
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What's the connection between black cancer and black arrests?

Klevius: Why is black women's higher risk for cancer due to self imposed neglect of breast cancer screening, while black men's higher risk for criminal behavior is due to white "racism"?

Could it be that the eager hunt for non-existing racism* contributes to a "counter racism" which then propels and excuses a disproportionate amount of criminal behavior compared to a default state where skin color can't be used as an "excuse"?

* At least not more "racism" than among the blacks - probably much less.

Late-stage breast cancer affected almost twice as many black women (22% of black African women and 22% of black Caribbean women) than white women (13%).

This is for many reasons, including possible differences in tumour biology, low awareness of symptoms and screening and barriers to seeking help.

Heather Nelson of BME Cancer Voice: “Women of colour are less likely to go for screening. You’ll get leaflets through your door and they will be predominantly of white, middle-class women. There’s no representation of South Asian, African descent et cetera.
If you get information like that, you’re going to look and think, ‘That’s not about me.’”

One woman said: “A lot of us black people bury our head in the sand: ‘Oh, me, well, I don’t need to go, there’s nothing wrong with me.’”

How many non-black police etc. has Obama's race-race contributed to?

This is the black supremacist hate preacher Farra-Khan of Nation of Islam whom Obama's (and his wife's) house cleric Wright for some twenty years, rewarded.

Muslim born (apostate? - bio father and adoptive father were both muslims) Obama was voted "president"* by deliberately playing the race card hard, well knowing that true racism usually resides together with inferiority complex.

* Unconstitutional but forgiven because he was half black.

NYPD officers turning their back against NY mayor Blasio who together with muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X "president" Hussein Obama Soetoro (or whatever) has been agitating in support of black racism. NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos (top left) were murdered by a black thug (with a long criminal record) while sitting in their patrol car.

Obama's and Clinton's cynical use of the race card has resulted in more racial tensions incl. murders of non-blacks.

If you critically check historical events you will soon realize that racial hatred has usually stemmed from this same attitude.

When Klevius watched Missisippi burning first time he got very agitated and could barely see it to the end because of the tears. However, a completely different picture started soon to emerge.

The pattern has been there for more than a century. When vigilante groups evolved among white minorities in places with lots of poor uneducated blacks far from Washington, the "analysis" among wealthy urban whites was immediately directed against the "rural white deplorables" without a thought about the true nature of the problems behind, namely that young unemployed blacks often turned to a combination of criminals and "revengers" against the white population. And this "analysis" was often backed up by those blacks who had moved away via education and careers.

An important factor in this disgusting attitude is that it boosts the self-esteem of those privileged whites who use it because it works as a social insurance signaling "I'm not a white racist - it's the white deplorable working class down there". And it's easy because the "deplorables" can't move and the privileged whites are surrounded with other privileged blacks, muslims etc. who wouldn't dream of living with those they encourage to hate.

It's the same with muslims. By saying "islam is a great religion" and white non-muslims (especially less educated working class white Western men who live in the same poorer areas as uneducated working class muslims) are "racist", a trigger is released for letting the hate lose.

And while black "deplorables" are encouraged to hate by Nation of Islam, muslim "deplorables" are encouraged to hate by the very "great religion" that devastated Africa for some 1,400 years. 

Again, the only solution is to thoroughly read and apply the original 1948 Human Rights declaration against fascist and totalitarian racism and sexism.

Human Right don't accept segregation for hate!

How to make political career by creating hate - like Obama, Clinton etc.

People from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds are more likely to be jailed for some crimes than those who are white, according to a government-commissioned report.
However, black people are known to be almost four times more likely to be in prison than white people and young black males are 10.5 times more likely than young white males to be arrested for robbery.

Peter Klevius: Does anyone really believe this is because of the "racism" of the white working class "deplorables" in the neighborhood or because of "racism" among officials caefully brainwashed about "diversity" throughout their education and threathened with harsh consequences if labeled "racist" or "islamophobic"? No, Klevius rather suggests tooking for the real problem in the political, medial and educational ivory towers. Moreover, Klevius suggests comparison with similar white groups, i.e. white outside the ivoy towers.

David Lammy, the MP for Tottenham in north London, said: “These emerging findings raise difficult questions about whether ethnic minority communities are getting a fair deal in our justice system. We need to fully understand why, for example, ethnic minority defendants are more likely to receive prison sentences than white defendants. These are complex issues, and I will dig deeper in the coming months to establish whether bias is a factor.”

Peter Klevius (who among many other things also happens to be a criminologist): Why not first try to eliminate the possibility of bias instead of searching for bias. The first option is the scientific one whereas the latter is the political one? Oh, you're a bias-politician, right.


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