
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Murderous black haters inspired by islam, Obama, Lynch etc.

Why would black lives matter more than white lives or colored lives? Most of the cases of so called "white racist police killing blacks" have afterwards turned out as something completely different. And where police have made fatal errors there is nothing indicating that that wouldn't have happened equally to whites or colored. On the contrary, there is all reasons to believe the opposite is true - says Klevius who shamefully also happens to have a higher degree in criminology.

Organizer Of Hate Rally, Nation Of Islam Member Tells Crowd To ‘Attack The Police’

Police also arrested organizer Ramzu Yunus, a member of the Nation of Islam, along with two supporters during the unrest after they distributed handouts reading: ‘You can change current reality and walk away with $100,000 and a new home.’ Mayor Hubert Yopp: “Querying some of the bystanders I found out that they said that this man…had a document from the 1800s that entitled them to homes in Highland Park”.

Not surprisingly the police murderer had an Arabic name, Fahed Hassen.

Klevius: Not in a million years could anyone logically argue that "white racism" against "blacks" could be more of a reason for some blacks being killed in police interceptions, than black hate mongering being the main agitation for inciting hatred against white (or non-black) police, hence leading up to 1) a general threatening behavior against police and 2) the direct murdering of police. 

 If corrected for the percentage of mentally disturbed and/or purely criminal individuals that exist in whatever ethnic group, then there's no escape from the troublesome fact that despite enormous affirmative actions etc. blacks are dis-proportionally criminal and therefor also dis-proportionally on the radar.

And what's the main reason that blacks are more criminal than even the poorest of so called "white trash" (why don't we ever hear about "black trash"?) - not to even mention non-muslim East Asians who are the least criminal. Klevius doesn't think blacks are born with criminal minds. Rather Klevius would suggest that it's precisely the "affirmative attitude" that bolsters a mix of "social victim-hood" and aggressive inferiority complex.

This is the hate mongering black supremacist muslim Farra Khan, the leader of the muslim hate organization that keeps the hate ticking. He is a good friend of London's new sharia mayor, Sadiq Khan, who was elected by the votes of extremist muslims who hate "British values". He is directly guilty of the murders/attempted murders of the police. He, together with Loretta Lynch and muslim born (apostate?) Mr X "president" Barry Barakeh Hussein Dunham Obama Soetoro (or whatever) should also be accountable in front of all blacks who hate hate.

This hate preacher, Louis Wolcott (aka Farra-Khan and a good friend of London's new sharia mayor Saddiq Khan) should have no power whatsoever among stupid blacks (clever "blacks" vomit on him) - was it not for Clinton's, Obama's etc. politicians support for racist/sexist islamofascism.

"Whiteys", "colored" (non-blacks), gay people, non-muslims, wrong muslims - well you name it - islam's hate teachings cover them all.

Klevius: Islam's the abode of racism/sexism - that's why islam is popular among racist thugs.

This laughable and dumb hate mongering Fuhrer of the "black" racist and sexist movement, the so called Nation of Islam, is a simple minded racist sexist thug who has learned to utilize evangelical/political preaching technics among blacks with inferiority complex.

This racist supremacist and Jew-hating muslim says colored and "white" people are less worthy than blacks. Yet Clinton, Obama, Saddiq Khan etc.
support him.

The "righteous" fascism

This is how fascism was created last time. You ought to be blind and deaf (or deliberately evil?) if you don't see fascism when it tells you itself!

A racist hate formula at work globally - and how Human Rights, not religion, is the only way to stop it

As Klevius has repeated as a village idiot throughout his life: Monotheist religions in general and islam in particular is the escape abode for racism and sexism hiding from Human Rights equality. A fertilizer of hatred.

Affirmative hate mongering only results in more hate.

Klevius wrote:

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Islam induced hatred

Obama's and Farrakhan's best hate card spells islam

Klevius to the "islamophobia" shouters: You're the purest of "diversity"* fascists!

* "Diversity" means sectarianism based on skin color, religion, etc., i.e. against the most basic of Human Rights. "Diversity training" means  tolerating intolerance.

Ever thought about how true fascism looks like? One example is the use of the extremely twisted reasoning that traps ignorant "muslims" in the same group as true muslims who deliberately oppose those very American values that these fascists used in the forst place to criticize the defense of American values and Human Rights.

Rudy Giuliani gets death threats after hinting that Obama might be more a muslim than a Christian

Compare Giuliani with Blasio on the police pic below!

Rudy Guiliani: Obama must begin acting and speaking in a way that draws sharp, clear distinctions between us and those who threaten our way of life. He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up.

Klevius: Meaning he was brought up as a communist muslim.

According to Giuliani, Obama is “criticizing his country more than other presidents have done.” He writes that Presidents John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton were, on the other hand, able to provide “constructive criticism” on the United States but still believe in American exceptionalism.

The former New York mayor said that his office secretary had reported receiving death threats since POLITICO first published his remarks about Obama.

Shaun King: 11 years after his autobiography, Dreams from my Father was released, in which he details his Christian faith explicitly, it's preposterous at this point in the game for anyone as public as Walker to deny ever, one single time, hearing that President Obama is a Christian.

Klevius: The desperate voice of King is that of a desperate man. And the desperation emanates from the really troublesome fact that as a born muslim you can't change or give up your religion without committing the worst crime islam knows about. However, you're allowed to lie if it's in the best interest of islam.

