Hessy Levinson Taft - an Aryan Jew
A woman whose photograph was chosen by the German National Socialist Workers Party (aka known as "Nazis" by those who want to suppress its socialist roots) to depict the perfect Aryan baby has described how she was selected by Joseph Goebbels himself – despite being Jewish.
What Joseph Goebbels and other Germans did not know back then was that the girl in the picture was really a young Jew named Hessy!
However, what the media (and perhaps even Hessy herself) do not seem to know now is that the she was really an Aryan girl after all.
In 1935 Pauline Levinson took her six-month-old daughter Hessy to a well-known Berlin photographer to have her baby photograph taken.
A few months later, she found her daughter’s picture on the front cover of Sonne ins Hause, a major German family magazine.
Pauline then was terrified that the family would be exposed as Jews so she rushed to the photographer, Hans Ballin who told her he knew the family was Jewish, and that he had deliberately submitted the photograph to a contest to find the most beautiful Aryan baby. “I wanted to make the National Socialists ridiculous”.
Hessy's photograph appeared on widely available German postcards, where she was recognized by an aunt in Memel, Lithuania.
In 1938 Hessy's father was arrested by Gestapo on a tax charge, but acquitted after his accountant, also a member of the National Socialist Workers Party, had given a testimony.
The majority of eastern Jews—and hence of world Jewry— are of Khazar, and not of Semitic origin

Klevius history lesson for ignorant PC people: Khazaria was the biggest Jewish empire that has ever existed. And it's finance was almost entirely based on white sex slave girls. It decayed when the Vikings took over (see Klevius' Origin of the Vikings).
The Khazars constituted one of the the main furnishers of slaves to the muslim market supplying it with captured Slavs and tribesmen from the Eurasian northlands. It was profit from the slave trade that enabled it to maintain a standard army of Khwarezm muslim troops.
Given the strength of the case for even the founders having a European source, the best estimate is to assign ~81% of Ashkenazi lineages to a European source, ~8% to the Near East and ~1% further to the east in Asia, with ~10% remaining ambiguous. Thus more than four-fifths of Ashkenazi maternal lineages have a European ancestry.
Fragments of the Khazar kingdom persisted into the thirteenth century.
Here some voices about the Jewish Khazar slave empire:
“About the time when Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the West, the eastern confines of Europe between the Caucasus and the Volga were ruled by a Jewish state known as the Khazar Empire. The country of the Khazars, a people of Turkish stock, occupied a strategic position at the vital gateway between the Black Sea and the Caspian.
“Around the time, probably 740 A.D., the Kagan (Hakan), his court and the military ruling class embraced the Jewish faith and Judaism became the state religion of the Khazars . . . It was the Jewish faith which became the official religion of the ruling strata of society. Needless to say, the acceptance of the Jewish faith as the state religion of an ethnically non-Jewish people could be the subject of interesting speculations. We shall, however, confine ourselves to the remark that this official conversion — in defiance of Christian proselytizing by Byzantium, the Muslim influence from the East, and in spite of the political pressure of these two powers—to a religion which had no support from any political power, but was persecuted by nearly all — has come as a surprise to all historians concerned with the Khazars, and cannot be considered as accidental, but must be regarded as a sign of the independent policy pursued by that kingdom.
“... Various late mediaeval Khazar settlements are mentioned in the Crimea, in the Ukraine, in Hungary, Poland and Lithuania. The general picture that emerges from these fragmentary pieces of information is that of a migration of Khazar tribes and communities into those regions of [astern Europe — mainly Russia and Poland — where, at the dawn of the Modern Age, the greatest concentrations of Jews were found.
Klevius final comment: But the lucrative Jewish sex slave trade with white Slav girls went on for centuries - not the least to Andalusia.
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