Klevius: What about hateful muslims? Do they exist - and do they divide?
The politically correct answer is that since islam is good then there can't be evil muslims. However, what if islam is exactly as evil as it itself says in the Koran, the Hadiths, and the actions of its attacking and slaughtering "prophet" Muhammad who stays as the raw model for all muslims?
Theresa May says the spying on "extremist muslims" (i.e. muslims inspired by the original so called Medina muslims*) works fine within muslim communities.
* I.e. the very same ideology that UK's "best ally in the muslim world", the Saudi dictator family, distributes with the help of Western oil money.UK Government scheme Prevent was set up to find and stop so called "radicalisation" (read 'original islam').
But only 280 of 3,288 referrals last year came from the Muslim community
Muslim leaders in London "fear" the programme is 'spying' on muslim youngsters.
Theresa May: Donald Trump was “plain wrong” to claim British muslims were not reporting concerns about extremism in their communities.
“I understand he said Muslims were not coming forward in the UK to report matters of concern, this is absolutely not the case, he is just plain wrong,” she told MPs.
“We do see Muslim communities around the UK who are as concerned as everyone else is in the UK both about the attacks that have taken place but about the perversion of Islam.”
Klevius: So "we see muslim communities who are concerned". But what about muslim communities which aren't concerned?
The home secretary said the British government was focused on “uniting our communities not dividing them”.
Klevisu: Sharia is the worst divider ever seen from a Human Rights perspective. But does Theresa May see it as well or is she tied by the sharia finance connections etc.?
Donald Trump said moderate muslims were “absolutely not reporting” would-be terrorists in their communities, and also said the perpetrators of the Paris attacks had been “coddled”.
His claims were rubbished as “bigotry” and inaccurate by the Muslim Sharia Council of Britain.
Theresa May now seems to have sided by the Muslim Sharia Council of Britain's attack on Trump.
“I understand he (Donald Trump) said muslims were not coming forward in the UK to report matters of concern, this is absolutely not the case, he is just plain wrong,” she told MPs.
“We do see muslim communities around the UK who are as concerned as everyone else is in the UK both about the attacks that have taken place but about the perversion of Islam.”
Klevius: Are the violent attacks and slaughterings committed by Muhammad (compare for example the slaughtering of all the Jews in Medina) "a perversion of islam"?
In an interview on ITV’s Good Morning Britain this morning, Trump he had “great respect for muslims” and had “many friends that are muslims”.
But when asked what the muslim community should do to prevent radicalism, Trump replied: “I would say this to the muslims, in the United States also: when they see trouble they have to report, and they are not reporting it. They are absolutely not reporting it. That’s a big problem.”
Klevius repeats his more than a decade long suggestion: Ask your muslim friend if s/he approves of sharia (e.g. Saudi based and steered OIC's sharia declaration in UN).
Miqdaad Versi, assistant secretary general of the muslim sharia Council of Britain, appeared on the show to respond to Trumps claims, and dismissed the notion moderate muslims were not doing enough.
Klevius: Really! I'm so surprised.
He said: “We’ve had mosques that throw extremists out of their midsts. We’ve had many hundreds of muslims reporting other muslims to the police and to counter-terror officials. We have over 90% of muslims saying if there is any muslim within their own community, maybe committing an attack, they would report them.”
Klevius: You have mosques which throw out Shia muslims and other "wrong muslims" as well, don't you. And 90%. That leaves approximately more than half a million British muslims not reporting, doesn't it.
Trump has previously claimed that London is so radicalised that police are afraid to go on the streets, comments allegedly sourced from some Met police officers but officially of course dismissed by the Met Police and the Government.
Klevius: Why would UK be any different from Sweden and other Western countries contaminated with muslim no-go sharia ghettos.
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