
Friday, June 10, 2016

Cassius Clay's ignorance and CNN's bigoted hypocrisy (boosted by the Saudi dictator family)

There's only one islam - so CNN thinks all muslims are cool?! It's these kinds of headlines that boosts islamofascism and makes racist/sexist islamofascism cool among ignorants

Klevius pays respect to a dead man, Cassius Clay, who was a good boxer.  But first joining a racist supremacist organization (Nation of Islam), then Saudi islamofascism, and finally ending up as a non-muslim (British sufism) pretending to be a muslim, was just the result of a deep confusion originally put upon a young ignorant lad who happened to have some physical skills.

Nation of Islam had no "dreams" - only a fascist racist confused mythomania solely aimed for the purpose of ignating hatred among "black" Americans - and just the opposite to Martin Luther King.

This is the final blow that pushed Cassius Clay's* already ongoing Parkinson's disease to its knockout stage. But what about the blow to the Supreme Court produced by an unnamed clerk to a justice ignorant about islam and fearing to be called a "racist"?

* Cassius was given the name "Muhammad Ali" by US worst racist supremacist group, the Nation of Islam, also known for its childish mythology and the number of murders it has committed.

Larry Holmes (left) badly beat "the greatest" (right) to an extent that definitely sealed the rest of Cassius' life under the spell of Parkisnon's disease.

The leader of the racist supremacist organization Nation of Islam is Louis Farrakhan who here spews his hate mongering in front of eager co-racists.

Racist supremacist hate mongerer Farrakhan used to be defended by Sadiq Khan who was "elected" mayor of London by the help of supremacist muslims. Sadiq Khan is also known for his view on moderate muslims as "uncle Toms".

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