
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

If a majority of muslims believing in Human Rights violating sharia feel "British" - shouldn't that worry the Brits?

Some half of British muslims support the Islamic State, OIC's basic Human Rights violating sharia, Saudi salafism etc. However, most of them still feel "British" according to BBC!?

BBC's Laurie Taylor eagerly and "surprised" tells about a study according to which "90% of British muslims feel "British".

BBC's "enlightened" sociologist is allowed to "think" aloud. Klevius: But how, with that darkness behind his ears? Ah, compulsory fees and taxes paying Brits can't see it because it's radio. However, what he really needs is a much stronger spine! Who is ready to donate?  Klevius suggests that he asks Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

What could be much more interesting though, is how many neo-muslims, ex-muslims, and "cultural muslims" there are now in UK - and their dynamics.

Wikipedia: “Cultural Muslims are secular, religiously unobservant or irreligious individuals who still identify with Muslim culture due to family background, personal experiences or the social and cultural environment in which they grew up.”

Saif Rahman, ex-ex-muslim turned "cultural muslim": My transition from being a Muslim to ex-Muslim was sudden. After spending years frustratedly attempting to reconcile my personal and religious beliefs, I realised I was being intellectually dishonest and often bending Islam to fit with my personal ideals. My religious cousin from Pakistan crystallized this perfectly when he came to stay with us.

We would often get into long debates about Islam, lasting long into the night. They would often end on a heated note, where he would say something like “You are either Muslim or you are not” or “Either accept everything in Islam is right because it’s been produced by an infallible God, or don’t call yourself a Muslim.”

I can’t recall which contentious issue broke the camel’s back, but on one occasion I was not willing to compromise and called his bluff. I conceded that he was right, and that I was no longer a Muslim. His face registered his shock. In an effort to reverse the damage he asked me to write all my arguments down so he could take them to a learned scholar of Islam.

I did so in an eleven-page letter. I eagerly anticipated his response and even copied in each of my siblings. After three months my brother received a phone call from the cousin saying that he hadn’t forgotten and was still working on the reply. It’s been eight years, and I still haven’t heard back.

Klevius: Reminds me of party in Stockholm sometimes around 1990 when I met a Pakistani guy named Khan (what else). He was nice and very eager and started talking about religion. Though, in my Western naivity I sadly didn't realize the depth of religious backwardness (islam) still alive. Soon, however, I noticed I had dragged him too deep in the swamp of logic, and that he assumed I was a Christian, so to make possible a dignified return to a more even playing field I tried to clarify my position as an Atheists (like Buddhists, most Chinese, Japanese etc). He looked at me with horror and disbelief, turned away and never spoke to me again. He was a muslim hunting for misled Christians whom he wanted to correct to the only true religion, islamofascism.

20 years ago:

Action on extremism
November 3 1995

The National Union of Students is to send a dossier listing verbal and physical abuse that students have suffered at the hands of fascist groups, Islamic extremist groups and religious cults to Gillian Shephard (now Chairman of the Association of Conservative Peers), secretary of state for education and employment.

The union claims that Mrs Shephard expressed her concern at the growth of such abuse on university campuses at a meeting with the NUS in February and promised to push the Home Office to take action.

Campus Watch, a helpline set up by the NUS, found that alarm about the activities of Hitz-ut-Tahrir, a Muslim extremist group, dominated calls to the helpline. More than 100 callers complained at the distribution of offensive material, compared to 24 complaints about material from extreme right and fascist groups.

One example of such material about Jews reads: "We must. . . destroy their existence by the lawful jihad until they are wiped out, and their survivors are left senseless, scattered and despised the world over."

"Louise", a student from London, told how she had received death threats at home after attending a Hitz-ut-Tahrir meeting and challenging the view stated from the platform that the Holocaust is a fabrication.

"I was surrounded by angry men and followed home. Because I cannot say exactly who threatened me on the phone, the police have been unwilling to act," she said at a press conference organised by the NUS to publicise the results of Campus Watch earlier this week.

Hitz-ut-Tahrir described the NUS as "nazis". A leaflet put out by the group outside the NUS press conference accused the Union of Jewish Students of orchestrating the campaign: "Motivated by their bigoted advocacy of the racist state of Israel and recognising that Islam is the only front to such fascism, they have managed to infiltrate student union politics to such an extent that most student unions follow their vitriol against Islam blindly and unthinkingly."

Jim Murphy, president of the NUS, said: "We are not anti-Muslim and do not favour one particular religious group above another. We know that many Muslim students face racism in Britain today, and we want to help them fight it. But we are firmly opposed to the activities of Hitz-ut-Tahrir. They are, after all, banned in most Middle Eastern countries."

The NUS is also campaigning for the Internet to be regulated better. "Why should individuals be allowed to put material on the Internet that incites racial hatred and violence?" asked Mr Murphy.

But BBC's sociologist Laurie Taylor knows no muslim evil, sees no muslim evil, and hears no muslim evil - but notes that almost all of them are "British"

Laurie Taylor talks about British identity among "migrant groups" (read 'muslims'). Saffron Karlsen, Senior Lecturer in Social Research, helps him explore the degree to which ethnic and religious minorities feel themselves to be "British".

Laurie Taylor: The most interesting and perhaps the most surprising finding is that people from different ethnic backgrounds (Chinese?), religion (Jews, Christians?), incl. muslims (ah, of course), identify themselves more - closely, as British than one (who?) might expect (why?).

Klevius: Why "interesting" or "surprising"? Wasn't that exactly what you were looking for, stupid! Also do note how neutral migrants always turn out to be muslims in the end, while bad immigrants usually come out as non-muslim white EU citizens, preferably Polish, "East European" or, worst of all, Romanian.


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