
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Does BBC's bigoted and hypocritical muslim sharia presenter, Mishal Husain, constitute an offense to muslims?

* Acknowledgement: Klevius has nothing personal against Mishal Husain simply because Klevius doesn't know her at all. What is at stake is the public Mishal Husain as a muslim presenter at BBC!

The islamic hate mongering against the most basic of Human Rights is again supported by evil political correctness. Barely are the victims of islam's latest atrocities buried before the Pope, BBC and politicians again campaign for muslims' right to offend us non-muslims with their hateful ideology against us "infidels".

The problem can never be the solution - other than as fascism!

Freedom of speech is an offense against islam, i.e. totalitarian islamofascism (aka sharia)! On a more "sophisticated" level it's islam's "defense" against Human Rights scrutiny that is the problem. Islam is helpless against criticism. That's why we repeatedly hear BBC and other islam supporters wining about "muslim sensitivities". There's only one solution to the problem: the judicial extermination of islam. Trying to solve the problem by closing the door halfway won't hinder the poisonous gas. But you might argue that this would lead to an explosion. Yes, but a much more controlled one than today. Allowing "diversity" (sharia) means diversion from basic Human Rights. In other words, pushing for "diversity" limits the freedom of those considered "diverse".

If islam and muslims are protected from  freedom of speech then every muslim's islam/sharia interpretation, incl. so called "extremist" muslims, can freely flourish. Islam is a "diverse" religion also in the meaning how it is used - on a scale from Mishal Husain to the Islamic State. Limiting that diversity to civilized Western Human Rights standard, on the other hand, means the death of an islam worth criticizing.

Mishal Husain won't hear a single critical word from Klevius when/if she commits open apstasy by denouncing sharia.

Mishal Husain says she is a muslim but 'will never wear the hijab, drinks alcohol and does not fast during Ramadan. So what about OIC, sharia - and islam?!

Mishal Husain pretends to be a "Brit" yet shares values that are as far you can get from Britishness and basic Human Rights. Or is she just pretending to be a Sharia loving muslim. Either way she turns out as the worst of liars in a deceptive BBC package.

Samantha Lewthwaite, Mishal Husain and Michael Adebolajo are all UK jihadists - but only one (Mishal Husain) isn't home grown but brought up in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

Notorious islamist Inayat Bunglawala of Muslims4UK said that Mishal Husain's call was 'a helpful development'.

While muslims rape and kill on her backyard in the name of sharia, and while UK's Minister of faith islamofascism, Sayeeda Warsi intensively supports OIC's Human Rights violating sharia agenda, Mishal Husain, among other things, says she will never wear the hijab, drinks alcohol (what about ham and non-halal meat) and does not fast during Ramadan.

She found the debate about muslim identity in Britain misguided. Klevius wonders how many muslims in Mideast and in Western sharia ghettos have found Mishal Husain misguided?

‘The emphasis on what you wear on your head or how many times you pray, on the outward things rather than what’s in your heart and the way you treat people, I find slightly misguided,’ she said.‘Then I became aware that islam was the defining bit. Islam has no boundaries.’

Klevius: Indeed, no boundaries - except for those against the most basic of Human Rights!

Mishal Husain: I feel it’s a shame that we have started to divide people much more. Now we want to know whether people are Sunnis or Shias. All these labels within communities. I’m not sure how helpful it is.

Klevius:It's called "diversity" and those who benefit the most of it are the most evil muslims.

Klevius has repeatedly for years reported on Raif (or Raef) Badawi and how he is treated by the Human Rights violating islamofascist Saudi state. However, BBC's, otherwise big mouthed, muslim sharia presenter Mishal Husain, who grew up in Saudi Arabia seems to be less interested:

See more about Raif Badawi further down the post.

Iyad Madani, Saudi Fuhrer of the Saudi initiated and Saudi based OIC, all the world's muslims Umma and Sharia organization, which via UN demands the world to criminalize criticism of islam (the worst crime ever) and to make it a crime following Human Rights.

