
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

So called British Broadcasting Company (aka BBC) blinks 1400 years of islamic sex slavery - but eagerly jumps on Japanese war crimes similar to those committed by UK, France, US, and others*

* Here's just a brief snapshot from WW2 1944:

General Alphonse Juin before a battle against Germans in WW2 to his (muslim?) soldiers: "For fifty hours you will be the absolute masters of what you will find beyond the enemy. Nobody will punish you for what you will do, nobody will ask you about what you will get up". His Goumiers then raped and assaulted at least 2000 girls/women in a short period of time while also murdering some 800 civilian men.

And today in Britain adherents to the worst sex slavery ideology ever are considered more vulnerable than others - meaning someone raping a muslim will get a harder sentence than a muslim raping a non-muslim!


The two evil caliphates and their evil caliphs

The world's biggest* organization, OIC, is muslim - as is the world's main military problem, IS!

* Although UN consists of more nations OIC is much more effective precisely because of its evil anti Human Rights approach which constitutes its main allure for dictators and other scumbags .

 These two evil muslims below right now represent the absolute majority of the world's practicing muslims. They both consider the most basic of Human Rights as "crimes against islam". Yet stating this indisputable fact makes Klevius an "islamophobe"!? So when the British socialist leader Jeremy Corbyn today wanted to say something that everyone in the British Parliament had to agree with him about, he consequently defended his anti war position with the "risk of creating more islamophobia".

al-Saud and al-Baghdadi

 So called British Broadcasting Company (aka BBC)  makes a huge number of Japanese soldiers in WW2 using "comfort women". Compare this to islam's 1400 years of sex slavery that so called BBC has never seriously addressed!

However, so called British Broadcasting Company (aka BBC ) makes no number at all about the world's by far worst and longest lasting sex slave nation, the Umma of islam. And this despite, or perhaps because, the so calle "British" Broad Casting Company is now anchored in the very center of islam, i.e. Mideast.

Underlying so called BBC's judgmental campaign against Japanese is not only a deep racist attitude against everything Japanese but perhaps even more so so called BBC's poorly hidden efforts to veil islamic atrocities by pointing to something else.

Btw dear reader, how many intellectually high quality independent non political and non religious sources do you really possess except for Klevius?


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