
Monday, September 29, 2014

Karen Armstrong writes about religion despite being one of the least competent to do so! Why?

Klevius could thoroughly dismiss Karen Armstrong in thousands of pages. But why would he waste his time on her dilusions?

And why humiliate her more than necessary, she has probably suffered a lot in her loneliness. However, by defending the worst racist/sexist hate crime ever she directly contributes to more suffering caused by islam.

So here just a few lines for her ignorant readers whom Klevius suggests trying an other author, e.g. Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

The nun who married Muhammad

According to Karen Armstrong 'we are violent creatures'. Well, that makes Muhammad a human and Klevius a pervert, doesn't it, because Klevius has never felt an urge to assault anyone. And this despite the fact that he in his teens several times was attacked (usually by ex-boyfriends to some girls he got company with) and realized the value of fast reactions and well coordinated movements. Successful defense could easily have been transformed into planned violent attacks. But it didn't. Not even close.

According to Karen Armstrong 'men love fighting'. Well Klevius is a man in every aspect of the word (and possibly more so than Armstrong is a woman) - except that he has never loved fighting, shooting etc. Already in Demand for Resources (1992) Klevius dismissed Konrad Lorentz' stupidities as cultural artifacts - not biological necessities.

Karen Armstrong: Islamic State is the product of muslims being humiliated because of the West's superior culture ("the modern era"). Islam was probably the greatest world power and over night it was reduced by the colonialists to a dependent bloc.

Klevius: Not the greatest world power but certainly the worst parasite on slaves and civilizations. This disturbing historical fact is why your books are favorably treated as a cover up desperately needed.

Has it ever occurred to Karen Armstrong (or her ignorant readers) that islam's "over night success" can only be explained by a literal reading of the Koran plus historical source material. Slaves and pillaging constituted islam's financial back bone.Understand this and you will understand the decay and fall of every muslim caliphate including the so called Ottoman empire.

Islam has never created anything by itself except disaster and decay.

Islam is impotent which fact might suit a nun but probably not cure her dissatisfaction.

Karen Armstrong's life started with great failures

Karen Armstrong: Islam is a religion of extraordinary success coming out of nowhere whereas Christianity started as a great failure, the crucifixion. How do Americans will feel when they are superseded by China?

Klevius: That's a thought. However, when Lexus and other Japanese brands a quarter of a century ago humiliated the Americans with superior technical quality we didn't see any US bombing of Japan or beheading of Japanese, did we.

Klevius final suggestion to Karen Armstrong. Read about Negative Human Rights and feel ashamed!

BBC (summarized by Klevius): Never ever was the fault in the muslim world. Waves of mongolic destructions destroyed Baghdad and the islamic Abbasid caliphate and later on everything can be attributed to Western "colonialism".

 Klevius comment: Do I really need to comment!


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