
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Why are muslims so eagerly throwing rocks against a symbol for non-muslims in Mina outside Mecca (the most intolerant place on Earth)?

Pope today: Most of us were immigrants! Klevius: But not hateful muslims!

 Klevius wrote:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Don't fly Qatar to the pagan Kaba idol in hateful Mecca/Saudi Arabia!

Hajj pilgrimage to the pagan idol of islam in the world's most racist, sexist and intolerant city and state may involve some additional evil

Throwing stones against non-believers.

The word Hajj may be traced to the Swedish 'haj' which now means shark but used to refer to a pole and which originally is an old Finno-Ugric word that later on entered Mideast and semitic languages such as Hebrew and its later derivative Arabic (much like the Finnish 'koti' and Sami 'khode'home are reflected in the Persian Khoda).


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