* Of course Klevius really wants the Japanese to win because they have the best football team (although usually punished by biased referees). Likewise, of course Klevius should have abandoned Japanese cars and bought an Audi or something produced by "whites" (or Westerners if you prefer) were it not for the extreme difference in quality and technology. The only "non-Western"/"colored" cars competing with the "whites" are Japanese and Korean. There doesn't even exist African or Middle east car manufacturers to consider. Yes, happens to be areas were the worst religion ever has committed its 1400 years of Koranic enslavement and genocides. And still does.
Klevius suggests a real black African woman as US next president and a real blond team as World Cup winner
It's a fact that this woman is less racist than most blacks because she believes in Human Rights whereas most blacks are still entangled in religious (mostly muslim) Human Rightsphobia.
It's a qualified guess that these women are less racist than most blacks. In fact, most of them are probably brainwashed to be racist against members of their own race and ethnicity.
Klevius has never had any problems with what happens to be an individual's skin color. Nor has he ever had any problems with black or colored football players - except with politically correctly biased and usually, but not always, white referees who encourage black or colored violence against whites (and mongoloids) by not penalizing black/colored fouls* on the pitch.
* However (what a beautful word in the beginning of a sentence, isn't it), almost equally bad is the way Canada has been favoured by the referees in this world cup. Canada has a mediocre team but highly skilled lobbyists etc. But it isn't pretty to see...
Hate crimes against blonds on steady rise while media is silent or trying to excuse it or belittle it.
In many places only the sex slaves of gang members are allowed to be blonds. This fact should be historically connectedto the fact that blondes used to be the by far highest valued sex slaves in islamic slave "empires". Together with male eunucks whose survival rate after cutting the young boys penis was about one in ten.Why isn't this black troll behind bars?!
Hate crimes against blonds/"whites" are much more common than hate crimes against blacks. Yet the hateful racism supporting Swedish Aftonbladet keeps silent while pretending it's the other way round. How many blondes/whites have been raped)assaulted/terrorized/murdered aided by this type of hate rhetoric?
Aftonbladet's serious hater
This is how hateful and sleazy modern white collar fascism looks like:
Was it hypocritical trolls like this who contributed to the Charlie Hebdo and Charleston murders?Klevius translation: The hate is always fully serious. Daniel Swedin: Perhaps it's easier to live with the thought that the bloodbath is a deed of a lonely mad brain.
Klevius: Perhaps Daniel Swedin is right in this because we do know that the murderer had already completely ruined his life with extremely heavy drug abuse etc. Had he been a muslim jihadist with a similar background doing what islam and the Koran tells him Swedin would have chosen a completely different path of reasoning. But why?
In an openly fascistic editorial Aftonbladet's Daniel Swedin blames Charleston shooting on supporters of George Zimmerman, Jed Bush, Council of conservative citizens, South Carolina's governor, etc. "representatives" of "whites". Reminds Klevius on how his colleague Åsa Linderborg (white) blamed the West for muslim terrorism and compared Western leaders with Breivik (what do you like that Angela Merkel).
Klevius: So what about hateful blacks? Do they exist? Answer is no if we are to believe Google News.
However, reality seems to beg to differ. Or do you think this guy and his supremacist hate organization is any helpful for the cause of a less hateful society.
This hateful racist is whom Obama's minister for some 20 years awarded!
Yes, Klevius knows very well that people are very vulnerable to theatrical performance - especially when this helps to excuse one's often misdirected anger about oneself. This is why Klevius would never even dream of acting like Farrakhan. And this is why Klevius believes in Human Rights instead of segregation.
'I will kill you if you put your hands on me' Farrakhan said in a context where some presumably white official during the "million man marsh" had explained an escape route for him in the case of violence. And for his black audience (above) he made it sound the opposite to what the official had meant. Farrakhan unscrupulously played the race card hard, hinting the possible violence was white, not black, and then in a childish but obviously for this audience effective way (see how happy they look at the very moment he utters 'kill') played the hero card by stating that he 'should die with his people'. Moreover, Farrakhan knows very well that many young and some older black haters love to hear him hinting at hate violence by using words like 'kill' and 'fight back' etc. He also loves using the word 'devil' when talking about white people. Why? Simply because Nation of Islam's very racist hateful core idea is that "whites" are evil devils while "blacks" are "god's" chosen people. No other race is as good as "blacks" according to just one of the unbelievable fantasies from which Farrakhan's muslim hate organization emerged (see more about NOI furthest down on this posting).
How many police officers and civilians have been assaulted and murdered by young black haters because of muslim clown Farrakhan's and others continuous hateful agitation?
Klevius: So what about hateful muslims? Do they exist?
The politically correct answer is that since islam is good then there can't be evil muslims. However, if islam is evil then there can...
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