
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Islam's evil history repeats itself exactly according to its evil original formula

Every true muslim is a Human Rights violator

ISIS is Ansar al Islam tuned to Saudi Wahhabism which, in turn, is tuned to the origin of islam - NOT TO ANY "WESTERN INTERVENTION"!

The only "Western intervention" is islam's incompatibility with Human Rights - the very same incompatibility that made OIC officially abandon Human Rights and replaced them with Sharia in UN. I.e. in the very world institution that was  created to defend Human Rights. In practice it means that the most basic of Human Rights are criminalized - just as in the world's most intolerant country, Saudi Arabia. It also means that every true muslim, due to whatever form of Sharia, is a Human Rights violator.

In Iraq Mullah  Krekar founded in 1999 Ansar al Islam organization with Abu Musab al Zarqawi, with whom he had contact since 1994. Through the cell of Abu Musab al Zarqawi in Amman Jordan. Their so called Jordanian millennium attack was scheduled to the 2000 new years eve. Ansar al Islam then developed to a copy of the original Caliphate including the Levant.

The Saudi dictator family plus its allies are the main contributors, both ideologically and financially, to the slaughtering, raping, torturing etc terror now going on. And of course they don't distribute the money with a tag marked the state of Saudi Arabia.

Günter Meyer, Director of the Center for Research into the Arabic World at the University of Mainz. Meyer, has no doubt about where ISIS gets its funding. 'The most important source of ISIS financing to date has been support coming out of the Gulf states, primarily Saudi Arabia but also Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.'

However, just like original islam, ISIS utilizes financial possibilities in the wake of their slaughtering conquest. Sex slaves, pillaging and booty are the main incentives for jihadists. Piracy blessed by the Koran and Allah.

Charles Lister at the Brookings Doha Center: 'ISIS has made an effort to establish networks in society that generate a continuing flow of money. One example is the systematic extortion conducted by ISIS in the recently conquered city of Mosul. The exortion affects small businesses and big companies, construction firms, and if the rumors are true, even local government representatives. In addition, it's suspected that the organization levies taxes in the areas that it completely controls - for example Raqqa in northeastern Syria.'

According to Günter Meyer at the University of Mainz, there is no chance that money is flowing to ISIS from Sunni circles connected to the former dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein. The goals of ISIS are too different from those of people in Hussein's network. Both groups want to topple the Shiite government of Iraq, but ISIS wants to establish an islamic theocracy, whereas the Sunnis from Hussein's Baath Party want to establish a secular democracy.'

ISIS' looting of the central bank in Mosul, brought them some hakf a Billion $ in cash. Other banks in Mosul and other areas under ISIS control were also plundered.

Eliot Higgins, writing under the pseudonym Moses Brown: 'ISIS can now buy a lot of jihad. With $429 million, ISIS could pay 60,000 fighters $600 a month for a whole year.'

Klevius question to BBC and its muslim Sharia presenter Mishal Husain: Do you see the pattern that exactly resembles how Klevius for more than a decade on the web has described the origin of islam? And if you really need additional support, why not critically read Hugh Kennedy's and others similar (although less articulated) descriptions.

And always remember Hugh Kennedy's words: 

'Before Abdul Malik, Mohammed is never mentioned on any official document
whatsoever, nor any form of religious pronouncement

This is why the Saudis have put meters of concrete on non-existing tombs, early mosques etc. Islam is later modelling of a parasitic Arabic piracy formula "justified" via references to Judaic/Christian writings.

 This is what Klevius wrote after 9/11 on the web:

 The root formula of Islam
Slavery+"infidel" racism+sex segregated rapetivism+anti human rights Sharia/apostasy ban. On behalf of today's and historical victims of Islam (in Darfur and globally), and on behalf of all humans who feel offended by the tenets/acts of Islam. Why isn't the worst crime ever against humanity criminalized, but instead protected by the very human rights it opposes?!* i.e. 1400 years of slavery/rapetivism/genocides
Without these evil racist/sexist/fascist extremist pillars and violent terror threats from so called "unislamic"* and confused morons Islam is dead!

Slavery (forbidden all over the world except in Koran/Islam) - It's well known that Islam allows slavery, although perhaps less well known that Islam emerged out of the very idea of sponging on institutionalized slavery. This is why Saudi islamofascist dictators, imams etc. terrorists and terrorist supporters don't admit that the Koran is completely wrong in a non-totalitarian world, not only because it allows slavery but especially in claiming to be some "god's" unchangeable word hence excluding even the possibility of reformation!
"Infidel" racism (forbidden according to the UN declaration on every humans equal value, but a basic tenet of Koran/Islam) - The moral cornerstone needed for taking slaves and abusing others. Today this alluring but evil racism is utilized in a variety of topics from the people of Darfur to the West in particular or general.
Rapetivism (globally forbidden because it's not in accordance with the principle that a person's sex shouldn't be used as a regulator of that person's freedom, but a basic tenet in Koran/Islam) - Rigid sex segregation for the purpose of abusing Islam confined girls/women as physical and cultural reproducers of Islam, i.e. as many new Muslims as possible.Sharia (forbidden in a democracy simply because it violates democracy and, like the other Islamic pillars, a bunch of human rights that democracy rests on) - Islam's jurisprudence for sex segregated rapetivism, apostasy ban etc. Ehsan Jami (Dutch ex-muslim): "We have an enormous problem with apostasy in Islam. We see a lot of problems where people want to leave Islam but they can't,"
Apostasy ban (forbidden because it limits a person's freedom of or from religion, but a basic tenet in Koran/Islam) - Children (commonly from birth) and adults (commonly via marriage/rape) are forced to become and stay Muslims.
These cannot be erased by mere "interpretations" but needs deep reformist castration! And in this sense "majority Muslims" are tightly connected to Islamic extremism, i.e. to Islam itself. And if that's just because of plain ignorance abt Islam they better educate themselves, e.g. in a Koran school true to the Koran and Islam! When coming out they then have two choices: Becoming an "extremist" (open or stealthy) or abandoning the message alltogether!

That Islam (Koran) allows and even encourages psychological and physical wife beating is just one of an abundance of "minor" ripples of the main pillars above. The naivity of Muslim feminism may be exemplified by Asghar Ali: "
...shari'ah also clearly lays down that if a man hides his impotency from his bride at the time of marriage and she discovers it after marriage, she is fully entitled to divorce on that ground. This itself clearly shows that she is entitled to sexual pleasure along with raising family." Rising what family?! The only reason for this rule is to safeguard that no woman fails to reproduce as many Muslims as possible!

The victims of Islam often reveal the same loyalty conflict as allegedly do victims of child abuse. However, some don't.
So why isn't the human rightsphobia we call Islam globally criminalized and indicted, and how come that many a "democracy" seem to care more abt islamofascist terrorists than supporting the war on islamofascist terror?! And why are we supposed to ask islamist imams, professors etc for advice?! It's like asking Goring how to deal with Hitler and his terrorist youth! The likely answer: "Don't question, criticize or mess with us but support us!"


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