
Monday, September 21, 2015

How could anyone (except sharia muslims) even think about voting for a sharia muslim president?! Ignorance? Oh, that...

Ben Carson threatened by sharia muslims

 Ben Carson's campaign pushed back against outrage over his perfectly sound comments regarding islam, saying there was a "huge gulf" between the muslim faith (i.e. unconstitutional and Human Rights violating sharia islam) and "American values." He could also have said that there's a huge gulf between the US Constitution and fascist islam.

Islamofascist CAIR which calls itself a national muslim "civil liberties" group (a funny name for a 'sharia muslim group') has called for Carson to withdraw from the race after he told "Meet the Press" that he would not agree with having a muslim in the White House.

  A sharia muslim can never be a constitutional representative of US neither as a president or as other officials. And although not all sharia muslims openly support or are openly militant jihadis - a huge number of them are!

The so called "tiny fraction"

At least 234,000 UK muslims have a "very favorable" or "somewhat favorable" view on the Islamic State!

Today (2015) approximately 78,000* UK muslims have a "very favorable" view on the Islamic State while some 156,000 have a "somewhat favorable" view. 

* Cautiously estimated on 2.6 million adult UK muslims (2011 census). 

David Cameron: Some muslim communities are ‘quietly condoning’ the extremist ideology that can lead to terrorism.

Klevius: Indeed.
Here's what the sharia compliant PC world prefers as a Republican candidate.

Carly Fiorina supports sharia islam - and gets the Saudi sponsored press ticking

Carly Fiorina (after 9/11):  Sharia islam is able to unite the human race under the truest and most harmonious way of life.

Islamofascist Saudi based and steered OIC's Human Rights violating sharia declaration (which via UN guides all muslim countries): Reaffirming the civilizing and historical role of the Islamic Ummah which Allah made as the best community and which gave humanity a universal and well-balanced civilization, in which harmony is established between hereunder and the hereafter, knowledge is combined with faith, and to fulfill the expectations from this community to guide all humanity which is confused because of different and conflicting beliefs and ideologies and to provide solutions for all chronic problems of this materialistic civilization.

Klevius: Carly Fiorina has totally missed the basic fact that the ideology of islam was entirely built of parasitism. Her bottomless ignorance about islam may be summarized as a total lack of understanding of the evil forces that underpinned the origin of islam (and made it "successful") and the evil parasitic slave economy (sharia finance) that kept it ticking until slavery was abolished (the Ottoman slave "empire" slowly sunk into the deepest depravity as a consequence of the lack of slaves).

Klevius' reminder to Carly (and her supporters): The Saudi dictator family is the heart (or "custodian" if you like) of islam today. This family (via Western oil money) is also the cause to most of the victims and refugees sharia islam produces today.

Sharia islam is incompatible with the most basic of Human Rights - as proven by OIC, the world's main muslim organization.

Sharia muslims


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