
Monday, July 20, 2015

Klevius to UK PM: Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a much better muslim advisor than the muslim "advisor" you listen to! But is she even allowed to enter UK?

The naked meltdown of the British muslim "community" on TV4 News tonight

A bearded representative for the islamofascist organization CAGE today admitted that muslim militant jihad is allowed  "when muslims are attacked". Yes, he was stupid beyond understanding but it also reveals the underlying islamic illogic (i.e. totalitarian supremacism) from a Human Rights point of view.

Sayeeda Warsi, the islamofascist whom Cameron made baroness (wonder how much he repents that move now) didn't answer any of the questions TV4 asked, incl. if she supported CAGE's view. And when asked about jihad she acted as the worst kind of deceiver by talking about "inner jihad" although she clearly knew what jihad was meant in the question.

Sadly, TV4's guy never followed up her evil twists.

Would an ordinary Wahhabi/Salafist sharia imam from Saudi Arabia qualify as non-radical in PM Cameron's plan?

Klevius suggestion to UK PM: Indict sharia islam by comparing it to Human Rights - not the muddled "British values"!

 Promoting Saudi sharia islam (Wahhabism/Salafism, OIC etc), while censoring criticism as "islamophobia" seems to be a one way road ending with bomb shells and more Human Rights violations.

UK Government's muslim advisor on BBC calls IS an "Unislamic State".

Klevius: What about the Saudi "guardian of islam". Their Wahhabi/Salafist version differs very little from the Isl amic State!

Isolating "bad muslims" from "good muslims" without "anti-muslim sentiments" ("islamophobia"?!) and without "offending" muslims or disturbing muslim "community cohesion as a whole" (read sharia) seems to pose a difficult task.

UK PM says the Islamic State enslaves and abuses girls. Well, isn't that what historians (incl. Klevius) have told us sharia islam specialized in - and still does.

What about this Saudi islamofascist and his spread of muslim sharia racism and sexism

Alwaleed bin Talal, a Saudi muslim who has never worked but inherited massively more (?) than his "share" of oil money says he will donate $32 billion to muslim "charity". This is how the disgusting Saudi dictator family channels oil money for distributing islamic hate in favor of themselves, and seemingly outside the "official" Saudi "state". Most of "his" "philanthropic" ia directed to "foster cultural understanding" of islamofascism in the West.

Alwaleed bin Talal isn't only notorious for rape allegations etc. He has already donated millions to radical Muslim Brotherhood front groups that have a secret plan to spread Sharia throughout the West.

Since Egypt in 2013 ousted Mohammed Morsi, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates portrayed the Brotherhood as a terrorist group similar to al Qaeda and the Islamic State. However, for the purpose of getting a broad Sunni support for the Saudi attack on Yemen Muslim Brotherhood was useful and helped getting Turkey, Morsi’s key backer, and Qatar and U.A.E.
aboard. Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdogan then eagerly supported the bloodbath the Saudi family produced in Yemen.

Fahad Nazer: “In the last couple of years, Saudi officials and media used Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS almost interchangeably. Now, there is change coming for sure.”

Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al Faisal: “We don’t have any problem with the Muslim Brotherhood. We oppose only a small segment affiliated with the group.”

Alwaleed bin Talal is closely connected to Muslim Brotherhood leaders and has hired "tele-islamist" Tariq Al-Suwaidan as a director of his Islamic religious TV outlet Al Risala.

Alwaleed bin Talal's network's "Supreme Advisory Committee" has included Abdullah Omar Naseef, who allegedly has helped raise funds for al-Qaida.

After 9/11 Alwaleed bin Talal "donated" $10 million to the World Trade Center fund only to have then-New York mayor Rudy Giuliani return the check. After presenting the money, the Saudi billionaire issued a press statement blaming the terrorist attacks on U.S. support for Israel while "our Palestinian brethren continue to be slaughtered at the hands of the Israelis."

The next year, Alwaleed "donated" $27 million to a Saudi telethon for the violent Palestinian intifada against Israel, according to the Clarion Project.

Also in 2002, he gave $500,000 to the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, which federal authorities have linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.

In 2005, moreover, he spent $40 million to expand Islamic studies at U.S. colleges — donating $20 million to Harvard University to create a campuswide Shariah law studies program, while pumping another $20 million into Georgetown University for a "muslim-Christian understanding" program run by notorious islamic apologist John Esposito.

Klevius wrote:

Friday, April 27, 2012

Why isn't Alwaleed bin Talal arrested?! And why isn't OIC/Sharia criminalized just like Nazism etc fascist political ideologies?

These are some of the human faces of the main threat to Human Rights

Crimes against humanity and violation of the most basic Human Rights in the name of islamofascist Sharia. Rape or accomplice to rape, perverting the course of justice, media and finance manipulation etc etc. Possibilities for indictment may be some or all of these - or maybe more. It may be reasonable to assume that the actions of this scumbag has caused a lot more harm than Rupert Murdoch ever has (you know, the Brit whom BBC has chased for more than a year by now ' that very BBC whose commercial Mideast section functions as a channel for islam propaganda).

This rape accused Saudi islamofascist*, Alwaleed bin Talal, censors what you learn in schools and universities and in most news channels.

Here kissing/hugging Sudan's "president" Bashir who is arrested (although not produced as yet) by ICC. 

 * Definition of islamofascism: The deliberate neglect of the most basic Human Rights. And don't let them lure you by calling islamofascist Sharia "islamic human rights"!
Klevius question:  Why is the female person (sex slave under Sharia rapetivism?)  looking down? And what does she see? The origin of islam?!

According to rumors members of European royalty partied on Turama together with lots of drugs and prostitutes. The Spanish court dismissed the rape case despite witnesses, semen, traces of drugs etc  were available.

Saudi based islamic Sharia organization OIC is the most powerful voting unit in UN and is also the foremost threat to UN's 1948 Human Rights Declaration. It has long since abandoned every Human Right that doesn't comply with Koranic Sharia.

OIC Secretary General, the Turk Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, and Alwaleed bin Talal. The other persons on the pic don't count because of their sex - other than if they say the right thing and if that is in accordance with that very Sharia that is so basically different from Human Rights that OIC had to abandon Human Rights altogether!


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