
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Naive Swedes "love-bomb" terrorist labeled mosque

Islam means sharia and sharia is ALWAYS and in whatever form, against the most basic of Human Rights

Muslim "freedom fighters" to "moderate" imam: "What is your problem with the Islamic State? You are on the wrong path!"

"Moderate" imam: "The Islamic State. It is like an invisible arm, coming to poison the wells where our children drink. We are losing something precious. We are losing our young people."

Klevius: It's not the Islamic State - it's the ideology of islam! The very same ideology you pretend to blink for the purpose of not severing the money flow from the naive infidels who feed and support you.

The "moderate" versions of communism* had to rename (e.g. social-democracy, national-socialism etc) so to hide it's evil roots. Yes, "socialism" looked attractive for many an intellectual in the 20th century as long as they hadn't seen it in full scale praxis (see eg the most important sociological paper from the last century, Angels of Antichrist - social state vs kinship, which describes state parasitism.

* Whereas revolutionary communism is pure evil, state communism and state socialism may not always appear equally evil. However, they don't work either (compare China's leaders who in the 1980s realized this simple fact).

A Swedish foot shot triggered by naive(l) islamophilia

Was it muslims playing with fireworks or an attack from rival muslims? What seems clear though is that the most unlikely scenario is prioritized by the Minister of Immigration, Swedish TV, Aftonbladet etc. 

BBC 25 December 2014 updated at 18:48: Swedish mosque hit by arson in Eskilstuna, injuring five. Police are treating the incident as arson after reports that someone threw an object into the building.

Nothing whatsoever indicated any "anti-muslim"* forces behind the fire.

* Just like islamic violence serves the spread of islam (jihad) "anti-muslim" violence (so rare so it almost doesn't exist in any meaningful sense compared to islamic violence) also fulfills the same purpose.

Klevius: However, this is how Scandinavia's biggest news paper described it:

Sweden's Minister for Justice: An appalling evil deed 

Sweden's Minister for Justice and Migration (!), Morgan Johansson: 'Hard to believe anything else than that this aggregated assault was directed against muslims as a group and islam as a religion.'

Klevius: A Swedish Minister for Justice acting like a teen troll who would have been immediately arrested had it been the other way round!

Swedish TV: The arson attack against the mosque in Eskilstuna shows, according to Islamiska förbundets leader Omar Mustafa, how hate against muslims has intensified.

Klevius: Reminds me of an old joke from the 1980s: A Finn tells a Swede that Finland has increased its asylum quota from Africa by 100%. The Swede: 'Gee, so now you have already two Africans over there.

Omar Mustafa, leader of the Islamiska Förbundet i Sverige(IFIS - a terrorist organization according to, for example, UAE): ”Man har gått från ord till handling.” (They have moved from words to action).

Klevius: Who are 'they'? Islamic State?!

The mosque belongs to the Dawah movement known for close connections to the Islamic State.

It also seems that the mosque has been attacked in the past by other muslims.

It's also reported that a boy living nearby told his father that Somalis played with fireworks ('smällare', i.e. crackers)  inside the mosque.

The injured seem to have been a little Somali boy who injured his hand with some crackers and someone who broke his feet when jumping from a balcony.

All of this is of course just rumors but still interesting. Klevius would definitely suggest first eliminating a hypothetical scenario where playing with fireworks caused the fire (perhaps just before prayer time) and then a cover up effort for insurance made possible by the Swedish islamophilia dhimmis eagerly waiting for "mosque attacks".


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