
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What are "British values"? Klevius: Human Rights!

 Theresa May probably meant that "British values" means basic Human Rights, but was shy of saying so because Cameron promotes sharia finance while simultaneously wanting to get rid of non-financial sharia.

Lib Dem Tim Farron defends "British values of decency, respect, tolerance". However, decency, i.e. behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality and equality, is out of question in islam. This is why OIC (all the world's muslims UN representative) abandoned Human Rights! Islam completely lacks respect and tolerance for the most basic of Human Rights. 

Theresa May's "British values" contain democracy, tolerance, and freedom.

Klevius: 1 None of these values (except perhaps democracy as a means to get rid of democracy and freedom) fit islam - in any form whatsoever.
2 Moreover, meeting islam equipped with these values inevitably leads to islam destroying them and their possessors.
3 An islam "reformed" to these values would no longer be islam in any meaningful sense.

 OIC is a muslim extremist organization based in Saudi Arabia and steered by the Saudi islamofascist Iyad Madani. This man and his organization is islam's absolutely foremost representative of today - and the wall that Sweden's Margot Wallström hit her head against when talking Human Rights!

Saudi Arabia steers islam - and its jihad 

BBC asks Home Secretary Theresa May: How many refugees has UK taken from Syria.

Klevius asks BBC: How many refugees has your beloved Saudi Arabia, the evil "guardian of islam" that's behind the Syrian catastrophy, taken from Syria?

Klevius question: Why aren't muslims ashamed of their slave raiding/trading/owning past? And of the Koranic ideology that "justifies" it - instead of excusing islam with cherry picked "new interpretations"

Mishal Husain's "reformed" islam

Muslim hypocrisy like the one expressed by BBC's Mishal Husain could be just a laugh - were it not for its connection to islamic evil. Islam has only one authority and that is muslimhood. So declaring yourself a muslim automatically adds to the "democratic" support of islamic evil.

Mishal Husain: “I don’t think my way of life is under any kind of threat."

Klevius: Well, that's because of Western Human Rights rather than islamic sharia, isn't it!

BBC-s sharia presenter Mishal Husain with her islamofascist muslim pals who share almost identical values with the Islamic State.

British muslim jihadists: Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo


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