Frank Gaffney: President Obama on Wednesday said “it is a lie” when leaders of the Islamic State and al Qaeda describe themselves as “holy warriors in defense of Islam.” He insisted that they are “terrorists” who have “perverted Islam.” We are not, he proclaimed, “at war with Islam.” Mr. Obama even declared “no religion is responsible for terrorism.”

Someone is lying, all right. Unfortunately, it is our president, not our jihadist enemies.

The truth was recently exposed by another president, muslim Egypt’s elected leader Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.  He blamed the authorities of islam, not terrorists, for “antagonizing the entire world.” In other words, it is their practice of the faith, not “terrorists,” who are the problem.

Our president’s lying to the American people about that reality amounts to material support for our enemies.

'I will kill you' shouts the brain dead* hateful black muslim supremacist racist clown Louis Farrakhan

* Can we agree that hateful people are not only stupid but also dangerous - to all of us, including themselves.  Ok, he's smarter than Sharpton but what does that really prove! It's still far short of what could be expected from an ordinary civilized man. Just listen to this childish but hateful rant to childish but, as a consequence, hateful listeners. 

This hateful racist is whom Obama's minister for some 20 years awarded!

Yes, Klevius knows very well that people are very vulnerable to theatrical performance - especially when this helps to excuse one's often misdirected anger about oneself. This is why Klevius would never even dream of acting like Farrakhan. And this is why Klevius believes in Human Rights instead of segregation.

'I will kill you if you put your hands on me' Farrakhan said in a context where some presumably white official during the "million man marsh" had explained an escape route for him in the case of violence. And for his black audience (above) he made it sound the opposite to what the official had meant. Farrakhan unscrupulously played the race card hard, hinting the possible violence was white, not black, and then in a childish but obviously for this audience effective way (see how happy they look at the very moment he utters 'kill') played the hero card by stating that he 'should die with his people'. Moreover, Farrakhan knows very well that many young and some older black haters love to hear him hinting at hate violence by using words like 'kill' and 'fight back' etc. He also loves using the word 'devil' when talking about white people. Why? Simply because Nation of Islam's very racist hateful core idea is that "whites" are evil devils while "blacks" are "god's" chosen people. No other race is as good as "blacks" according to just one of the unbelievable fantasies from which Farrakhan's muslim hate organization emerged (see more about NOI furthest down on this posting).

How many police officers and civilians have been assaulted and murdered by young black haters because of muslim clown Farrakhan's and others continuous hateful agitation?

NYPD officers turning their back against NY mayor Blasio who together with muslim born (apostate?!) Mr X "president" Hussein Obama Soetoro (or whatever) has been agitating in support of black racism. NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos (top left) were murdered by a black thug (with a long criminal record) while sitting in their patrol car. Whereas every muslim is tied to Human Rights violating islam via islamic sharia, a black police has no such a tie to black criminals. However, because blacks in certain areas are hugely over represented in crime stats (hence also proportionally in general stats), it would be quite strange if equally many whites were pulled over, arrested etc. in such areas.

The black clown* "Minister" Louis Farrakhan for the audience on the pic: You grew up a privileged devil on the sweat and blood of black people who made America before your fathers got here. All you recent Europeans, you're so happy here but you're walking on our blood. We picked the cotton till our fingers were cut and bruised. And you sold it all over the world so you got rich and we got nothing.

If we hypothetically consider so called "African-Americans" as a group having the same intelligence as other groups - then what we see here would be a segregation based on intelligence, i.e. that dumb blacks are clustered together via hate speech while the smart blacks keep away - or just benefit on these dumb blacks. Although one might expect that most of the audience are quite privileged (enjoying money from the Obama administration etc) and that the dirty guides this agitation is meant for listen to it via Youtube.

However, the one and only hook that keeps up Farrakhan's hate speech is something that has absolutely nothing to do with the audience or the Youtube consuming haters. And without that slavery hook Farrakhan's racist rant becomes completely meaningless in every other sense except as a pure invitation to hate - and to politically/financially benefit on it - thanks to the Obama administration.

Blacks are not the only ones whose forefathers and mothers suffered and it's ridiculous to connect 1/8 of one's genetics into a skin color that encompasses everything (even albinos?) but not "white" and then categorize it as "black" for segregational hate usage. If blacks have claims against history then they will end up in an endless cue of other "sufferer heirs" as well. And could they even stand a cue filled also with white people?!

Moreover, there are no groups of sufferers other than sufferers and sufferers can't be distinguished by 1/8 genetics that occurred many hundred years ago.  And the only ones in the group of sufferers who can suffer are individuals, not the group. And "whites" isn't and has never been a self conscious group. On the contrary, it's a group created recently and mainly by segregationalists outside that "group" as a target for hatred.

However, what is totally lacking in Farrakhan's retarded theatrical rant is the self conscious group that enslaved practically the whole of Africa, i.e. islam. And not only did the Arab muslims based their entire finance on slavery, they did it so consciously that they even wrote a book about it in Arabic that said they could do so, and used Arabic language imperialism as an interface to segregate the "infidels" and to "educate" other Africans in how to "justify" the taking and trading of African slaves to the islamic slave markets. Zwahili is one remnant of that slavery interface.

Islam is the worst ideological crime history knows about. That's why criticism of islam is called "islamophobia" (i.e. "blasphemy"). And it's the very same reason why the defense of the most basic of Human Rights inevitably becomes "islamophobic".

Islam is today OIC and its world sharia

Saudi based OIC - and its islamofascist Saudi sharia Fuhrer Iyad Madani - constitutes islam today, and it's against the most basic of Human Rights!

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