Nazi Germany and islamist Turkey - no freedom of speech

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu first made a show of solidarity with the victims of islamic jihadists in Paris, but later nullified his own appearance by heavily attacking free speech about islam.

However, Turkey's islamist government doesn't respect freedom of expression for cartoonists, or journalists. Turkey currently has more reporters in jail than any other country, incl. Iran (same size) and China (17 times bigger).

When the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad in 2005, then PM (now President) Recep Tayyip Erdogan, hatefully condemned them and insisted that free speech must have limitations when it comes to islam.

It's not about muslim sensitivities to freedom of speech - it's about evil islam's incompatibility with Human Rights!

Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI): The various punishments inflicted on these men for speaking their minds is straight out of the Koran. According to the Sharia, defaming the Prophet is an act of blasphemy, the punishment for which is death even if the blasphemer repents. This law is Koranic, for Koran 9:61 says: “Those who hurt Allah’s Messenger will have a painful punishment.” The same Surah also states: “…Say: ‘(Go ahead and) mock! But certainly Allah will bring to light all that you fear. If you ask them (about this), they declare: ‘We were only talking idly and joking.’ Say: ‘Was it at Allah and His verses and His Messenger that you were mocking? Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after you had believed. [Koran 9:64-66]'.

We are not dealing with some "radicals"* or "extremist" muslims, but with a religious ideology that not only condones such actions as were seen in France last week, but also promotes and encourages them – even commands it.

* "Radicals"* or "extremist" muslims are simply those (mosque rats) who openly say or act what islam asks them to do.

While it is rare to see such acts of terror in Western countries that are not mandated by Sharia Law, it is sadly commonplace among Muslim countries. What are clearly acts of terror in the West are in reality run of the mill legal battles in Islamic countries. The sickening part of it all is what happens when Islam succeeds at silencing all of its critics, both internal and external.

The mouse and rat problem originated in the evil* origin of islam - btw, who do you think will win, the mice or the rats? If there are any mice at all, will say!

 * if German National-socialism (aka "Nazism") or Russian communism should have won in Europe - wouldn't you've called it evil?

What is it you should see behind the islamofascist smile? 1400 years of Koranic genocides and rapetivism?

If she is Sharia compliant then she lacks Human Rights precisely based on the same logic that made OIC introduce the so called 'Cairo declaration on human rights in islam' (Sharia) which now, via UN, constitutes the framework for everyone wanting to call him/herself a muslim and, as a consequence, a Human Rightsophobe.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

When Saudi blogger gets 600 lashes and 7 yrs in a Saudi prison, BBC only reports he was freed (from death sentence)

Saudi islamofascism, a Saudi "islamophobe" and BBC's silence

Pamela Geller:

Saudi Blogger Raif Badawi Faces Jail and 600 Lashes For Insulting Islam

Only 600 lashes? The libs will say that is progress. The question is, how many lashes can any human being withstand? I think beheadng is more .... humane.
"We believe that when public speech is deemed offensive, be it via social media or any other means, the issue is best addressed through open-dialogue and honest debate," said US State Department spokeswoman
As for the State department's hollow remarks, I submit that the State Department should cease meeting with the OIC in Washington in order to impose restrictions on speech in accordance with the blasphemy laws under the sharia. I submit that the State Department should withdraw the Secretary of State's remarks. I submit that the Department of Justice should withdraw its vow to criminalize postings on social media that offend Muslims. I submit that Obama should cease blaming youtube and freedom of expression for murderous attacks on Americans in Benghazi and beyond. I submit that Obama should stop championing the adoption of anti-free speech resolution by the UN.

Klevius: A screen dump on a Google news search today on 'BBC Raif Gadawi' gives this shameful result:

A general search gives this:

And this kind of utterly disgusting, not to say purely criminal, behavior from BBC just continues while it simultaneously uses all its resources to silence, misrepresent, or falsify facts about islam, Sharia and OIC while using every opportunity to air the views of islamofascists and their supporters.


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