
Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Is BBC's Pakistani Sharia presenter Mishail Husain an accomplice to Pakistani muslim pedophilia/sexual abuse of non-muslim British girls?

BBC keeps calling muslim sexual predators 'Pakistani' or 'Asian' although they were muslims* and just followed what the Koran says when islam is under attack. Why?

* To those who try to confuse the picture by saying that others than muslims also do it, do remind them of the difference between crimes in general and crimes sanctioned by Human Rights violating islam (e.g. OIC's Sharia declaration in UN). And to those who say that not all muslims do it, do remind them about the big gray-scale of more or less "secularized" "muslims" (i.e. apostates) who always count as muslims whenever it benefits islam.

When Klevius 1998 made his academic paper called The Echo of/about Incest (Ekot om incest) he was met with deep hostility and accused of 'choosing the wrong topic'. Why? Because he started from what was in the best interest of children - not the social state - and simply presented overwhelming scientific proof that biological parents were the least likely group to commit sexual abuse against their children. And the reason for the choice of topic was the ongoing misleading incest propaganda and that Sweden's main public news channel Ekot (the Echo) during a period of 18 days showered the Swedes with false and/or heavily biased views that painted biological parents as the worst threat to children, while completely neglecting the most prevalent perpetrators.

In 2002 a British researcher revealed the horrors of muslim sexual abuse in Britain. However, she was met with similar hostility as that what encountered Klevius. The authority that had ordered the report forced her to change it so extensively that it lost its meaning. And when she contacted the government she was met with total silence.

Klevius paper mentioned above is only available in Swedish. However, while you are learning Swedish (the Scandinavian mother tongue of English) you can read Angels of Antichrist (the by far most important sociological paper from the last century) and Pathological Symbiosis (the most important - and quite possibly the only serious one this far - scientific scrutiny of the social state and how it legally manages to abuse children, their parents and tax payers).

And over it all towers the biggest problem of all - sex segregation. And sad to say, Klevius still remains your foremost expert on it.

Koran inspired sexual etc assault/abuse of non-muslims (or wrong muslims) is per definition a hate crime. So when will we see BBC's helicopter hovering over the houses of muslim sex predators?!

The question is also when or IF the police will start picking the muslim sexual predators off the British streets! Or will the same denial continue while the muslim predators keep laughing and their victims continue suffering - now and especially in their future - if they have one.

Much seems to indicate that BBC and their muslim sharia presenter Mishal Husain prefer to protect the social state and the muslims - not the girls which are right now abused while the taxpayers money go to:

The disgusting face of the social state

Joyce Thacker has been a central figure in the responsibility for letting children be abused and even murdered. How much does she get from your tax money, and will she be rewarded in the usual way for defending islam while not defending the children?

The mouse and rat problem originated in the evil* origin of islam - btw, who do you think will win, the mice or the rats? If there are any real mice at all, will say!

 * if German National-socialism (aka "Nazism") or Russian communism should have won in Europe - wouldn't you've called it evil?

Mishal Husain pretends to be a "Brit" yet shares values that are as far you can get from Britishness and basic Human Rights. Or is she just pretending to be a Sharia loving muslim. Either way she turns out as the worst of liars in a deceptive BBC package.

5-6% muslims is the critical point where a country either gives up or starts defending itself against islam, i.e. what in Sharia is called 'attacks against islam' and therefore eligible for jihadist war. And when muslims are attacked the Koran says that muslims can abuse infidel sex slaves their 'right hand possess'.

This Koranic reasoning is the very same that made the worst and most extensive  slave raiding/trading possible in the name of islam.

Pathetic excuses that 'there were also some non-white girls abused' actually underlines the depth of the bigotry and hypocrisy in BBC's reporting".

Iyad Madani, Saudi Fuhrer of the Saudi initiated and Saudi based OIC, all the world's muslims Umma and Sharia organization, which via UN demands the world to criminalize criticism of islam (the worst crime ever) and to make it a crime following Human Rights.


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