
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Do 87% of Swedes really support sharia and that women shouldn't have the same Human Rights as men?

This is how fascism really works

After the Swedish election islam critical Sverigedemokraterna (SD) became Sweden's third largest party with 13% of the votes. This led to all the other parties shouting in unison that they won't cooperate with SD, hence showing a remarkable lack of democratic moral.  This also led sharia supporting Aftonbladet to write: 'We are 87% who still like different people'. The word 'different' can only mean muslims because Ã…kesson who leads SD is a critic of islam and the islamization of Sweden.

When Klevius as a teenager read Martin Gray's For those I loved, he started wondering how the average Germans let it happen. And now, with the rise of Western support/blinking of islam (the absolutely worst ever ideological crime the world history knows about), everything seems utterly clear.

It's no coincidence that Scandinavia's biggest newspaper has a Pol Pot sympathizer at its top, is it!

 The intelligent intellectual urban elite communist Asa Linderborg certainly contrasts with Expressen's (the other main Swedish newspaper) picturing of the SD voter: 'An uneducated man with small resources. A poorly paid  low level worker if not unemployed'. However, SD got its highest numbers (37% of the voters) in an affluent Swedish community where an asylum camp has been placed by the state. Except for refugees running around in their gardens etc the SD voters were mostly concerned with the bad treatment the refugees got from the state, i.e. obviously there were more of them than the state could handle properly.

The feminist party FI led by former communist leader Gudrun Schyman didn't pass the 4% threshold. Expressen compares FI and SD stating that: SD is from Mars and FI from Venus. SD dreams about a time when men were men and women were women while FI dreams about a chaotic future without such categories.

Klevius comment: Dear reader. You who are familiar with Klevius sex tutorials can easily see how laughable these descriptions are, precisely because the SD description actually fits islam and the FI description is completely wrong because true feminists also campaign for segregation.

Btw, Gudrun Schyman was contacted by Klevius re. his thesis Pathological Symbiosis and asked whether she knew about this dangerous hoax concept being introduced in the Swedish law while she was a law maker. She didn't - as didn't most other legislators as well.

The heart of the islam problem is Saudi Arabia - so why is the main enemy treated as an ally?!

Stepping off the flying mat


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