Telling ‘the truth in love’
Klevius approach to mankind is and has always been love. And there can not be a better tool for universal love than the Universal Human Rights declaration. However, such love of the equality principle has now by evil forces been named "hate" while criticism against islamic hatred is called "islamophobia".
Muslim haters reject Human Rights - but do all muslims hate Human Rights?
Klevius answer: If you by 'muslims' mean sharia supporting muslims the answer is definitely yes. However, if you include as "muslims" those who reject sharia in all Human Rights violating forms, then Klevius and the majority of muslim top clerics as well as Saudi based and Saudi steered muslim world organization OIC don't see them as real muslims. According to Saudi Arabia and OIC some of the most basic of Human Rights are seen as grave criminal offenses against "islamic human rights" (sharia).
Supreme Court of Canada: 'speech may only be deemed hateful when assessed to be so objectively from the perspective of a reasonable person, with full consideration of the circumstances'
Klevius: Which makes sharia support a form of hate speech!
Under Human Rights a woman may choose to lead a sharia style life if she so wishes. However, under sharia women may no.
The "islamophobia" campaigners continue protecting the worst ever ideological crime on the planet! Why?!
Facebook: Our mission has always been to make the world more open and connected. We seek to provide a platform where people can share and surface content, messages and ideas freely, while still respecting the rights of others.
Klevius: This (i.e. Human Rights) is the foundation on which everything Klevius writes firmly stands on. In other words, the only muslims who could possibly be offended are those who support or commit Human Rights violations.
Facebook: While there is no universally accepted definition of hate speech, as a platform we define the term to mean direct and serious attacks on any protected category of people based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability or disease.
Klevius: So "infidels", i.e. non religious people are not protected. But muslim terrorists and Human Rights violators are!? Or is it just some muslims (who? sharia rejecting "muslims"?!).
The Islamic State constitutes a perfect time machine for those who want to understand the origin of islam
Islam, an ideology originating in and based on parasitism (e.g. slavery) and terror (jihad), is a monstrous hate crime throughout 1,400 years. Its victims can be counted in hundreds of millions (possibly as many as there are muslims today). Its Sharia is ALWAYS against Human Rights. Yet criticism of islam is called "islamophobia"!
'Telling the truth with love', however, doesn't necessitate you to love the open or silent haters
Islamic State says it is prepared to murder as many non-muslims as it takes - no matter how many hundreds of millions. And the number of their supporters among silent muslims is high and counting.
The difference between hateful muslims and Klevius is that Klevius doesn't ask for retaliation - just the right to exist on an equal level with everyone else on the planet.
So when muslim born (apostate?!)* Mr X** "president"*** Hussain**** Obama Soetoro (or whatever)***** wants to criminalize criticism of islamic hate speech, he has made himself sharia compliant and therefore against Human Rights.
* Born to a muslim father who hadn't committed apostasy (the worst crime in islam) made him a muslim. Moreover, he was also raised as a muslim because his adoptive father Soetoro was a muslim.
** All his records are labeled secret.
*** His mother was too young as the only US parent for to fulfill the constitutional criterion. He listened for some 20 years to one of the worst black supremacist racists' preachings. He used the race card in the election and he has violated the spirit of the US Constitution ever since.
**** more in line with his muslim heritage
***** sarcasm
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