
Friday, February 05, 2016

If the definition of evil is to be deliberately/ideologically against the most basic Human Rights then all true sharia (e.g. OIC) muslims are evil.

Klevius: Nothing could be more self evident and easier to agree on from a moral point of view than that all humans should have equal Human Rights. Except for muslims of course, whose sharia ideology stays in the way for such a civilized moral stance! Or perhaps not "stays in the way" but rather encourages racist hatred and sexism.

Is this moron, who seems to hate* a true black African heroine, the next US president?!

*  Ayaan Hirsi Ali is the world's foremost female "islamophobe" and Hillary wants to make her a criminal for criticizing Saudi islamofascism.

Hillary Clinton:  “I think Sharia Law will be a powerful new direction of freedom and democracy for the women of Libya."

When reminded that sharia means oppression of women's Human Rights and even sex enslavement of women, Hillary responded “Isn’t that the other one, the shia thing?"

Klevius: Could that have anything to do with the fact that her advisor is Huma Abedin, a Sunni muslim fostered in Saudi Arabia?

And who are the morons who want to elect her?!

 When listening to these California women you really understand why muslims consider women inferior to men. However, nothing in the world can make Klevius believe this stupidity has anything to do with female biology.

The Saudi - Hillary connection that should make any decent person think again before giving her a vote.

Hillary Clinton et al. introduced House Resolution 569 that effectively completes the effort of the Saudi based and steered Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s plan to criminalize criticism of islam (the worst racist/sexist ideological crime our planet has ever encountered) embodied in UN Human Rights Council 16/18“combating ["religious" (i.e. islamic)] intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization.” Passed in March 2011, UNHRC Res. 16/18 is modeled on extremist Saudi, Pakistani etc. Blasphemy Laws used to prosecute imperiled minority Christians for alleged desecration of the Koran and sharia. Hillary Clinton facilitated the efforts of the islamofascist OIC to further UNHRC Res. 16/18 in the July 2011 Istanbul Process and the hearings held at US State Department in December 2011 at which representatives of OIC muslim member states and representatives of the US Justice Department met under the guise of "islamophobia" to further the Saudi–sponsored agenda of silencing criticism of its own islamofascist system and its evil terrorizing and Human Rights violating spread over the world via islamic hate mongering.

In accordance with the sinister 10 year plan (of which Klevius has warned the world all the time since) of the Saudi based and steered Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to implement U.N. Resolution 16/18 and criminalize all criticism of (eapecially Sunni) islam worldwide, the House has issued H. Res. 569 in condemnation of violence, bigotry and “hateful rhetoric” toward muslims or their ideology islam. The bill comes after Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s post-San Bernardino muslim terrorist attack promise to the muslim American community to prosecute anyone guilty of "anti-muslim speech" (i.e. incl. questioning/criticizing islam's anti-Human Rights hate mongering). The attack occurred on December 2nd and in an unparalleled display of sympathy for the muslim ideology behind the attack and disrespect for the victims and their families, Ms. Lynch’s pronouncement was made on December 3rd, before the bodies were laid to rest.

The legislation if passed would constitute the end of any and all discourse and education about the threat posed by the global jihad islam and racist/sexist Human Rights violating sharia.

Rape is one of islam's main pillars

Rape accused member of the islamofascist Saudi dictator family, Alwaleed Bin Talal is boasting about his role in impacting U.S. elections. Saudi Arabian news site Sabq claims that “Alwaweed Bin Talal caused a decline in Trump’s popularity.”

The connection between Alwaleed, Abedin, Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia are troubling:

In 2008 donations to the William J. Clinton Foundation included amounts of $10 million to $25 million from Saudi Arabia. Huma Abedin was hired as a consultant to the William J. Clinton Foundation after Hillary Clinton left her role as Secretary of State.

Huma Abedin is also at the center of Hillary Clinton’s private email server scandal.

Huma Abedin’s mother lives in Saudi Arabia and runs the Journal for Muslim Minority Affairs and is also a dean at a sex segregated women’s college.

The Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs is an Abedin family business. Huma was an assistant editor there between 1996 and 2008. Her brother, Hassan, 45, is a book-review editor at the Journal and was a fellow at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies, where Nasseef is chairman of the board of trustees. Huma’s sister, Heba, 26, is an assistant editor at the Journal.

In his early years as the patron of the Abedins’ journal, Nasseef was the secretary-general of the Muslim World League, which has long been the Muslim Brotherhood’s principal vehicle for the international propagation of islamofascist supremacist ideology.

The Muslim World League was the mother organization of two groups the U.S. government thinks was involved in funneling money to terrorists: The Rabita Trust and the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO). Both groups are listed on the Treasury department’s website of terrorist organizations. Naseef’s Rabita Trust co-founder Wa’el Hamza Julaidan was one of the founders of Al Qaeda.

These connections have been hidden by the PC (i.e. Saudi seered) media by attempts to muddy the connection between Saudi Arabian raised Huma Abedin and Nassef when questions about Abedin were raised by a group of Congress members in 2012.

Alwaleed bin Talal is a large investor in Al-Resalah, which tweeted a photo of the three slain French terrorists and described them as "martyrs."

Here's an other Sunni muslim woman fostered in Saudi Arabia: BBC's bigoted and hypocritical sharia presenter Mishal Husain who says she doesn't care about Ramadan but drinks some alcohol.


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