
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Why do friends of Syria hate Syria to an extent that they want to bomb it?

British EUphobia bigotry and hypocrisy

Cameron wants to stay in EU while being racist against EU citizens and while disconnecting UK from Human Rights so to pave the way for islamic sharia and keeping the financial flow to EU intact. And precisely because of EU's rapid islamization Klevius suggest leaving the sinking ship.

Being a muslim means having an ideology that encourages to fight the "infidel" and to violate the most basic of Human Rights.. Being, for example, Polish or "Eastern European", EU citizen etc. lacks any ideology. 
When one or two Polish individuals commit a crime then the Brits (mainly politicians and BBC) blame the whole group. Why doesn't the same apply to muslims? Muslims have "holy texts" and a mythic violent figure they believe in - and who encourages jihad against islam's "enemies"..

Jo Cox:  In 2015 the UN attributed 60 per cent of child casualties and 48 per cent of attacks on schools and hospitals to Saudi-led coalition airstrikes. And last week the UN secretary-general’s annual report on Children and Armed Conflict for the first time put the coalition on the “list of shame” for the killing and maiming of children. They joined other state armed forces and non-state armed groups known for their appalling record of grave violations against children, including the South Sudanese and Syrian governments as well as Isis and Boko Haram. The Houthis were also listed, as they have been for the past several years.

    However, in an unprecedented and deeply shocking move, on Monday night the secretary-general temporarily removed the Saudi-led coalition from the list after heavy lobbying from the Saudis and their allies. The removal is meant to be temporary pending a joint review of the UN and Saudi-led coalition, but Saudi Arabia’s permanent representative to the UN has already declared the decision “irreversible and unconditional”.

However, Jo Cox also said: We heard again from the government this week that only by working with Saudi Arabia can we influence them. I accept this. But it is surely now time for the government to prove that this influence can help Yemen’s children, as well as keep Britain safe.

Klevius question: Why is it ok to "work" with the hate mongering and terrorist supporting Saudi dictator family but not with Assad?

The Group of Friends of the Syrian People (sometimes: Friends of Syria Group or Friends of the Syrian People Group or Friends of Democratic Syria or simply Friends of Syria) is an international diplomatic collective of mostly OIC countries and bodies convening periodically on the topic of Syria outside the U.N. Security Council. The collective was created by the Saudi dictator family in cooperation with Turkey.

More than 50 U.S. mid-level diplomats have sent a memo through the State Department’s “dissent channel” to a likely sympathetic Secretary of State John Kerry, advocating an American bombing campaign to bring down Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The memo concluded, “It is time that the United States, guided by our strategic interests and moral convictions, lead a global effort to put an end to this conflict once and for all.”

Many supporters of bombing Syria are precisely those who opposed taking down Saddam Hussein who had used chemical weapons to mass murder some 100,000 Kurds. Moreover, although there are no evidence of Assad having ordered the use of chemical weapons, there are strong evidence linking the Syria crisis and the bloodshed and suffering to the Saudi dictator family.

 Assad’s government is the only legitimate government in Syria and, as the sovereign, has the legal right to seek international support as it has from Russia and Iran. There is no such legal right for the United States and other countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey, to arm Syrian rebels to attack Assad’s government.

The dissent cable advocates what it calls “the judicious use of stand-off and air weapons,” which, the signatories write, “would undergird and drive a more focused and hardnosed US-led diplomatic process.”

Inside Syria, both the United States and Russia are battling the Islamic State and other jihadist groups seek to overthrow the Assad government. But while the U.S. is supporting muslim terrorist groups, Russia is backing Assad and waging a broader fight against these terrorists, including Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front.

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