
Saturday, October 08, 2016

What's more important: Bragging about seducing women - or robbing them of their Human Rights? A vote on Hillary is a vote favoring sharia over Human Rights!

How much bigoted hypocrisy can Americans take from the appalling Clinton supporters who can't come up with any real criticism but have to create it themselves

President Bill Clinton used to sleep on a sofa on the second floor of the White House for three months during the Lewinsky affair.

Some on the staff have said that Hillary knew about Lewinsky (and the others) long before it came out, and that what really upset her was not the affair itself but its discovery and the media feeding frenzy that followed.

Klevius: So what about the media feeding frenzy against Trump? So far he hasn't come even close to the Clinton scandals - yet media create "scandals" out of trivialities in comparison.

Bill Clinton to the American people: Now, I have to go back to work on my State of the Union speech. And I worked on it until pretty late last night. But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you.

Hillary Clinton: "The great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president.

Linda Tripp: Hillary Clinton not only knew about her husband's sexual misbehavior against young interms, she also made it her personal mission to disseminate information and destroy the women with whom he dallied.

Tripp said Hillary Clinton is inappropriately presenting herself as 'a champion of women’s rights worldwide in a global fashion, and yet all of the women she has destroyed over the years to ensure her political viability continues is sickening to me.'

Klevius: However, what is even more sickening is her support of sharia islam that robs girls and women around the world of their Human Rights equality. Every decent person who cares about sexism should vote for Trump - if not for any other reason than that he is positive to vetting islam and muslims for sexist and racist sharia.

This disgustingly bigoted and hypocritical muslim sharia presenter at BBC today eagerly misinformed the Brits about Trump again. And why shouldn't she, because she has to defend sexist sharia islam against its biggest threat, Human Rights equality.

Swedish school "comforting" parents to 9-year old girl who was the subject of horrifying sexism by (mostly muslim? - they'll never tell you if they are) boys: 'She is blond and pretty and therefore exciting as a target.'

Klevius has told the world about these school atrocities in Sweden since 9/11. So, how are things at your end of the world?

Here's an other appalling mis-reporter about sharia islamofascism:

Christopher Mathias National Mis-reporter, The Huffington Post: A recent report from the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, documented at least 260 hate crimes against Muslims in 2015 ― a nearly 80 percent rise from the year before and the highest annual number of such crimes since 2001. The Huffington Post has also documented over 260 instances of anti-Muslim violence, harassment, discrimination and political speech so far in 2016.

Klevius: What a load! Those numbers say absolutely nothing before compared to hate crimes by muslims against non-muslims or "wrong-muslims".

Compounding this rise of Islamophobia in the U.S. is the fact that most people in the U.S. simply don’t know their Muslim neighbors. Last year, nearly 70 percent of Americans reported not having any Muslim friends. Perhaps not coincidentally, most Americans polled also have an unfavorable view on islam.

Klevius: Are there even enough friendly muslims in America to cover more than that?! And why would it be surprising that a religion/ideology that has taught enslavement, genocides, racism and sexism for 1400 years and still today causes most of the worlds terrorism, wars, racism and sexism would not be look upon with a critical eye? The dreamed up Western islam that doesn't tick all these boxes isn't shared by many muslims outside the "friendly" Westernized muslims - and often not even by them, although they won't mention it other than when they can share values with fundamentalist Christians etc..

Christopher Mathias: Wajahat Ali ― a writer and former Al Jazeera America host who happens (sic) to be muslim ― wants Americans to know that islam does not promote hate, and that he is not “commanded to kill the infidels.”

Klevius: He's right. Not 'compelled to kill' but compelled to support (in whatever way) those "defending" islam when it's "attacked".

Christopher Mathias: Wajahat Ali recently joined HuffPost to dispel (SIC) some of the most pervasive and pernicious anti-muslim myths Americans see online.

The Quran? On the whole, it’s a book that promotes faith and peace. Scary quotes you see attributed to the Quran are often fake or taken out of context.

Klevius: Islamic "peace" is a totalitarian utopia that is behind most of historical as well as today's terror and wars.

Wajahat Ali: Sharia? It’s not a strict set of laws as much as a set of guidelines for how Muslims can live their lives. (And no, lawmakers aren’t trying to implement Sharia in the U.S.)

Klevius: Guidelines that clash head on with the most basic of Human Rights - which fact lies behind the Saudi based and steered OIC's campaign (supported by Hillary Clinton) to silence criticism of islamofascist sharia islam.

Wajahat Ali: Jihad? It doesn’t always mean violence. It’s an Arabic word that means “exerted effort” or “struggle.” It can be a Muslim’s jihad to exercise more, or to go on more dates.

Klevius: Right again. It doesn't "always" mean direct physical violence - in most cases it means institutionalized racism and sexism against non-muslims, as well as using whatever means available to spread Human Rights violating sharia islam.

Wajahat Ali: Hijab? It’s a traditional way Muslim women choose to express their faith. (Hijabs aren’t mentioned in the Quran.) Are some Muslim women limited by their faith? Some are, yes. Yet there have been far more female heads of state in Muslim countries than in the U.S.

Klevius: However, they have all had to abandon Human Rights for women to get to the top - just like Hillary Clinton.

Wajahat Ali: “But the most important thing to know is that Islam, like any religion, is complex and requires more than just one video to understand,” Ali said. “So keep reading. Talk to actual Muslims! Visit a mosque! And remember: An entire religion can never be summed up in just one meme.”

Klevius: Yet, this "entire religion" is always summed up in just one meme when it comes to defending its own diverse atrocities.

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