
Friday, October 21, 2016

Which country, Russia or US "ally" Saudi Arabia, has actually bombed the US (incl. Pentagon)? And which presidential candidate has got an advisor with ideological as well as family roots in that country?


Media biased? Really! Oh yes...

 Places in Mideast suffering under islamic terror are described in quite different terms depending on who is involved. In Ḿosul and Kirkuk the muslim terrorists are keeping civilians as 'human shields' and in Yemen they are 'violating ceasefire', whereas in Aleppo they aren't even mentioned but Russia, who is fighting them, is accused of 'war crimes'.

BBC gave approximately 100 times (check it out on BBC Radio 4 Today 06:00 Thursday) more space for Clinton than for Trump in its first early news hour Thursday after the latest debate. Moreover, everything Clinton said in the clip was hawkish accusations about some senseless Trump and Putin connection. Of course, Hillary Clinton's real connection with the war crime committing and muslim terrorism supporting islamofascist Saudi dictator family didn't come up.

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