Klevius suggestion to British voters: Demand the parasites out from the public sector before you give the social state access to even more of your tax money!
Unlike private companies the social state has no protection against internal parasites/parasitism. Whereas private companies have to make profit and hence forced to cut out non-functioning or parasitic elements, the social state has no such pressure. On the contrary it not only lobbies its own legislation. It's also an authority of that legislation while living on an unfounded reputation of doing good just because they themselves call it so. It's like most charities. Overwhelmingly research on the topic shows that the social state doesn't live up to its reputation (read some of Klevius research referred to below).The UK Deputy Prime Minister, Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg, said public sector workers deserved to know there was "light at the end of the tunnel" following years of pressure on their wages since 2010.
Under the proposals pay would go up in line with CPI inflation until 2017-18, before above-inflation rises in the following two years.
"Despite being asked to make do with less, workers in the public sector have maintained the highest standards and shown great professionalism."
The Lib Dem leader thanked public sector workers, and revealed that £12b was saved as a result of "pay restraint", adding that they had "done their bit to help get the country back on track."
Under the plans, all public sector workers would receive a pay rise.
The disgusting face of the social state
Joyce Thacker has been a central figure in the responsibility for letting children be abused and even murdered. How much does she get from your tax money, and will she be rewarded in the usual way for defending islam while not defending of children.
However, she seems not very visible on Google News despite the biggest sex slave shock ever in Britain happened under her watch!?
To get a theoretical background to this please read what Klevius wrote some 20 years ago (Angels of Antichrist in the social state - the most important sociological paper written in the last century) and a decade ago (Pathological symbiosis in the social service).
Also consider The Swedish girl problem.
However, what you really should give a serious thought is why Joyce Thacker is defended?
The now reported over 1400 child (young girls "rescued" from their families by the social state) sex slaves taken and abused lately by British muslims is just a tiny glare from the tip of the iceberg. And although it's common and accepted all over the muslim world, in Western countries it's protected under the "islamophobia" slogan.
It's not islam! Really? So muslim jihadists, and muslim sex offenders just happen to follow the text in the Koran and the historical origin of islam in this respect?!
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