
Sunday, November 23, 2014

While people in muslim sharia countries fight for Human Rights Swedish students defend sharia


To understand the title please consider these synonyms:

Multicultural = sharia-islam*
Diversity = sharia-islam*
The rest, the others* etc. = sharia** supporting muslims

*The absolute majority of immigrants from outside EU are muslims! Btw, a muslim man can marry whoever and deems his offspring muslims whereas a muslim woman can only marry a muslim.
** There are no muslims who don't support sharia!

H. A. Goodman: The world's addiction to oil gives Middle Eastern governments little reason to usher Islam into modernity.

It feels good for many people to look at Islam without looking at the bigger picture of geopolitics and foreign policy, but doing so allows us to repeat the same mistakes, while focusing intently on only part of the problem

reasoned critique of Islam is warranted, needed, and should never be confused with bigotry. However, Ben Affleck's reaction to a perceived attempt at painting hundreds of millions with the same brush because of poll numbers isn't a meme.

Whenever someone asks, "What other religion flies planes into buildings?" simply respond by asking "What other religion has the United States fund its most extreme theocracy, even in light of its links to terrorism?" Fast forward to 2014 and Saudi Arabia has today been linked to the creation of ISIS, so history repeats itself.

We've never made women's rights in that country part of our national security agenda, so let's just harp forever about the fact Islam promotes bad ideas.

The day we place human rights and other precious values ahead of pragmatism related to oil and our latest foreign policy concerns will be the day that Islam takes a meaningful step towards modernity. Saying this doesn't condone the negative aspects of Islam, it simply addresses how we overlook Islamic fundamentalism when it suits us economically, or whenever our national security is put ahead of our ideals.


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