
Thursday, August 06, 2015

Klevius compassionate helping hand to PM Cameron's failed search for a compassionate social alternative to the egoistic, parasitic and heartless social state

PM Cameron's failed affairs with "diversity" women

Sayeeda Warsi

is an unelected Peer  who in 2007 was appointed Shadow Minister for Community Cohesion by David Cameron. Enabling her to fulfil this post, she was created a Life Peer as Baroness Warsi, of Dewsbury in the County of West Yorkshire.

The muslim connection

The social connection

Camilla Batmanghelidjh

"mesmerized" David Cameron to support her children's "charity".

On 30 July 2015 the Metropolitan Police announced an investigation into the charity saying, “The Metropolitan police service has today commenced an investigation into a number of allegations of crime involving a children’s charity. “The investigation is being led by officers from the complex case team of the sexual offences, exploitation and child abuse command.

 In 2012 when he was Children's and Families Minister working within the Department of Education, Tim Loughton MP signed off what was the second largest grant he ever agreed. When the charity came back for additional funds, Loughton and officials in the Department for Education advised central government and No.10 Downing Street against paying the grant, because "we needed to see what the actual results are." Despite the Ministers caution, further funds and grants were authorised and sent to the charity. In August 2015 it was alleged that UK Prime Minister David Cameron had paid insufficient attention to these concerns, raised in 2012.

In 2015 an investigation by BBC Newsnight and the website BuzzFeed found that the British government suspended £3 million in funding for Kids Company until Batmanghelidjh was removed from her position as chief executive, citing concerns over the governance of the charity. In March 2015 the interim finance director, head of human resources and director of development resigned, which the charity explained as due to uncertainty of funding. On 3 July 2015 it was reported that Batmanghelidjh was to step down as chief executive and continue in a "presidential" role. The government indicated that it would end £5 million of annual funding.

With the charity then stating that it was in financial difficulty, and seeking £3million grant to assist in restructuring, Richard Heaton, the Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary, wrote to ministers Oliver Letwin and Matthew Hancock seeking a Ministerial direction, because although he recognised the good work of the charity, he was concerned the grant “does not represent value for money, in terms of delivering the outcomes for which the department is funded by parliament”. The ministers said in their reply that they believed he should go ahead with the grant, because they judged the charity to have a “realistic prospect of long-term viability so it can continue to deliver for vulnerable young people”.

Shortly after payment of the grant to the charity, the Government sought to recover the money on the ground that Kids Company had breached the terms of the grant; specifically, that some of the grant had been used to pay staff salaries. Batmanghelidjh denied that this had breached the terms of the grant. She also claimed that the government grant was to have been matched by a private donation of £3 million. However, when the donor became aware of the police investigation into sexual abuse allegations at Kids Company, the private donation pledge was withdrawn as well. As a result, on 5 August 2015 the charity told the government that it would close its services on the same day.

Klevius comment: Cameron chose a female muslim who he thought was "moderate" for the sake of being both "diverse" as well as welcoming women in his Conservative party. What little he knew about islam back then (Klevius criticized him about it already in 2007). Klevius has full understanding of Cameron's strive away from the social state. However, what he missed was that Kids Company was nothing else than a micro copy of the socialist social state. Every such type of effort, no matter how financed, will end up in personal egoism. However, unlike private companies there is no real quality guarantee whip behind it. The "work" is usually self centered and the results are mostly blurred under a cover of populist psycho state jargon.

 Klevius will come out with a solution to PM Cameron's dilemma, but before that please educate yourself by reading the two most important papers on the topic of the social state and vulnerable children.

Pathological Symbiosis

Angels of Antichrist

The social state is much more devastating to children than any private company - and waste much more money!

A UK mother who found 125 names of potential (most/all muslims?) sex abusers on her daughter’s mobile phone claims she was told by police in Rotherham it would be a "breach of the girl’s human rights" if they investigated.

Klevius translation: Note that we are talking about underage girls who would have no Human Rights protection against social state interventions (aided by the police) whatsoever (to understand this and the tiltle see Angels of Antichrist and Pathological Symbiosis). What they really meant was that it would be a breach of the muslims' human rights (read "diversity policy") if they investigated. And this is the dilemma - Human Rights cover all, including muslims, whereas sharia opposes Human Rights - which fact doesn't hinder muslims (and their supporters) from abusing Human Rights when it serves themselves.!

The parasitic social state that feeds itself on behalf of the taxpayers and children while giving a s--t to non-muslim girls abused by muslims. Don't approve a penny before getting rid of the parasites residing in the social state! And one thing is definitive: Ed Milliband will continue supporting these parasites.

Rotherham has been totally dominated by Labour since World War 2. Compare the total dominance of the Swedish social democrats who created the disastrous Swedish social state all the way from Gunnar and Alva Myral's "social hygiene"  in the 1930s and due eugenics to the explosive tax injection in the 1970s and due birth of the modern social state. Some results: The Swedish "girl problem" (which Klevius has written about since 1993), high child/youth criminality, and a school system that 2015 is classified among the worst within OECD and heavily criticized in a recent OECD report. Yet Sweden has compulsory school attendance and doesn't admit homeschooling at all for normal children (alone in Europe together with Germany whose Hitler imposed law is still in power).

Learn more on Angels of Antichrist and Pathological Symbiosis

Joyce Thacker has been a central figure in the responsibility for letting children be abused and even murdered. How much does she get from your tax money, and will she be rewarded in the usual way for defending islam while not defending children.



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