

When islam causes non-muslim and muslim refugees, BBC gives islam credit - not condemnation. Why?

How long will this confusion  of immigrants and sharia muslims continue.

Most civilized people have no problem with immigrants and refugees.

However, most civilized people have problem with sharia muslims who don't accept basic Human Rights equality.

Why are people who criticize islam - from a Human Rights equality basis - lumped together with Nazis, but muslims who support sharia fascism and who are following the Koran and the original islam are considered to have the "right" to follow "a great and peaceful religion" which opposes Human Rights equality?

Why are islam critics called "Nazis" but sharia muslims violating the most basic Human Rights principles are called "peaceful muslims" as long as they themselves haven't fullfilled what they believe in?

Critics of sharia islamofascism divided from other Human Rights defenders, whereas muslims who support Human Rights violating sharia are lumped together with those "muslims" who don't support sharia.

Klevius question: Do you really think BBC has the right to connect people critical of islamofascism to the German National socialists (aka Nazis) and Hitler?

Klevius suggestion: Confront BBC's dangerous sharia propaganda by clearly stating that it's only those sharia muslims who want to violate basic Human Rights equality who are supporting (islamo)fascism.

Are muslims treated more leniantly because they are easier offended? Lord Ahmed, who killed after having fiddled with his phone for a long time while driving, and who was then sentenced for two weeks in jail, used to be so offended that he threatened UK Parliament with 10,000 jihadi muslims if things didn't go his way. Does he support basic Human Rights violating sharia islam?

Unlike Frosty Wooldridge below, Peter Klevius doesn't limit islam criticism to its openly violent parts. Rather we should point out all of islam's evil parts with the perfect tool we already have at hand from our last encounter with fascism. And in doing so we will immediately realize what Saudi based and steered OIC realized long time ago - as did The European Court of Human Rights - namely that sharia islam isn't compatible with Human Rights equality in accordance with the 1948 Universal Human Rights Declaration.

Frosty Wooldridge: This week, enraged Ohio State University student Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a Muslim immigrant from Pakistan, ran over pedestrians before jumping out of his car to take a butcher knife to stab 11 fellow students. Three remain in critical condition.

Ironically, talking heads at Fox News, CNN and the other mainstream media, couldn’t figure out if Artan’s actions equated to terrorism or a lone-wolf attack. “We can’t figure out his motive,” said one talking head.

Here’s his motive: Islam advocates violence and terror toward anyone who fails to accept their Quran. Artan followed the Quran’s prime directive, which states, “Convert or kill all non-believers.” Fact: there are no ‘moderate’ Muslims. With growing numbers, every one of them follows the Quran’s deadly edict.

The Quran directs its followers toward endless violence and terror in order to conquer infidels (unbelievers).

Quran 8:12 – I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off their fingertips.

Quran 3:56 – As to those who reject our faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help.

The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war against nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some very graphic: with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

Artan’s knife and car attack aren’t the first this year that a Somali refugee hacked people with a large knife in Columbus.

In February 2016, The Horn News, Columbus, Ohio, reported that a Somali-born Islamic terrorist stormed a Jewish-owned restaurant in the same city and brutally slashed four people with a machete.

In 2015, police arrested a 23-year-old Somali-born man from that same refugee community, Abdirahman Mohamud, for plotting an ISIS-inspired attack on local American soldiers.

And in 2007, yet another Columbus-based, Somali-born refugee, Nuradin Abdi, was convicted of conspiring with an Al Qaeda terror cell to bomb a Columbus shopping mall while providing material support to the organization.

Moderate Muslims kill 20,000 women annually via honor killings advocated by the Qur'an according to the United Nations report on Honor Killings. They cut all their girls with female genital mutilation, which proves barbaric beyond human understanding. They arrange marriages for little girls to 40-year-old men as a matter of course. They kill gays. They subject and beat their women into submission at all times. No one enjoys freedom of speech, thought, clothing, spouse or religious choice in Islamic dominated countries.

If they can’t find infidels to slaughter, they vanquish millions of their own. Shiites, Kurds and Sunni’s killed each other for the past 1,000 years.

In the 21st century, the question arises, “Why are Western countries inviting this 6th century barbaric religious-economic-warring tribal band of Muslims into their countries, when they KNOW Muslims create terror, murder, chaos and conquest in every host country?”

Violence, terror and killing remain the essential mandates of the Quran and all who follow it. It’s proved those mandates in hundreds of terrorist acts since the 1972 Olympics to Paris, France to Brussels, Belgium to Nice, France to San Bernardino, California to the Boston Marathon to Ohio State University this week—with thousands of barbaric terrorist attacks worldwide that fail to make the mainstream news.

You Cannot Escape This Fact

The more Muslims we import, the more terror events. It's the nature of the religion. It's not going to change, because, as their numbers grow, so does their push for Sharia Law. There's no way to soften their prime directive: "Convert or kill all non-believers." One look at Europe shows you our future. Journalist Daniel Greenfield wrote, “When you turn on the evening news and see a running death toll, it’s happening more and more often. The new brand of Islamic terror only needs one thing… Muslims. Lone wolf terrorism operates off the existing Muslim population in a particular country. The bigger the Muslim population, the bigger the risk. The FBI or other law enforcement agencies cannot monitor even a fraction of the Islamic settler population sympathetic to terror. As the Muslim settler population in the country increases, the number of cases will grow.”

Therefore, the American people along with Canadians, Australians and Europeans must demand their leaders “Stop All Muslim Immigration” into their countries.

Islam accelerates as an incurable disease of the mind and body of 1.5 billion people living in the Dark Ages of the 6th century and a madman prophet named Muhammad. He raped, murdered, tortured and beheaded anyone who opposed him. He embodied Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini and other historical figures that committed mass murder upon fellow humans.

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