
Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Cutting off the evil* part of islam means decapitating islam itself. Is this why no one wants to talk about Saudi steered islamofascist OIC's sharia in UN? Or the Saudis reluctance to take refugees it has itself caused?

* Against the most basic of Human Rights.

Klevius to refugees from islam: Welcome to civilization! But don't bring islam with you! It's not civilized - has never been - and never will!

Put pressure on Saudi Arabia to take pious sharia muslim refugees! The Saudis are the most guilty and the least helpful.

Islam's forced one way reproduction (sharia/apostasy ban) doesn't prove greatness or lack of evil - it proves Utopian totalitarianism, always doomed to produce failure and backwardness. It's the opposite to Human Rights - a fact easily proven by OIC's abandoning of Human Rights and replacing them with islamic sharia.

Civilization vs islam

Klevius micro history of Roman Palmyra Bel

32 AD - Built by the Greco-Roman civilization.

5-6th century AD - Palmyra was Christianized in the 5th century and the Bel Temple was transformed into a church in the 6th century.

1132  AD - Arab muslims used their slaves and architects from the civilized world to erect a bastion, and the temple was of course converted into a mosque, which fact was the only reason it survuved as long as it did under different islamist regimes - until the original islam in the form of the Islamic State put an end to it because they couldn't stand the overwhelming evidence of the Palmyra architecture as a sign of a superior civilization - in fact, any civilization is superior to islam because islam is based on parasitism and conservative backwardness.

2015 AD - Destroyed by islam in the form of the Saudi sponsored Islamic State - quite in line with the Saudis destruction of Mecca and Medina.

 Palmyra, 120 miles northeast of Damascus, fell under Roman rule in the 1st century BC. But the city remained a minor oasis between the Roman and Parthian empires until Roman emperor Trajan in 106, while organizing newly conquered territory near the Arabian Gulf, re-routed the southern branch of the Silk Road through Palmyra.

The walls of the temenos* and propylaea** were constructed in the late first and the first half of the second century AD. The architect responsible for constructing the Temple of Bel was a Greek named Alexandras, and the names of three Greeks who worked on the temple of Bel are known through inscriptions.

*  A piece of land cut off and assigned as an official domain, especially to kings and chiefs, or a piece of land marked off from common uses and dedicated to a god, a sanctuary, holy grove or holy precinct.
** A monumental gateway copied from the entrance to the Acropolis in Athens.

 Roman empire

  East Roman empire 555 AD

 Do note how the muslims followed the Jewish slave trade routes in their attacks.

 Persia and Spain both became open for muslim jihadis, not because of the Jihados strength bit because of Jewish insider work.

Roman women long before islam

 This bust of a Roman girl is a masterpiece of a time machine that almost makes her real and alive, don't you think.

 Roman girl reading

 Mixed sex Roman workplace

 Roman women playing and sporting

Roman women on coins more than 600 years before any coinage in islam

Universal Negative Human Rights is the only working cure against "islamophobia"!

 The image (below) by Klevius has been on the web for over a decade. It caused "shock and awe" at first but when OIC replaced Human Rights with sharia in UN the seriousness of the pic suddenly became obvious for many who, out of the deepest of ignorance (or deliberate racism/sexism), had used to dismiss it as "islamophobia".

"Negative Human Rights" means the right of the individual to be freed from impositions. These rights are irreconcilable with totalitarian ideologies such as state socialism and islam.  

And the only "defense" the "islamophobia" shouting crowd can come up with is the laughable oxymoron that islam, which progressed with the jihad sword, "is a peaceful religion" while pointing towards less "islamic" muslims who can't by any stretch of imagination be called representative of islam. These are the so called "cuktural muslims", i.e. people who have been forced into islam for the simple reason to avoid something even worse. And the deep irony is that islam's evil one way reproduction through the male muslim line paired with islam's apostasy ban, together create islamic growth, and that this growth is then interpreted as a proof of islam being "good".

But not anymore. When muslims in the gray zone between the West and muslim sharia* countries are forced to either abandon so called "islamic extremism" (sharia) or to become a full-blood "islamic extremist", the former will inevitably win in numbers. And this win will slowly strangle to death that sharia islam that causes Klevius' "islamophobia".

 * Formal or informal.


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